21 Sexually transmitted infections
The incidence of most STIs is increasing
• increasing density and mobility of human populations
• the difficulty of engineering changes in human sexual behaviour
The last two factors may change. There is evidence of changes in male homosexual behaviour, leading to decreased transmission of some STIs in this group, and vaccines for infections such as human papillomavirus have been developed.
The most common STIs are listed in Table 21.1. Table 21.2 gives examples of the strategies used by the microorganisms to overcome host defences.
Table 21.2 Strategies adopted by sexually transmitted microorganisms to combat host defences
Host defences | Microbial strategies | Examples |
Integrity of mucosal surface | Specific attachment mechanism | Gonococcus or chlamydia to urethral epithelium |
Urine flow (for urethral infection) | Specific attachment; induce own uptake and transport across urethral epithelial surface in phagocytic vacuole | Gonococcus |
Infection of urethral epithelial or subepithelial cells | Herpes simplex virus (HSV), chlamydia | |
Phagocytes (especially polymorphs) | Induce negligible inflammation | Treponema pallidum, mechanism unclear, perhaps poorly activates alternative complement pathway due to sialic acid coating |
Resist phagocytosis | Gonococcus (capsule) T. pallidum (absorbed fibronectin) | |
Complement | C3d receptor on microbe binds C3b/d and reduces C3b/d-mediated polymorph phagocytosis | Candida albicans |
Inflammation | Induce strong inflammatory response, yet evade consequences | Gonococcus, C. albicans, HSV, chlamydia |
Antibodies (especially IgA) | Produce IgA protease | Gonococcus |
Cell-mediated immune response (T cells, lymphokines, natural killer cells, etc.) | Antigenic variation; allows re-infection of a given individual with an antigenic variant | Gonococcus, chlamydia |
Poorly understood factors cause ineffective cell-mediated immune response | T. pallidum, HIV |
STIs and sexual behaviour
The general principles of entry, exit and transmission of the microorganisms that cause STIs are set out in Chapter 13.
The spread of STIs is inextricably linked with sexual behaviour
There are therefore many more opportunities for controlling STIs than, for instance, respiratory infections. Infected but asymptomatic individuals play an important role, and important determinants are promiscuity and sexual practices involving contact between different orifices and mucosal surfaces (see Ch. 13). For example, transmission between heterosexuals or male homosexuals can take place following oral or anal intercourse. The gonococcus, for instance, causes pharyngitis and proctitis, although it infects stratified squamous epithelium less readily than columnar epithelium. As described more fully in Chapter 31, calculations regarding the number of infected secondary cases resulting from each primary STD case depends on a variety of behavioural factors since the number of sexual partners acquired by a given individual, i.e. the level of promiscuity, varies considerably. Those who have many sexual partners are both more likely to acquire and to transmit infection and play a key role in the persistence of such infections in the community of sexually active individuals. People with many sexual partners are therefore an obvious target for treatment and education about safer sex practices (e.g. condom use, etc.)
Syphilis is caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum
Treponema pallidum is closely related to the treponemes that cause the non-venereal infections of pinta and yaws (Table 21.3; Fig. 21.1). T. pallidum has a worldwide distribution, and syphilis remains a serious problem not only in resource-rich countries but especially in resource-poor areas, due to the serious sequelae and the risk of congenital infection. Although syphilis rates in the USA fell to an all-time low in 2000, the incidence has since increased with a 70% greater risk in men during the past 5 years. A similar trend has also been seen in the UK.
T. pallidum enters the body through minute abrasions on the skin or mucous membranes. Transmission of T. pallidum requires close personal contact because the organism does not survive well outside the body and is very sensitive to drying, heat and disinfectants. Horizontal spread (see Ch. 13) occurs through sexual contact, and vertical spread via transplacental infection of the fetus (see Ch. 23).
