36 Hospital infection, sterilization and disinfection
Infections associated with healthcare settings are an increasingly complex issue
Healthcare-associated infection may be acquired from:
• an exogenous source (e.g. from another patient – cross-infection – or from the environment)
• an endogenous source (i.e. another site within the patient – self- or auto-infection) (Fig. 36.1).
Many hospital infections are preventable
In 1850, Semmelweiss demonstrated that many hospital infections are preventable when he made the unpopular suggestion that puerperal fever (an infection in women who have just given birth, see Ch. 23) was carried on the hands of physicians who came directly from attending an autopsy to the delivery ward, without washing. A death rate of 8.3% was reduced to 2.3% by introducing the simple measure of handwashing before and after any clinical examination. Recent studies in the USA suggest that about one-third of all infections acquired in hospital can be prevented. Current US estimates place HAI costs associated with hospital infection at approximately 2 million infections leading to nearly 100 000 deaths at a cost of US$4–5 billion annually.
Common hospital infections
Urinary tract infections are the most common hospital infections in adults
The infections most commonly acquired in hospitals are:
The relative frequencies of these infections are illustrated in Figure 36.2. Each may be acquired from an exogenous or endogenous source, and even the ‘self-source’ may be derived from outside by the patient who becomes colonized with pathogens during his or her stay in hospital. Bacteraemia may arise from a variety of sources and may be:
• primary – due to the direct introduction of organisms into the blood from, for example, contaminated intravenous fluids
• secondary to a focus of infection already present in the body (e.g. UTI).
Other infections that may cause outbreaks in the hospital setting include gastroenteritis and hepatitis.
Important causes of hospital infection
Staphylococci and Escherichia coli are the most important Gram-positive and Gram-negative causes of infection, respectively, in hospitals
• antibiotic-resistant Gram-positive organisms such as coagulase-negative staphylococci, enterococci (especially those resistant to vancomycin; VRE) and methicillin-resistant Staph. aureus (MRSA)
• multidrug-resistant Gram-negative organisms including those producing expanded-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs, see Ch. 33)
Many of these organisms are considered as ‘opportunists’ – microbes that are unable to cause disease in healthy people with intact defence mechanisms, but that can cause infection in compromised patients or when introduced during the course of invasive procedures. Currently, coagulase-negative staphylococci, Staphylococcus aureus, and enterococci account overall for most healthcare-associated infections (Box 36.1).
Some infections historically associated with hospitals are now increasingly seen outside of the healthcare setting
Recent reports in numerous countries have documented the emergence of virulent MRSA strains causing infection in individuals outside of the healthcare system. These community-associated MRSA (CA-MRSA) can be transported into the healthcare environment, thus blurring the distinction between community-associated and healthcare-associated infection. This has prompted guidelines for differentiating the increasing number of CA-MRSA infections from those associated with healthcare, summarized in Box 36.2.
• Diagnosis of MRSA was made in the outpatient setting or by a culture positive for MRSA within 48 h after admission to the hospital
• No medical history of MRSA infection or colonization
• No medical history in the past year of:
• No permanent indwelling catheters or medical devices that pass through the skin
Viral infections probably account for more hospital infections than previously realized
These affect both patients and healthcare workers and include:
• viruses acquired by the respiratory route, especially influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), parainfluenza, varicella-zoster virus (VZV); this may also include some of the viral causes of gastroenteritis
• viruses acquired by contact with vesicular lesions such as VZV and herpes simplex virus (HSV)
• viruses acquired by contact with contaminated fomites such as noroviruses and rotavirus
• viruses acquired by contact with blood-contaminated fomites, needlestick injury or splash on mucous membranes, such as hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), HIV and human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV). These may also be acquired in countries where blood and blood products are not screened or in the rare instance where the blood donor was in the early incubation period of infection, thereby escaping detection by the screening assay. The latter is referred to as the window period and may be missed even if a viral genome detection method is used.
The risks of viral infections in hospital are summarized in Table 36.1.
Sources and routes of spread of hospital infection
Sources of hospital infection are people and contaminated objects
As stated above, the source of infection may be:
• human from other patients or hospital staff, and occasionally visitors
• environmental from contaminated objects (‘fomites’), food, water or air (see Fig. 36.1).
