Engineering DNA Vaccines for Cancer Therapy

Mar 14, 2017 by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE Comments Off on Engineering DNA Vaccines for Cancer Therapy

Class of modification Modification to plasmid backbone Resultant alterations References Increasing antigen expression   Gene promoter Increased transcription [92–94] Intronic sequence Increased transcription [95–97] Enhancer/transactivator Increased transcription [62, 99, 100]…

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Engineering Biomaterials for Anchorage-Dependent and Non-anchorage-Dependent Therapeutic Cell Delivery in Translational Medicine

Mar 14, 2017 by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE Comments Off on Engineering Biomaterials for Anchorage-Dependent and Non-anchorage-Dependent Therapeutic Cell Delivery in Translational Medicine

Fig. 4.1 Anoikis activation pathways. Lack of adhesion to the extracellular matrix via integrins (transmembrane proteins consisting of α- and β-subunits) reduces the anti-apoptotic signals Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL. The pro-apoptotic pathways…

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