Classically, T. pallidum infection is divided into three stages
The three classical stages of syphilis are primary, secondary and tertiary syphilis (Table 21.4). However, not all patients go through all three stages; a substantial proportion remains permanently free of disease after suffering the primary or secondary stages of infection. The lesion of primary syphilis is illustrated in Figure 21.1. The secondary stage may be followed by a latent period of some 3–30 years, after which the disease may recur – the tertiary stage. Unlike most bacterial pathogens, T. pallidum can survive in the body for many years despite a vigorous immune response. It has been suggested that the healthy treponeme evades recognition and elimination by the host by maintaining a cell surface rich in lipid. This layer is antigenically unreactive and the antigens are only uncovered in dead and dying organisms when the host is then able to respond. Tissue damage is mostly due to the host response.
Table 21.4 The pathogenesis of syphilis
Stage of disease | Signs and symptoms | Pathogenesis |
Initial contact![]() | Multiplication of treponemas at site of infection; associated host response | |
2–10 weeks (depends on inoculum size)![]() | Primary chancrea at site of infection | |
Primary syphilis![]() | Enlarged inguinal nodes, spontaneous healing | Proliferation of treponemas in regional lymph nodes |
1–3 months![]() | ||
Secondary syphilis![]() 2–6 weeks ![]() | Flu-like illness; myalgia, headache, fever; mucocutaneous rasha; spontaneous resolution | Multiplication and production of lesion in lymph nodes, liver, joints, muscles, skin and mucous membranes |
Latent syphilis![]() | Treponemas dormant in liver or spleen | |
3–30 years | Re-awakening and multiplication of treponemas | |
Tertiary syphilis | Neurosyphilis; general paralysis of the insane, tabes dorsalis | Further dissemination and invasion and host response (cell-mediated hypersensitivity) |
Cardiovascular syphilis; aortic lesions, heart failure | ||
Progressive destructive disease | Gummas in skin, bones, testis |
A feature of Treponema pallidum infection is its chronic nature, which seems to involve a delicately balanced relationship between pathogen and host.
a Chancre: Initially a papule; forms a painless ulcer; heals without treatment within 2 months. Live treponemas can be seen in dark-ground microscopy of fluid from lesions; patient highly infectious.
Laboratory diagnosis of syphilis
As T. pallidum cannot be grown in vitro, laboratory diagnosis hinges on microscopy and serology.
Exudate from the primary chancre should be examined by either:
• dark-field microscopy immediately after collection
• ultraviolet (UV) microscopy after staining with fluorescein-labelled antitreponemal antibodies.
The organisms have tightly wound, slender coils with pointed ends and are sluggishly motile in unstained preparations. T. pallidum is very thin (about 0.2 mm in diameter, compared with E. coli, which is about 1 mm) and cannot be seen in Gram-stained preparations. Silver impregnation stains can be used to demonstrate the organisms in biopsy material.
Non-specific tests (non-treponemal tests) for syphilis are the VDRL and RPR tests
Both are available in kit form.
Non-specific tests show up as positive within 4–6 weeks of infection (or 1–2 weeks after the primary chancre appears) and decline in positivity in tertiary syphilis or after effective antibiotic treatment of primary or secondary disease. Therefore, these tests are useful for screening. However, they are non-specific and may give positive results in conditions other than syphilis (biologic false positives, Table 21.5). All positive results should therefore be confirmed by a specific test. However, treatment (e.g. especially during the primary and secondary stages) tends to result in seroreversion to these tests. Thus, with confirmed disease (see below), these tests can provide at least an indication of therapeutic efficacy.
Table 21.5 Serologic tests for syphilis and conditions associated with false-positive results
Test | Conditions associated with false-positive results |
Non-specific (non-treponemal) VDRL RPR | Viral infection, collagen vascular disease, acute febrile disease, post-immunization, pregnancy. leprosy, malaria, drug misuse |
Specific (non-treponemal) FTA-ABS TP-PA TPHA | Diseases associated with increased or abnormal globulins, lupus erythematosus, Lyme disease, autoimmune disease, diabetes mellitus, alcoholic cirrhosis, viral infections, drug misuse, and pregnancy |
FTA-ABS, fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test; MHA-TP, microhaemagglutination assay for T. pallidum; RPR, rapid plasma reagin test; TPHA, T. pallidum haemagglutination test; TP-PA, T. pallidum particle agglutination test; VDRL, Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test.
