Pathologic consequences of infection

17 Pathologic consequences of infection


Symptoms of infections are produced by the microorganisms or by the host’s immune responses

Symptoms that appear rapidly after the acquisition of an infection are usually due to the direct action of the invading microbe by what it secretes. Thus a virus in a cell may cause metabolic ‘shut-down’ or lyse the cell. Bacteria, however, provoke most of their acute effects by releasing toxins, but may also cause distress by inducing inflammation. The inflammatory response is, of course, an important component of host protection, vascular permeability being vital for the rapid mobilization of cells such as neutrophils, and serum components such as complement and antibody. Inflammation is therefore intrinsically a healthy sign, and it is interesting that some virulent bacteria (e.g. staphylococci) can, to some extent, inhibit the inflammatory response.

Often, however, pathologic changes are secondary to the activation of immunologic mechanisms that are normally thought of as protective. These may involve innate or the adaptive immune system or, more usually, both (Fig. 17.1). Tissue damage resulting from adaptive immune responses is usually referred to as ‘immunopathology’ and is quite common in infectious diseases, particularly those that are chronic and persistent. The immunologic basis of these mechanisms of tissue damage is described in Chapter 11.

Certain viruses can cause permanent malignant change in cells as a result of direct, indirect and a mixture of both mechanisms. Seven viruses that infect humans cause up to 15% of human cancers around the world. These include HTLV type 1 (lymphomas, leukaemias), Epstein–Barr virus (nasopharyngeal carcinoma and Burkitt’s lymphoma), human papillomaviruses (cervical cancer), hepatitis B and C virus infections (liver cancer), HIV (immunosuppression leads to the development of cancers associated with KSHV and EBV) and Merkel cell polyomavirus (Merkel cell carcinoma of the skin). Co-factors may be involved. Immunization programmes focusing on hepatitis B and human papillomaviruses will reduce the incidence of liver and cervical cancer, respectively.

Pathology caused directly by microorganism

Direct effects may result from cell rupture, organ blockage or pressure effects

Organisms that multiply in cells and subsequently spread usually do so by rupturing the cell. Many viruses and some intracellular bacteria and protozoa behave in this way (Table 17.1). It is important to realize that many others do not. For example, viruses or bacteria may remain latent (e.g. herpes simplex virus and varicella-zoster virus in nerve ganglia, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis in macrophages), and many viruses can bud from a cell without disrupting it. The type of cell infected may also have an influence on survival of the organism. Thus although HIV causes lysis of CD4 T cells, macrophages are more resistant to lysis, perhaps because the virus activates the NFκB pathway, and so virus may persist within intracytoplasmic compartments. Other direct effects include:

Table 17.1 Organisms that directly damage tissue

Organism Cell or tissue damaged Mechanism
URT mucosa
CD4 T cells, macrophages
Pancreatic β cells, heart cells
Streptococcus mutans Teeth Acid production
Mycobacteria Macrophages Damaged macrophage releases cytokines
Histoplasma Macrophages Damaged macrophage releases cytokines
Plasmodium Erythrocytes Damaged erythrocyte removed
Ascaris Intestinal occlusion Mechanical
  Biliary occlusion Mechanical, inflammation
Echinococcus Hydatid cyst Pressure effects

Many organisms directly damage or destroy the tissues they infect. This is especially common with cytopathic viruses. URT, upper respiratory tract.

Inactivation of toxins without altering antigenicity results in successful vaccines

Toxins can often be inactivated (e.g. by formaldehyde) without altering their antigenicity, and the resulting toxoids are among the most successful of all vaccines (see Ch. 34), the classic examples being diphtheria and tetanus toxoids. Toxins are generally more highly conserved in their structure than the surface antigens of the organism secreting them. This allows for more effective cross-immunity and explains, for example, why scarlet fever (caused by streptococcal erythrotoxin) usually occurs only once, while streptococcal infections recur almost indefinitely.

Mode of action of toxins and consequences

These can be considered under five headings (Fig. 17.2).

Diphtheria toxin blocks protein synthesis

Diphtheria toxin is synthesized as a single polypeptide and binds by the B subunit to target cells (Fig. 17.2). The polypeptide is partially cleaved and then the entire toxin-receptor complex is internalized. The A subunit then splits off and passes into the cytosol, where it inactivates the transfer of amino acids from transfer RNA to the polypeptide chain during translation of mRNA by ribosomes. It does this by catalysing attachment of adenosine diphosphate (ADP) ribose to the elongation protein (ADP ribosylation), effectively blocking protein synthesis.

Cholera toxin results in massive loss of water from intestinal epithelial cells

Cholera toxin is released as a complex of five B subunits surrounding the A subunit. The latter is cleaved into two fragments: A1 and A2, held by disulfide bonds. The B subunits bind to ganglioside receptors on intestinal epithelial cells, leading to internalization of the A subunits, which then separate from one another (Fig. 17.2). The Al portion then ADP-ribosylates one of the regulatory molecules involved in the production of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). As a result, the regulatory molecule is unable to turn off cAMP production. The increased levels of cAMP in the cell change the sodium/chloride flux across the cell membrane, resulting in a massive outflow of water and electrolytes from the cell and causing the profuse diarrhea of cholera. The exotoxins of E. coli and salmonella have similar actions, as does pertussis toxin.


