Drug Therapy of Gout

Apr 8, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Drug Therapy of Gout

Black Box Warning: Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs NSAIDs may increase the risk for myocardial infarction, stroke, and other thromboembolic events. NSAIDs increase the risk for dangerous gastrointestinal adverse effects such as…

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Drugs for Parkinson Disease

Apr 8, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Drugs for Parkinson Disease

Figure 17.1 A model of neurotransmission in the healthy striatum and parkinsonian striatum. A, In the healthy striatum, dopamine (DA) released from neurons originating in the substantia nigra inhibits the firing of…

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Antimycobacterial Agents

Apr 8, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Antimycobacterial Agents

Isoniazid Rifampin Pyrazinamide Ethambutol TABLE 75.5 Antituberculosis Drugs: Routes and Major Adverse Effects Drug Route Major Adverse Effects FIRST-LINE DRUGS Isoniazid PO, IM Hepatotoxicity, peripheral neuritis Rifampin PO, IV Hepatotoxicity…

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Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim

Apr 8, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim

Figure 73.1 Structural relationships among sulfonamides, para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), and folic acid.  Individual sulfonamides vary greatly with respect to solubility in water. Older sulfonamides had low solubility; therefore they often crystallized…

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Drug Abuse III

Apr 8, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Drug Abuse III

Nicotine-Based Products Nicotine patch [NicoDerm] Nicotine gum [Nicorette] Nicotine lozenge [Nicorette Lozenge] Nicotine nasal spray [Nicotrol NS] Nicotine inhaler [Nicotrol Inhaler] Nicotine-Free Products Varenicline Bupropion Pharmacologic Aids to Smoking Cessation…

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Drugs That Weaken the Bacterial Cell Wall I

Apr 8, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Drugs That Weaken the Bacterial Cell Wall I

Figure 69.1 Inhibition of transpeptidase by penicillins. The bacterial cell wall is composed of long strands of a peptidoglycan polymer. As depicted, transpeptidase enzymes create cross-bridges between the peptidoglycan strands, giving the…

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Review of Hemodynamics

Apr 8, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Review of Hemodynamics

Figure 34.1 Distribution of blood in the circulatory system. A large percentage of the blood resides in the venous system.  What Makes Blood Flow? Blood moves within vessels because the force that…

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Prophylaxis of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease

Apr 8, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Prophylaxis of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease

Figure 42.1 Basic structure of plasma lipoproteins.  Apolipoproteins All lipoproteins have one or more apolipoprotein molecules embedded in their shell (see Fig. 42.1). Apolipoproteins, which constitute the protein component of lipoproteins,…

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Antiviral Agents II

Apr 8, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Antiviral Agents II

Figure 79.1 Structure of the human immunodeficiency virus. Note that HIV has two single strands of RNA and that each strand is associated with a molecule of reverse transcriptase. gp41, glycoprotein 41;…

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