Semiconductors and Related Materials

Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on Semiconductors and Related Materials

A. IMPORTANCE OF SEMICONDUCTORS Semiconductors are found in virtually every technological device, from computers, telephones, radios, light-emitting diodes, lasers, and television screens to medical sensors, smoke detectors, cameras, and automobile…

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Optical and Photonic Materials

Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on Optical and Photonic Materials

A. OVERVIEW 1. Passive versus Responsive Optical Materials The optical properties of materials have been important almost from the beginnings of civilization. Windows, decorative glass, and jewelry are well-known examples….

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Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on Metals

A. IMPORTANT ASPECTS OF METAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1. Background Most of the elements in the periodic table are metals, which is one reason why they play such an important…

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Small Molecules in Solids

Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on Small Molecules in Solids

A. IMPORTANCE OF SMALL-MOLECULE MATERIALS Small molecules in solids play an important role in electronics, photonics, and molecular separations. Small molecules can become assembled in the solid state in several…

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Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on Membranes

A. BACKGROUND The purpose of this chapter is not to give a comprehensive description of membrane science (which would be impossible in one chapter) but rather to provide a brief…

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Biomedical Materials

Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on Biomedical Materials

A. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS Materials have been used in medical practice since prehistoric times. Today, materials science plays a crucial role in many aspects of biomedical science and…

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Surface Science of Materials

Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on Surface Science of Materials

A. PERSPECTIVE Surface science, like the field of membranes discussed in Chapter 13, is a subject that is important to many different areas of materials science. These areas include biomedical…

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