Diarrhea is an almost invariable result of intestinal infections

Diarrhea is one of the major causes of death in children worldwide, with rotavirus as the main culprit (see Ch. 22). In industrialized regions, bacterial pathogens such as Campylobacter and non-typhoidal Salmonella are increasingly important, and Clostridium difficile can be a problem in hospitals, particularly in the elderly. Diarrhea can be considered as:

Diarrhea is a feature of a wide range of organisms, but in only a few cases is the exact mechanism understood. While toxins are often the cause (e.g. cholera, shigella), microbial invasion and damage to epithelial cells may also be important. The pathophysiology, with changes in electron transport or loss of enterocytes, has been elucidated in some cases. Many of the organisms causing diarrhea can be ‘picked up’ from food, but the term ‘food poisoning’ is usually reserved for those cases where toxins are already present in the food rather than being generated during the growth of organisms in the intestine (Fig. 17.3). As would be expected, ‘food poisoning’ causes symptoms earlier – that is, hours after exposure rather than days (Table 17.3). Some viral infections, such as Norovirus, sometimes referred to as causing ‘winter vomiting disease’, cause outbreaks of diarrhea and vomiting, particularly in closed groups or communities – such as in hospitals or on cruise ships; in the UK in 2009/2010 there were 1888 reported hospital outbreaks, of which 1538 led to ward closures.

Table 17.3 Infectious causes of diarrhea

  Onset Source
Food poisoning (due to pre-formed toxin in food)
Staphylococcus aureus 1–6    h Cream, meat, poultry
Clostridium perfringens 8–20    h Reheated meat
Clostridium botulinum 12–36    h Canned food
Bacillus cereus 1–20    h Reheated foods
Intestinal infections
Rotavirus 2–5    days Contact
Norovirus 1–2    days Contact (faecal–oral)
Salmonella 1–2    days Eggs
Clostridium difficile 1–2    days Faecal–oral
Shigella 1–4    days Faecal–oral
Campylobacter 1–4    days Poultry, domestic animals
Vibrio cholerae 2    days Faecal–oral
Escherichia coli 1–4    days Food
Yersinia enterocolitica days–weeks Pets (e.g. dogs)
Giardia lamblia
Entamoeba histolytica
1–2    weeks
Isospora belli
image image

Worldwide, infectious diarrhea is the major cause of infant mortality.

Pathologic activation of natural immune mechanisms

Overactivity can damage host tissues

The very potent natural immune mechanisms discussed in Chapter 14 have inbuilt safety as far as specificity is concerned. They have had to evolve in the constant presence of the host’s ‘self’ antigens, to which they do not therefore respond. However, they are not so well controlled quantitatively, and there are many cases when overactivity not only damages an invading parasite, but also damages innocent host tissues. The expression of natural immunity often causes a certain amount of inflammation – and this can be severe, with tissue damage. Complement, polymorphs and tumour necrosis factor (TNF) play important roles.

Microbial endotoxin activates the immune system and induces cytokines, causing a bewildering variety of biologic effects (Fig. 17.4). At the clinical level, it can be responsible for septic shock.

Endotoxins are typically lipopolysaccharides

‘Endotoxins’ of bacteria and other microorganisms have a deceptively similar name to exotoxins, but are profoundly different in their significance. Unlike exotoxins, these are integral parts of the microbial cell wall and are normally released only when the cell dies. Endotoxins are particularly characteristic of Gram-negative bacteria. A typical lipopolysaccharide (LPS) endotoxin is composed of:

LPSs stimulate an extraordinary range of host responses – or perhaps one should say a wide range of responses have evolved to respond to LPSs. These include LPS binding protein (the LPS–LPS binding protein complex then binds to CD14 on macrophages and dendritic cells) and TLR4 (see Ch. 9). In the words of Lewis Thomas, ‘when we sense lipopolysaccharide, we are likely to turn on every defence at our disposal’ (Fig. 17.4). Evidently, the body needs to be aware of invading Gram-negative bacteria at the earliest possible stage.

Clinically, the most important effects of LPS are:

As mentioned in Chapter 14, fever may benefit host or parasite, or both, and is currently considered to be mainly due to the action of two cytokines, interleukin 1 (IL-1) and tumour necrosis factor (TNF), on the hypothalamus. Both these cytokines are produced by macrophages in response to LPS (and to analogous molecules from other organisms, see below and Box 17.1).

Box 17.1 imageLessons in Microbiology

Is it a cold – or is it flu?

The common cold is usually caused by a rhinovirus, or a coronavirus. Real influenza, caused by the influenza virus usually has a more sudden onset and the combination of fever and a cough has a predictive value of around 80%. But what causes the symptoms of sore throat, sneezing, nasal discharge and nasal congestion?

Sore throat symptoms are thought to be caused by prostaglandins and bradykinin acting on sensory nerve endings in the airway. Sneezing is triggered by inflammatory mediators in the nose and nasopharynx acting on the trigeminal nerves. The plasma-rich exudate that forms part of the nasal discharge can change from clear to yellow/green during an upper respiratory infection. The colour reflects the recruitment of leukocytes into the airway lumen. If large numbers of leukocytes are present, the green protein myeloperoxidase found in the azurophil granules of neutrophils gives the discharge a green colour. Nasal congestion occurs later in infection, when inflammatory mediators such as bradykinin cause the large veins in the nasal epithelium to dilate. Common cold viruses do not cause such damage to the airway epithelium and infection may not create a cough – but influenza usually causes serious damage to the respiratory epithelium. Fever is mainly caused by the interleukins IL-1 and IL-6. It also seems that cytokines are responsible for muscle aches and pains, by causing the breakdown of muscle proteins. Of course, TNF was originally called cachexin, because of its ability to cause muscle wasting or cachexia.

Sometimes, in past flu epidemics, such as the Spanish flu epidemic in 1918, people died very quickly, within a few days of infection – which seems too fast for secondary infections to be responsible. Reconstructed viruses with the same haemagglutinin and neuraminidase seem to cause severe inflammation and it is possible that excessive cytokine release, in a ‘cytokine storm’, caused the pathology.

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