
Aug 12, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Orthoreoviruses

Orthoreoviruses Terence S. Dermody John S. L. Parker Barbara Sherry Introduction and History Basic Features of the Reoviridae Members of the Reoviridae form nonenveloped virions composed of 1 to 3…

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Aug 12, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Arenaviridae

Arenaviridae Michael J. Buchmeier Juan-Carlos de la Torre Clarence J. Peters History Arenaviruses cause chronic infections of rodents indigenous to Europe, Africa, the Americas, and perhaps other continents. These asymptomatically…

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Aug 11, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Bunyaviridae

Bunyaviridae Richard M. Elliott Connie S. Schmaljohn History The family Bunyaviridae takes its name from Bunyamwera virus (BUNV), which was isolated originally from Aedes mosquitoes in the Semliki Forest, Uganda,…

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Aug 11, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Orthomyxoviridae

Orthomyxoviridae Megan L. Shaw Peter Palese Influenza viruses were probably responsible for the disease described by Hippocrates in 412 BC,275 and thus they have been with us for a long,…

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Aug 11, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Bornaviridae

Bornaviridae Christiane Herden Thomas Briese W. Ian Lipkin Jürgen A. Richt History The syndrome we know as Borna disease (BD) was first described in European veterinary textbooks in the 1700s331,358…

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Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Metapneumovirus

Aug 11, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Metapneumovirus

Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Metapneumovirus Peter L. Collins Ruth A. Karron History Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) was first isolated in 1955 from a laboratory chimpanzee with illness resembling the…

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Aug 11, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Henipaviruses

Henipaviruses Lin-Fa Wang John S. Mackenzie Christopher C. Broder History Hendra virus (HeV), the first known member of the genus Henipavirus in the family Paramyxoviridae, came to light in September…

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Measles Virus

Aug 11, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Measles Virus

Measles Virus Diane E. Griffin Measles is a highly contagious disease characterized by a prodromal illness of fever, coryza, cough, and conjunctivitis followed by the appearance of a generalized maculopapular…

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Mumps Virus

Aug 11, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Mumps Virus

Mumps Virus Steven A. Rubin Christian J. Sauder Kathryn M. Carbone History In the 5th century BC, Hippocrates described a mild epidemic illness associated with nonsuppurative swelling near the ears…

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Parainfluenza Viruses

Aug 11, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Parainfluenza Viruses

Parainfluenza Viruses Ruth A. Karron Peter L. Collins History The four serotypes of human parainfluenza virus types 1 to 4 (HPIV1 to HPIV4) were first recovered between 1956 and 1960,…

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