Principles of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy

Jul 23, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Principles of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy

Chapter 37 Principles of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Overview Chemotherapy is defined as the use of drugs to eradicate pathogenic organisms or neoplastic cells in the treatment of infectious diseases or cancer….

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Inhibitors of Bacterial Cell Wall Synthesis

Jul 23, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Inhibitors of Bacterial Cell Wall Synthesis

Chapter 38 Inhibitors of Bacterial Cell Wall Synthesis Classification of Cell Wall Synthesis Inhibitors Narrow-Spectrum Penicillins • Penicillin G • Penicillin V Penicillinase-Resistant Penicillins • Dicloxacillin • Nafcillin • Oxacillin (BACTOCILL) Extended-Spectrum Penicillins • Amoxicillin • Ampicillin…

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Antiarrhythmic Drugs

Jul 23, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Antiarrhythmic Drugs

Chapter 14 Antiarrhythmic Drugs Classification of Antiarrhythmic Drugs Sodium Channel Blockers • Disopyramide (NORPACE)a • Lidocaineb • Propafenone (RYTHMOL)c β-Adrenoceptor Blockers • Esmolol (BREVIBLOC) • Metoprolol (LOPRESSOR) • Propranolol (INDERAL) Potassium Channel Blockers • Amiodarone (CORDARONE) • Dronedarone…

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Local and General Anesthetics

Jul 23, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Local and General Anesthetics

Chapter 21 Local and General Anesthetics Classification of Local and General Anesthetics Local Anesthetics Ester-Type Drugs • Cocaine • Benzocaine (AMERICAINE) • Chloroprocaine (NESACAINE)a Amide-Type Drugs • Lidocaine (XYLOCAINE) • Bupivacaine (MARCAINE) • Etidocaine (DURANEST) • Prilocaine…

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Antineoplastic and Immunomodulating Drugs

Jul 23, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Antineoplastic and Immunomodulating Drugs

Chapter 45 Antineoplastic and Immunomodulating Drugs Classification of Antineoplastic and Immunomodulating Drugs Antineoplastic Drugs Cytotoxic Agents Folate Antagonists • Methotrexate • Pemetrexed Purine Analogues • Mercaptopurine • Thioguaninea Pyrimidine Analogues • Cytarabine • Fluorouracilb Ribonucleotide Reductase…

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Sedative-Hypnotic and Anxiolytic Drugs

Jul 23, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Sedative-Hypnotic and Anxiolytic Drugs

Chapter 19 Sedative-Hypnotic and Anxiolytic Drugs Classification of Sedative-Hypnotic and Anxiolytic Drugs Benzodiazepines • Alprazolam (XANAX) • Chlordiazepoxide (LIBRIUM) • Clonazepam (KLONOPIN) • Diazepam (VALIUM) • Lorazepam (ATIVAN) • Midazolam (VERSED) • Triazolam (HALCION)a • Flumazenil (ROMAZICON)b Barbiturates…

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Drugs for Hyperlipidemia

Jul 23, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Drugs for Hyperlipidemia

Chapter 15 Drugs for Hyperlipidemia Classification of Drugs for Hyperlipidemia HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors • Atorvastatin (LIPITOR) • Pravastatin (PRAVACHOL) • Rosuvastatin (CRESTOR) • Simvastatin (ZOCOR)a Bile Acid–Binding Resins • Cholestyramine (QUESTRAN) • Colestipol (COLESTID) • Colesevelam (WELCHOL)…

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Drugs for Diabetes Mellitus

Jul 23, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Drugs for Diabetes Mellitus

Chapter 35 Drugs for Diabetes Mellitus Classification of Antidiabetic Agents Insulin Preparations • See Table 35-1 Sulfonylurea Drug • Glipizide (GLUCOTROL)a Meglitinide Drug • Repaglinide (PRANDIN)b α-Glucosidase Inhibitor • Acarbose (PRECOSE)c Biguanide • Metformin (GLUCOPHAGE)…

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Anticoagulant, Antiplatelet, and Fibrinolytic Drugs

Jul 23, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Anticoagulant, Antiplatelet, and Fibrinolytic Drugs

Chapter 16 Anticoagulant, Antiplatelet, and Fibrinolytic Drugs Classification of Anticoagulant, Antiplatelet, and Fibrinolytic Drugs Anticoagulant Drugs Vitamin K Antagonist • Warfarin (COUMADIN) Heparin and Related Drugs • Heparin • Enoxaparin (LOVENOX)a • Fondaparinux (ARIXTRA)…

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Antiviral Drugs

Jul 23, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Antiviral Drugs

Chapter 43 Antiviral Drugs Classification of Antiviral Drugs Drugs for Herpesvirus Infections Nucleoside Analogues • Acyclovir (ZOVIRAX)a • Ganciclovir (CYTOVENE) • Trifluridine (VIROPTIC) Other Drugs • Foscarnet (FOSCAVIR) Drugs for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection…

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