Aug 27, 2016 by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE Comments Off on J

J Janeway’s lesions Slightly raised but usually flat, irregular, and nontender, Janeway’s lesions are small (1 to 4 mm in diameter), erythematous lesions on the palms and soles that disappear…

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Aug 27, 2016 by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE Comments Off on Genetics

Genetics Genetics is the study of heredity—the passing of physical, biochemical, and physiologic traits from biological parents to their children. In this transmission, disorders can be transmitted and mistakes or…

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Integumentary System

Aug 27, 2016 by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE Comments Off on Integumentary System

Integumentary System The integumentary system, the largest and heaviest body system, includes the skin—the integument, or external covering of the body—and the epidermal appendages, including the hair, nails, and sebaceous,…

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Aug 27, 2016 by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE Comments Off on I

I Impotence Impotence, or erectile dysfunction, is the inability to achieve and maintain penile erection sufficient to complete satisfactory sexual intercourse; ejaculation may or may not be affected. Impotence varies…

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Aug 27, 2016 by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE Comments Off on K

K Kehr’s sign A cardinal sign of hemorrhage within the peritoneal cavity, Kehr’s sign is referred left shoulder pain due to diaphragmatic irritation by intraperitoneal blood. The pain usually arises…

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Endocrine system

Aug 27, 2016 by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE Comments Off on Endocrine system

Endocrine system The endocrine system consists of glands, specialized cell clusters, hormones, and target tissues. The glands and cell clusters secrete hormones and chemical transmitters in response to stimulation from…

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Reproductive system

Aug 27, 2016 by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE Comments Off on Reproductive system

Reproductive system The reproductive system must function properly to ensure survival of the species. The male reproductive system produces sperm and delivers them to the female reproductive tract. The female…

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Immune System

Aug 27, 2016 by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE Comments Off on Immune System

Immune System The immune system is responsible for safe-guarding the body from disease-causing microorganisms. It’s part of a complex system of host defenses. Host defenses may be innate or acquired….

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