Epidemiologic Surveillance and Epidemic Outbreak Investigation

Aug 27, 2016 by in PUBLIC HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY Comments Off on Epidemiologic Surveillance and Epidemic Outbreak Investigation

3 Epidemiologic Surveillance and Epidemic Outbreak Investigation Chapter Outline I. SURVEILLANCE OF DISEASE  A. Responsibility for Surveillance  B. Creating a Surveillance System  C. Methods and Functions of Disease Surveillance  1. Establishment of Baseline Data  2. Evaluation…

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Describing Variation in Data

Aug 27, 2016 by in PUBLIC HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY Comments Off on Describing Variation in Data

9 Describing Variation in Data Chapter Outline I. SOURCES OF VARIATION IN MEDICINE  II. STATISTICS AND VARIABLES  A. Quantitative and Qualitative Data  B. Types of Variables  1. Nominal Variables  2. Dichotomous (Binary) Variables  3. Ordinal (Ranked) Variables …

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Chronic Disease Prevention

Aug 27, 2016 by in PUBLIC HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY Comments Off on Chronic Disease Prevention

19 Chronic Disease Prevention Chapter Outline I. OVERVIEW OF CHRONIC DISEASE  A. The Human Toll  B. The Financial Toll  C. Common Elements in Pathogenesis  II. PREVENTABILITY OF CHRONIC DISEASE  III. CONDITION-SPECIFIC PREVENTION  A. Obesity  B. Type 2 Diabetes…

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Health Care Organization, Policy, and Financing

Aug 27, 2016 by in PUBLIC HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY Comments Off on Health Care Organization, Policy, and Financing

29 Health Care Organization, Policy, and Financing Chapter Outline I. OVERVIEW  A. Terminology in Health Policy  B. Factors Influencing Need and Demand  C. International Comparison  II. LEGAL FRAMEWORK OF HEALTH  A. U.S. Public Health System  B. Environmental…

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Applying Statistics to Trial Design: Sample Size, Randomization, and Control for Multiple Hypotheses

Aug 27, 2016 by in PUBLIC HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY Comments Off on Applying Statistics to Trial Design: Sample Size, Randomization, and Control for Multiple Hypotheses

12 Applying Statistics to Trial Design Sample Size, Randomization, and Control for Multiple Hypotheses Chapter Outline I. SAMPLE SIZE  A. Derivation of Basic Sample Size Formula  B. Beta (False-Negative) Error  C. Steps in Calculation…

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Methods of Tertiary Prevention

Aug 27, 2016 by in PUBLIC HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY Comments Off on Methods of Tertiary Prevention

17 Methods of Tertiary Prevention Chapter Outline I. DISEASE, ILLNESS, DISABILITY, AND DISEASE PERCEPTIONS  II. OPPORTUNITIES FOR TERTIARY PREVENTION  III. DISABILITY LIMITATION  A. Cardiovascular Disease  1. Risk Factor Modification  2. Therapy  3. Symptomatic Stage Prevention  B. Dyslipidemia  1. Assessment …

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Occupational Medicine

Aug 27, 2016 by in PUBLIC HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY Comments Off on Occupational Medicine

22 Occupational Medicine MARK. RUSSI Chapter Outline I. PHYSICAL HAZARDS  A. Radiation  B. Noise  C. Heat and Cold  II. CHEMICAL HAZARDS  A. Solvents  B. Metals and Mineral Dusts  C. Hydrocarbons and Pesticides  D. Inorganic Gases  III. BIOLOGIC HAZARDS  A. Bloodborne Pathogens …

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Clinical Preventive Services (United States Preventive Services Task Force)

Aug 27, 2016 by in PUBLIC HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY Comments Off on Clinical Preventive Services (United States Preventive Services Task Force)

18 Clinical Preventive Services (United States Preventive Services Task Force) Chapter Outline I. UNITED STATES PREVENTIVE SERVICES TASK FORCE  A. Mission and History  B. Underlying Assumptions  C. Evidence Review and Recommendations  II. ECONOMICS OF PREVENTION …

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