Endocrine Disorders

Mar 14, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Endocrine Disorders

Thyroid The term ‘goitre’ simply denotes enlargement of the thyroid gland. It may be diffuse or nodular, simple or toxic, benign or malignant, and physiological or pathological. Minor enlargement of…

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Mar 14, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Gastroenterology

Gastric and Duodenal Ulceration Aetiology Infection with Helicobacter pylori and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, both steroidal and non-steroidal (including aspirin), are the most common precipitating factors. Smoking increases the…

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Neurological System

Mar 14, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Neurological System

History Key features of the history in a patient with neurological disease are shown in Table 6.1. Table 6.1 Features of the History in Neurological Disease Feature Details Rationale Basic…

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Metabolic Disorders

Mar 14, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Metabolic Disorders

Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes mellitus (DM) is the term used to describe a group of metabolic disorders characterised by hyperglycaemia and due to: deficiency in pancreatic beta (β)-cell insulin production; and/or…

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General Examination

Mar 14, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on General Examination

Introduction General examination can reveal abnormalities in a number of systems which may assist in making an accurate diagnosis. Disorders of gait, speech and mood should be apparent on first…

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Mar 14, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Dermatology

Psoriasis Psoriasis is a relatively common disorder affecting 1–2% of the population. Classically it presents with red, raised, scaly patches or plaques, which reflect increased keratinocyte proliferation within the epidermis,…

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Respiratory System

Mar 14, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Respiratory System

History Key features of the history in a patient with respiratory disease are shown in Table 4.1. Table 4.1 Key features of the History in Respiratory Disease Feature Details Rationale…

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The Medical Interview

Mar 14, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on The Medical Interview

Effective Consultation Effective consultations are patient-centred and efficient, taking place within the time and other practical constraints that exist in everyday medical practice. The use of specific communication skills together…

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Mar 14, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Toxicology

Analgesics Paracetamol (acetaminophen), aspirin and other NSAIDs (e.g. ibuprofen) Antidepressants Tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors Carbon monoxide Drugs of misuse Amfetamines, cocaine, opioids Solvents Glue, lighter fuel Deliberate self-administration…

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Infectious Diseases

Mar 14, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Infectious Diseases

Haemolytic streptococcus Pencillin V or erythromycin q.d.s. if allergic to penicillin. Avoid amoxicillin if glandular fever possible Sinusitis Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) Amoxicillin or doxycycline or erythromycin Haemophilus influenzae Otitis media…

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