15 Spread and replication
An infection may be a surface infection or a systemic infection
In contrast, other microorganisms spread systemically through the body via lymph or blood. They often undergo a complex or stepwise invasion of various tissues before reaching the final site of replication and shedding to the exterior (e.g. measles, typhoid). Surface and systemic infections and their consequences are compared in Figure 15.1.
Features of surface and systemic infections
A variety of factors determine whether an infection is a surface or a systemic infection
What prevents surface infections from spreading more deeply? Why do the microbes that cause systemic infections leave the relatively safe haven of the body surface to spread through the body, where they will bear the full onslaught of host defences? These are important questions. For instance, what are the factors that persuade meningococci residing harmlessly on the nasal mucosa to invade deeper tissues, reach the blood and meninges, and cause meningitis (see Ch. 24)? The answer is not known.
The site of budding is a factor that can restrict viruses to body surfaces. Influenza and parainfluenza viruses invade surface epithelial cells of the lung, but are liberated by budding from the free (external) surface of the epithelial cell, not from the basal layer from where they could spread to deeper tissues (Fig. 15.2).

Figure 15.2 Topography of virus release from epithelial surfaces can determine the pattern of infection.
In systemic infections, there is a stepwise invasion of different tissues of the body
This stepwise invasion is illustrated in Figure 15.3, and such infections include measles (Fig. 15.4) and typhoid (Fig. 15.5). Although the final sites of multiplication may be essential for microbial shedding and transmission (e.g. measles), they are sometimes completely unnecessary from this point of view (e.g. meningococcal meningitis, paralytic poliomyelitis). These microbes are not shed to the exterior after multiplying in the meninges or spinal cord.
For the microbe, systemic spread is fraught with obstacles, and a major encounter with immune and other defences is inevitable. Microorganisms have therefore been forced to develop strategies for bypassing or countering these defences (see Ch. 16).
Rapid replication is essential for surface infections
The rate of replication of the infecting microorganism is of central importance, and doubling times vary from 20 min to several days (Table 15.1). Hit-and-run (surface) infections need to replicate rapidly, whereas a microorganism that divides every few days (e.g. Mycobacterium tuberculosis) is likely to cause a slowly evolving disease with a long incubation period. Microorganisms nearly always multiply faster in vitro than they do in the intact host, as might be expected if host defences are performing a useful function. In the host, microorganisms are phagocytosed and killed and the supply of nutrients may be limited. The net increase in numbers is slower than in laboratory cultures where microbes are not only free from attack by host defences, but also every effort has been made to supply them with optimal nutrients, susceptible cells, and so on.
Table 15.1 Replication rates of different microorganisms
Microorganisms | Situation | Mean doubling time |
Most viruses | In cella | < 1 h |
Many bacteria, e.g. Escherichia coli, staphylococci | In vitro | 20–30 min |
Salmonella typhimurium | In vitro In vivo | 30 min 5–12 h |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis | In vitro In vivo | 24 h Many days |
Mycobacterium lepraeb | In vivo | 2 weeks |
Treponema pallidumb | In vivo | 30 h |
Plasmodium falciparum | In vitro/in vivo (erythrocyte or hepatic cell) | 8 h |
a But some viruses show greatly delayed replication or delayed spread from cell to cell.
Mechanisms of spread through the body
Spread to lymph and blood
Invading microbes encounter a variety of defences on entering the body
• tissue fluids containing antimicrobial substances (antibody, complement).
• local macrophages (histiocytes). Subcutaneous and submucosal macrophages are a threat to microbial survival.
• the physical barrier of local tissue structure. Local tissues consist of various cells in a hydrated gel matrix; although viruses can spread by stepwise invasion of cells, invasion is more difficult for bacteria, and those that spread effectively sometimes possess special spreading factors (e.g. streptococcal hyaluronidase).
• the lymphatic system. The rich network of the lymphatic system soon conveys microorganisms to the battery of phagocytic and immunologic defences awaiting them in the local lymph node (Fig. 15.6). Macrophages, strategically placed in the marginal and other lymph sinuses, constitute an efficient filtering system for lymph.
Spread from blood
The fate of microorganisms in the blood depends upon whether they are free or associated with circulating cells
On entering the blood, microorganisms are exposed to macrophages of the reticuloendothelial system (see Ch. 9). Here, in the sinusoids, where blood flows slowly, they are often phagocytosed and destroyed. But certain microorganisms survive and multiply in these cells (Salmonella typhi, Leishmania donovani, yellow fever virus). The microorganism may then:

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