The Biochemistry of the Eye

Jul 22, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on The Biochemistry of the Eye

Fig. 5.1 Collagen Biosynthesis: It involves synthesis of pro-α and β chains, self-assembly of pro-collagens, secretion, cleavage of pro-peptides and self-assembly into fibril Decorin (Li et al. 1992), lumican (Blochberger…

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Drug Delivery Systems for Ocular Use

Jul 22, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Drug Delivery Systems for Ocular Use

Fig. 19.1 Anatomy of the eye and the biological barriers of the eye (tight barriers are indicated in red, others in green; route of elimination). The main pathway for drugs…

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Miscellaneous Drugs and Agents for Ocular Use

Jul 22, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Miscellaneous Drugs and Agents for Ocular Use

1. Corneal preservation media 2. Tattooing solution 3. Acid and alkali burn 4. Vitreolytic agents and replacement agent 5. Ocular use of immunosuppressants 6. Local anesthetics 7. Contact lens solution…

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Preservatives for Topical Ocular Drug Formulations

Jul 22, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Preservatives for Topical Ocular Drug Formulations

Preservatives (type) Example Mechanism/property Concern/Advantage Detergents Benzalkonium chloride (0.001–0.02%) Disrupts microbial cell membrane due to its charge-related binding. Excellent disinfectant activity and wide spectrum Disrupts corneal and conjunctival cell and…

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Ocular Hypotensives and Neuroprotectants in Glaucoma

Jul 22, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Ocular Hypotensives and Neuroprotectants in Glaucoma

Fig. 7.1 Aqueous humor (AH) outflow pathway (abbreviation: CE corneal epithelium, CEn corneal endothelium, SC Schlemm’s canal, TM trabecular meshwork) Table 7.1 Classification of drugs, their target, and expected pharmacological…

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Herbal Drugs for Ophthalmic Use

Jul 22, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Herbal Drugs for Ophthalmic Use

S. no. Ocular condition Herbs reported to have beneficial effect 1 Dry eye Natural polymer (gum) from tamarind seed, curcumin 2. Glaucoma Foeniculum vulgare, Lycium barbarum, Gingko biloba, Coleus forskohlii,…

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