Smooth Muscle Hamartoma: Low Power Congenital smooth muscle hamartoma shows a haphazard arrangement of smooth muscle bundles present throughout the dermis.
Smooth Muscle Hamartoma: Medium Power Medium-power view of congenital smooth muscle hamartoma shows a disorganized proliferation of smooth muscle bundles present in the dermis.
Smooth Muscle Hamartoma Surrounding Adnexal Structures Higher magnification shows the numerous bundles of smooth muscle. The smooth muscle bundles resemble arrector pili muscles but are present in a greater density than normal arrector pili muscles . In this case, they infiltrate around eccrine units.
Smooth Muscle Hamartoma: High Magnification of Smooth Muscle Bundles High magnification shows a fascicular arrangement of smooth muscle with characteristic elongated, spindle-shaped to blunt-ended nuclei .
• Smooth muscle hamartoma
• Rare, benign smooth muscle tumor presenting in infants
• Characterized by disorganized proliferation of smooth muscle bundles
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