The source may become contaminated from an environmental reservoir of organisms, for example, contaminated antiseptic solution distributed for use into sterile containers (Fig. 36.3). Eradication of the source will also require eradication of the reservoir.
The time period for which a human source is infectious varies with the disease (see Ch. 31). For example, some infections can be spread during their incubation period, others in the early stages of clinical disease, while others are characterized by a prolonged carrier state even after clinical cure (e.g. typhoid fever) (Fig. 36.4). Carriers of virulent strains of, e.g. Staph. aureus or Strep. pyogenes, may act as sources of hospital infection, although they themselves do not develop clinical disease. The carrier state may persist for a long time and go unnoticed unless there is an outbreak or, depending on the significance of the organism, a single case of infection that is traced to the carrier, e.g. a healthcare worker with chronic hepatitis B.
Hospital infections are spread in the air and by contact and common vehicle
The important routes of spread of infection in hospitals are those common to all infections: airborne, contact and common vehicle. Examples of organisms spread by these routes in hospitals are illustrated in Figure 36.3. Although theoretically possible, vector-borne spread is very unusual in the hospital setting, as is sexually transmitted infection. It is important to remember that the same organism may be spread by more than one route. For example, Strep. pyogenes can be spread from patient to patient by the airborne route in droplets or dust, but is also transmitted by contact with infected lesions, for example on a nurse’s hand. In addition, a patient or healthcare worker with shingles can transmit VZV to a susceptible person having direct contact with rash blisters.
Host factors and hospital infection
Underlying disease, certain treatments and invasive procedures reduce host defences
Host factors play a fundamental role in the infection equation, particularly in hospitals because of the high proportion of hospital patients with compromised natural defences against infection. The spread of an infectious agent to a new host can result in a spectrum of responses: from colonization, through subclinical infection, to clinically apparent disease, which may be fatal. The degree of host response differs in different people depending upon their degree of compromise. The very young are particularly susceptible because of the immaturity of their immune system. Likewise, the elderly suffer a greater risk of infection because of predisposing underlying disease, impaired blood supply and immobility, which contribute to stasis and therefore to infection in, for example, the lungs. In all age groups, underlying disease and the treatment of that disease (e.g. cytotoxic drugs, steroids) may predispose to infection (Fig. 36.5), while invasive procedures allow organisms easier access to previously protected tissues (Fig. 36.6). The important host factors to be considered in hospital infection are summarized in Table 36.2. Infections in the compromised host are discussed in more detail in Chapter 30.

Figure 36.5 Varicella in a patient with chronic myeloid leukaemia resulting in purpuric confluent lesions on the trunk.
(Courtesy of G.D.W. McKendrick.)

Figure 36.6 Child with infected Spitz–Holter valve used to relieve hydrocephalus.
(Courtesy of J.A. Innes.)
Table 36.2 Factors which predispose patients to hospital infection
Age | Patients at extremes of age are particularly susceptible |
Specific immunity | Patient may lack protective antibodies to, e.g. measles, chickenpox, whooping cough |
Underlying disease | Other (non-infectious) diseases tend to lead to enhanced susceptibility to infection, e.g. hepatic disease, diabetes, cancer, skin disorders, renal failure, neutropenia (either as a result of disease or of treatment) |
Other infections | HIV and other immunosuppressing virus infections; patients with influenza prone to secondary bacterial pneumonia; herpes virus lesions may become secondarily infected with staphylococci |
Specific medicaments | Cytotoxic drugs (including post-transplant immunosuppression) and steroids both lower host defences; antibiotics disturb normal flora and predispose to invasion by resistant hospital pathogens |
Trauma Accidental Intentional | Burns, stab or gunshot wounds, road traffic accidents Surgery, intravenous and urinary catheters, peritoneal dialysis ![]() |
Hospital patients are not all at equal risk of infection. Some factors that predispose to infection can be influenced by, e.g. treating underlying disease, improving specific immunity and avoiding inappropriate use of antibiotics. Other factors such as age are unalterable.
A variety of factors predispose to wound infection
• Prolonged preoperative stay increases the opportunity for the patient to become colonized with antibiotic-resistant hospital pathogens.