Commonly used specific tests for syphilis are the treponemal antibody test, FTA-ABS test and the MHA-TP
• enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays which detect IgM and IgG
• the fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABS, Fig. 21.2) test in which the patient’s serum is first absorbed with non-pathogenic treponemes to remove cross-reacting antibodies before reaction with T. pallidum antigens
• the microhaemagglutination assay for T. pallidum (MHA-TP).
These tests should be used to confirm that a positive result with a non-specific test is truly due to syphilis. Also, because they become positive earlier in the course of the disease, they can be used for confirmation when the clinical picture is strongly indicative of syphilis. They tend to remain positive for many years and may be the only positive test in patients with late syphilis. However, they remain positive after appropriate antibiotic treatment and cannot therefore be used as indicators of therapeutic response. They can also give false-positive reactions (see Table 21.5).
Penicillin is the drug of choice for treating people with syphilis and their contacts
Penicillin is very active against T. pallidum (see Table 21.1). For patients who are allergic to penicillin, treatment with doxycycline should be given. Only penicillin therapy reliably treats the fetus when administered to a pregnant mother.
Gonorrhoea is caused by the Gram-negative coccus Neisseria gonorrhoeae (the ‘gonococcus’)
Asymptomatically infected individuals (almost always women, see below) form the major reservoir of infection. Infection may also be transmitted vertically from an infected mother to her baby during childbirth. Infection in babies is usually manifest as ophthalmia neonatorum (see Ch. 23).
The gonococcus has special mechanisms to attach itself to mucosal cells
The usual site of entry of gonococci into the body is via the vagina or the urethral mucosa of the penis, but other sexual practices may result in the deposition of organisms in the throat or on the rectal mucosa. Special adhesive mechanisms (Fig. 21.3) prevent the bacteria from being washed away by urine or vaginal discharges. Following attachment, the gonococci rapidly multiply and spread through the cervix in women, and up the urethra in men. Spread is facilitated by various virulence factors (Fig. 21.3), although the organisms do not possess flagella and are non-motile. Production of an IgA protease helps to protect them from the host’s secretory antibodies.
Host damage in gonorrhoea results from gonococcal-induced inflammatory responses
The gonococci invade non-ciliated epithelial cells, which internalize the bacteria and allow them to multiply within intracellular vacuoles, protected from phagocytes and antibodies. These vacuoles move down through the cell and fuse with the basement membrane, discharging their bacterial contents into the subepithelial connective tissues. Neisseria gonorrhoeae does not produce a recognized exotoxin. Damage to the host results from inflammatory responses elicited by the organism (e.g. lipopolysaccharide and other cell wall components; see Ch. 2). Persistent untreated infection can result in chronic inflammation and fibrosis.
Gonorrhoea is initially asymptomatic in many women, but can later cause infertility
Symptoms develop within 2–7 days of infection and are characterized:
At least 50% of all infected women have only mild symptoms or are completely asymptomatic. They do not therefore seek treatment and will continue to infect others. Asymptomatic infection, however, is not the usual course of events in men. Women may not be alerted to their infection unless or until complications arise, such as:
Ophthalmia neonatorum is characterized by a sticky discharge (see Fig. 23.5).

Figure 21.4 Gonococcal urethritis. Typical purulent meatal discharge with inflammation of the glans.
(Courtesy of J. Clay.)
Gonococcal infection of the throat may result in a sore throat (see Ch. 18), and infection of the rectum also results in a purulent discharge.
In men, local complications of urethral infection are rare (Fig. 21.5). Invasive gonococcal disease is much more common in infected women than in men, but prompt treatment is important in containing local infection. The common occurrence of asymptomatic infection in women is an important factor in the occurrence of complications (i.e. the infection is unrecognized and untreated). In 10–20% of untreated women, infection spreads up the genital tract to cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and damage to the fallopian tubes.
