
Jul 24, 2016 by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE Comments Off on Arthritis

Arthritis Articular Cartilage Articular (hyaline) cartilage is a tissue composed of collagen bundles intertwined with noncollagenous proteins and negatively charged proteoglycan molecules attracting water (Fig. 16.1). The collagen bundles consist…

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Cartilage Tumors

Jul 24, 2016 by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE Comments Off on Cartilage Tumors

Cartilage Tumors Some cartilage tumors have epicenters within bone (enchondroma, chondromyxoid fibroma [CMF], chondrosarcoma), others have a predilection for the epiphysis (chondroblastoma), surface (juxtacortical chondroma, periosteal chondrosarcoma), or metaphyseal surface…

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Jul 24, 2016 by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE Comments Off on Synovium

Synovium Normal Synovium: Microanatomy and Function The major function of the synovium is to provide joint tissue with lubrication and nutrient oxygen and proteins. Its complex structure leads to central…

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Soft Tissue Pathology

Jul 24, 2016 by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE Comments Off on Soft Tissue Pathology

Soft Tissue Pathology Ligaments Ligaments are connective tissue structures that connect bones. Their functions include guiding joint motion and stabilizing joints. Ligaments consist essentially of collagen, but the presence of…

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