• The nature and length of the operation also have an effect (Table 36.3 and Fig. 36.7; see also Ch. 26).
• Wet or open wounds are more liable to secondary infection.
From these studies, it has been possible to identify the patients and operations with greatest risk and apply preventive measures such as prophylactic antibiotic regimens and ultra-clean air in orthopaedic operating theatres (see below).
Table 36.3 Risk factors for postoperative infections
Length of preoperative stay | Longer stay – more likely to become colonized with virulent and antibiotic-resistant hospital bacteria and fungi |
Presence of intercurrent infection | Operating on an already infected site more likely to cause disseminated infection |
Length of operation | Longer – greater risk of tissues becoming seeded with organisms from air, staff, other sites in patient |
Nature of operation | Any operation which results in faecal soiling of tissues has higher risk of infection (e.g. postoperative gangrene), ‘adventurous’ surgery tends to carry greater risks |
Presence of foreign bodies | For example, shunts, prostheses, impairs host defences |
State of tissues | Poor blood supply encourages growth of anaerobes; inadequate drainage or presence of necrotic tissue predisposes to infection |
The risks of infection after surgery have been studied in considerable detail, and surgeons are consequently much more aware of the problems. However, ‘high-tech’ surgery is often long and difficult and predisposes the patient to postoperative infection.
Consequences of hospital infection
Hospital infections affect both the patient and the community
Hospital infection may result in:
• prolonged hospital stay, which costs money and results in a loss of earnings and hardship for the patient and his or her family
• a need for additional antimicrobial therapy, which is costly, exposes the patient to additional risks of toxicity, and increases selective pressure for resistance to emerge among hospital pathogens
• the infected patient becoming a source from which others may become infected, in hospital and in the community.
Prevention of hospital infection
Exclusion of sources of infection
Exclusion of inanimate sources of infection is achievable, but it can be difficult to avoid contamination by humans
Staff must undergo health screening before employment and should have regular health checks (Box 36.3). For example, in the UK all new healthcare workers (HCWs) are offered testing for HIV and hepatitis C. Hepatitis B immunization is offered and HCWs must know their post-immunization status (surface antigen negative or, if positive, e-antigen negative with a viral load of 103 genome equivalents/mL or less) before carrying out exposure-prone procedures (EPPs). It is critical that those carrying out EPPs who either do not know their post-immunization status or have not responded to the hepatitis B vaccine are checked to ensure that they do not have a current HBV infection or have a protective level of hepatitis B surface antibody. This is because HBV could be transmitted to the patients if the HCW carrying out EPPs is a hepatitis B carrier and also because the unprotected HCW is at risk of infection from a hepatitis B carrier patient. New HCWs carrying out EPPs must also be non-infectious for HIV (antibody negative) and hepatitis C (antibody negative or, if positive, negative for hepatitis C RNA).
In general, staff should be encouraged to report any incidences of infection (e.g. an infected cut or a bout of diarrhea). Appropriate immunizations should be offered and in some instances made mandatory. Work restrictions for personnel with selected infectious diseases are summarized in Box 36.3. However, healthy carriers of, for example, virulent staphylococci are difficult to identify unless bacteriologic screening is undertaken, which is not feasible on a routine basis. In addition, staff are sources of opportunist organisms such as coagulase-negative staphylococci or enterobacteria, which are part of their normal flora and cannot be excluded.
Control of airborne transmission of infection
Ventilation systems and air flow can play an important role in the dissemination of organisms by the airborne route
Wards comprising separate rooms have been shown to afford some protection against airborne spread, and rooms with controlled ventilation are even better. However, neither prevents the carriage of organisms into the room on staff and their clothing, and some studies suggest that this is a more important route of infection than airborne spread. However, Legionella infection is acquired by the airborne route, and air-conditioning systems throughout the hospital should be maintained so as to prevent the multiplication of these organisms (see Ch. 19). Aspergillus infection in hospitals has been attributed to dissemination of the spores in hospital air, especially when building work is ongoing in the locality.
Airborne transmission of infection can be reduced significantly by isolating patients
Patient isolation may be carried out:

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