Hard Shell Capsules in Clinical Trials

Dec 8, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Hard Shell Capsules in Clinical Trials

Figure 3.1PCcaps overall length and dimensions showing locking ring. (Courtesy of Capsugel.) Shen and Zhong [5] studied the bioavailability of atorvastatin in beagle dogs using SMEDDS consisting excipients such as…

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Capsule Shell Manufacture

Dec 8, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Capsule Shell Manufacture

Figure 4.1Photograph of the Technophar capsule manufacturing machine. Hard capsule shell manufacturing remained almost exclusively in the United States from the 1880s until after the Second World War. Eli Lilly…

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Non-Gelatin-Based Capsules

Dec 8, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Non-Gelatin-Based Capsules

Figure 5.1Sorption isotherm data (absorption and desorption) of gelatin and HPMC (Vcaps® Plus) capsules stored at different RH values. (Courtesy of Capsugel.) The mechanical resistance and stiffness of two-piece capsules…

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Analytical Testing and Evaluation of Capsules

Dec 8, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Analytical Testing and Evaluation of Capsules

Figure 13.1Equilibrium moisture content of empty gelatin capsule shells stored at different relative humidities for 2 weeks at 20°C. (Reprinted from Adv Drug Del Rev, 60, Cole ET, Cade D,…

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Advances in Capsule Formulation Development and Technology

Dec 8, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Advances in Capsule Formulation Development and Technology

Figure 1.1Diagrammatic ternary phase diagram for studying the relationship between oil, water and surfactant for self-emulsifying lipid-based drug delivery systems. (Adapted from JB Cannon, MA Long. Emulsions, microemulsions, and lipid-based…

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Dry-Fill Formulation and Filling Technology

Dec 8, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Dry-Fill Formulation and Filling Technology

Figure 8.1The parameters studied for optimization of the formulation and process variables (18) and a representative response surface* (Q10 = percent dissolved in 10 min). (Courtesy of L. Augsburger.) *Response…

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Scale-Up and Transfer of Hard Shell Formulations across Machine Types

Dec 8, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Scale-Up and Transfer of Hard Shell Formulations across Machine Types

html xmlns=”” xmlns:epub=””> 11Scale-Up and Transfer of Hard Shell Formulations across Machine Types Larry L. Augsburger and Michael Levin Introduction Scaling Up within the Same Design and Operating Principle Regulatory…

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