Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Jul 23, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Julie A. Dopheide and Stephen R. Pliszka   KEY CONCEPTS   Untreated or ineffectively treated childhood attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can lead to poor school performance, poor…

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Pituitary Gland Disorders

Jul 23, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Pituitary Gland Disorders

Pituitary Gland Disorders Joseph K. Jordan, Amy Heck Sheehan, Jack A. Yanovski, and Karim Anton Calis   KEY CONCEPTS   Pharmacologic therapy for acromegaly should be considered when surgery and…

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Bone and Joint Infections

Jul 23, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Bone and Joint Infections

Bone and Joint Infections Edward P. Armstrong and Ziad Shehab   KEY CONCEPTS   The most common cause of osteomyelitis (particularly that acquired by hematogenous spread) and infectious arthritis is…

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Acute Coronary Syndromes

Jul 23, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Acute Coronary Syndromes

Acute Coronary Syndromes Sarah A. Spinler and Simon de Denus   KEY CONCEPTS   The cause of an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is the rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque with…

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Jul 23, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Melanoma

Melanoma Cindy L. O’Bryant and Jamie C. Poust   KEY CONCEPTS   Cutaneous melanoma is an increasingly common malignancy, but it is a cancer that can be cured if detected…

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Jul 23, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Glomerulonephritis

Glomerulonephritis Alan H. Lau   KEY CONCEPTS   Glomerulonephritis is a collection of glomerular diseases mediated by different immunologic pathogenic mechanisms, resulting in varied clinical presentation and therapeutic outcomes.  …

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Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Jul 23, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Leroy C. Knodel   KEY CONCEPTS   All recommended treatment regimens for gonorrhea include antibiotic therapy directed against Chlamydia species because of the high prevalence of coexisting…

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Antimicrobial Prophylaxis in Surgery

Jul 23, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Antimicrobial Prophylaxis in Surgery

KEY CONCEPTS   Prophylactic antibiotic therapy differs from presumptive and therapeutic antibiotic therapy in that the latter two involve treatment regimens for documented or presumed infections, whereas the goal of…

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