Sex Cord–Stromal, Steroid Cell, and Germ Cell Tumors of the Ovary
Microscopic Features. At low-power, several patterns may be encountered, and typically two or more are present in the same tumor (Figs. 55.4 to 55.9). The most common is a diffuse…
Microscopic Features. At low-power, several patterns may be encountered, and typically two or more are present in the same tumor (Figs. 55.4 to 55.9). The most common is a diffuse…
Seborrheic keratosis is one of the most common benign epidermal lesions of adult life. It typically presents from the fourth decade and beyond as a rough-surfaced papule, nodule, or plaque…
A thin basement membrane separates the urothelium from the underlying lamina propria. The latter is formed of abundant connective tissue containing a rich vascular network, lymphatic channels, sensory nerve endings,…
Since the last WHO classification of 2004, there have been many additions to our knowledge about renal neoplasms (23). A number of entities that were included among other subtypes earlier…
The intra-adrenal and extra-adrenal paraganglia and the sympathetic nervous system are intimately associated during embryonic development and arise from the neural crest. The cortical anlage is invaded on its medial…
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RENAL SINUS The renal sinus, illustrated in Figure 43.1, is the concave region on the medial aspect of the kidney, which contains the major renal vessels and…
Brunner glands in proximal duodenal specimens have an inconsistent effect on villous architecture (3). Normal-length villi may be encountered overlying the Brunner glands, but the villi usually are distorted and…
MATERIALS FOR DIAGNOSIS Pathologists must deal with a variety of different materials, including cytologic preparations, biopsies, surgical specimens, and frozen sections in approaching the diagnosis of pulmonary neoplasia. Cytologic Materials…
DEVELOPMENTAL ANOMALIES The most common anomalies encountered with the thyroid gland include abnormalities in gland development. Thyroid maldescent can result in the presence of lingual thyroid located in the back…