Disseminated infection occurs in 1–3% of women, but is less common in men (see above and Fig. 21.6). It is a function not only of the strain of gonococcus (see above), but also host factors (e.g. about 5% of people with disseminated infection have deficiencies in the late-acting components of complement (C5–C8)).
A diagnosis of gonorrhoea is made from microscopy and culture of appropriate specimens
• to confirm the identity of the isolate; misinterpretation of microscopy or culture results can cause severe distress and may result in litigation
• to perform antibiotic susceptibility tests (see Ch. 32)
• to aid in the distinction between treatment failure and reinfection.
Because of the organism’s sensitivity to drying, cultures should be made on warmed selective (i.e. modified Thayer Martin) and non-selective (chocolate blood agar) medium to insure recovery. Inoculation into appropriate transport medium is required if transfer to the laboratory will be delayed (no more than 48 h). Blood cultures should be collected if disseminated disease is suspected, and joint aspirates may yield positive cultures.
Antibacterials used to treat gonorrhoea are cefixime or ceftriaxone
The antibacterial agents of choice are shown in Table 21.1. Penicillinase-producing N. gonorrhoeae were first observed in 1976 with increasing resistance that has severely compromised the effective treatment of gonorrhoea in many parts of the world, especially SE Asia. Resistance to fluoroquinolones has also occurred. Since patients with gonorrhoea may also be infected with chlamydia (see below), treatment regimens often include a combination of agents targeting both organisms (e.g. ceftriaxone and doxycycline, respectively). Early treatment of a significant proportion of sexually promiscuous patients achieves a striking reduction in the duration of infectiousness and transmission rates. Prophylactic use of antibacterials has no effect in preventing sexually-acquired gonorrhoea, but the application of antibacterial eye drops to babies born to mothers with gonorrhoea or suspected gonorrhoea is effective. Infection can be prevented by the use of condoms.
Repeated infections can occur with strains of bacteria with different pilin proteins (e.g. antigenic variation; see Ch. 16).
Chlamydial infection
C. trachomatis serotypes D–K cause sexually transmitted genital infections
• The elementary body (EB) is adapted for extracellular survival and for initiation of infection.
• The reticulate body (RB) is adapted for intracellular multiplication (Fig. 21.7).
Traditionally, three species of Chlamydia were recognized: C. trachomatis, C. psittaci and C. pneumoniae. However, the latter two have been moved to the genus, Chlamydophila (Table 21.6). Chlamydophila psittaci and Chlamydophila pneumoniae infect the respiratory tract and have been discussed in Chapter 19. The species Chlamydia trachomatis can be subdivided into different serotypes (also known as serovars) and these have been shown to be linked characteristically with different infections:
• Serotypes A, B and C are the causes of the serious eye infection trachoma (see Ch. 25).
• Serotypes D–K are the cause of genital infection and associated ocular and respiratory infections (Table 21.7).
• Serotypes L1, L2 and L3 cause the systemic disease lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) (see below).
C. trachomatis serotypes D–K have a worldwide distribution, whereas the distribution of LGV serotypes is more restricted.
Table 21.7 Clinical syndromes and complications caused by C. trachomatis, serotypes D–K
Infection in | Clinical syndromes | Complications |
Men | Urethritis, epididymitis, proctitis, conjunctivitis | Systemic spread, Reiter’s syndromea |
Women | Urethritis, cervicitis, bartholinitis, salpingitis, conjunctivitis | Ectopic pregnancy, infertility, systemic spread: perihepatitis arthritis dermatitis |
Neonates | Conjunctivitis | Interstitial pneumonitis |
a Urethritis, conjunctivitis, polyarthritis, mucocutaneous lesions.
The majority of infections are genital and are acquired during sexual intercourse. Asymptomatic infection is common, especially in women. Ocular infections in adults are probably acquired by autoinoculation from infected genitalia or by ocular–genital contact. Ocular infections in neonates are acquired during passage through an infected maternal birth canal, and the infant is also at risk of developing C. trachomatis pneumonia (see Ch. 19).

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