Viruses: Molecular Virology

Mar 17, 2017 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Viruses: Molecular Virology

Figure 1 Structural features of an influenza A virion. Two glycoprotein spikes, haemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) and the M2 protein are embedded in a lipid bilayer derived from the…

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Influenza Viruses

Mar 17, 2017 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Influenza Viruses

As with other enveloped viruses, the initial step in replication is binding of viral surface glycoproteins to cell surface receptors (Figure 1). All influenza viruses initiate infection by binding to…

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Mar 17, 2017 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Viruses

Figure 1 Structure of parainfluenza virus. Diagram of parainfluenza virus (Sendai virus, top left) and its genomic RNA (bottom). Electron micrograph of Sendai virus (top middle) and its helical nucleocapsid…

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