Thoracic surgery

Chapter 42

Thoracic surgery

Anatomy and physiology of the thorax

An essential balance must be maintained between atmospheric pressure outside the chest and internal pressures within the thoracic cavity to sustain the vital function of respiration. Knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the chest and thoracic cavity is necessary for an understanding of thoracic surgery.

Thoracic cavity

The thorax, or chest, is the portion of the trunk between the neck and the abdomen. The thoracic cavity is divided into right and left pleural compartments separated by the mediastinum, which is a separate enclosed space located centrally. Alterations in pressure affecting one side of the thoracic cavity or the mediastinum cause a positional shift of the other compartments.

The bony framework of the thoracic cavity consists of the sternum and costal cartilage anteriorly, 12 pairs of ribs laterally, and 12 thoracic vertebrae posteriorly, all encased within soft tissue. The framework is bounded superiorly by structures of the lower part of the neck and inferiorly by the diaphragm. Eleven external and internal intercostal muscles, which lie between the ribs, have a corresponding artery, vein, and nerve, which require meticulous dissection to avoid inadvertent injury. The arterial blood supply is derived from the internal thoracic artery and the thoracic aorta. Venous drainage is through the mammary veins anteriorly and the azygos and hemiazygos veins posteriorly.

The first seven ribs articulate anteriorly in the midline with the sternum, which is composed of three parts: the manubrium (superiorly), the gladiolus (medially), and the xiphoid process (inferiorly). Ribs one and two articulate with the clavicle and the manubrium. The manubrium and gladiolus join in a projection referred to as the angle of Lewis, a surgical landmark (Fig. 42-1).

Ribs three through seven articulate with the gladiolus (the main sternal body) via the costal cartilage. The eighth, ninth, and tenth ribs are joined anteriorly to the cartilage of the rib above each; the eleventh and twelfth ribs have no anterior fixation. The surgical incisional lines of direction in Figure 42-2 bilaterally overlie the lobes of the lungs on a vertical axis, with the sternum (gladiolus) as the thoracic reference point.

The ribs articulate posteriorly with the thoracic vertebrae. The esophagus, trachea, and great vessels leading to and from the neck and arms pass through the small space between the manubrium and the vertebrae. Any structure pushing into this narrow opening (e.g., a mediastinal tumor) may obstruct breathing, venous return from the neck and arms, and swallowing.


The lungs lie in the right and left pleural cavities (Fig. 42-3). The main function of these porous, spongy, conical organs is oxygenation of the blood with inspired air and expiration of carbon dioxide. The apex of each extends to the neck; the base rests on the superior surface of the diaphragm.

The right lung, which has three lobes and an oblique fissure and a straighter bronchus, is larger than the left lung, which has two lobes and a more angled bronchus. Blood supply is derived from the two pulmonary arteries and drains into the four pulmonary veins. Lymphatics drain into the bronchopulmonary nodes and into the thoracic duct. Innervation is through the pulmonary plexuses.

The lungs are enveloped by a serous membrane, referred to as the pleura. The pleura has two layers. The external parietal layer lines the inner surface of the thorax. The inner visceral layer covers the surface of the lung. Small amounts of serous fluid (transudate) are secreted between these layers to allow for smooth interface without friction. Excess inflammation or fluid accumulation causes pain and impaired respiratory effort. If infected, the transudate becomes exudate containing increased numbers of white blood cells. Severe inflammation causes fibrosis and adhesions of the pleural tissues.

The trachea divides at the carina into two main branches—the bronchi—leading to the right and left lungs. The right lung, with three lobes, is wider and broader than the left lung because the liver is positioned beneath the diaphragm directly below the base. The left lung has only two lobes and is thinner, longer, and narrower in shape. It shares space in the left side of the chest with the heart, which rests in an area of the left lung referred to as the cardiac notch (Fig. 42-4).

The bronchopulmonary segments within each lung are wedges of tissue separated by veins and thin connective membrane. Although configuration of the segments differs, and variations in the bronchi and blood vessels exist between the right and left lungs, it is generally accepted that both lungs normally have 10 bronchopulmonary segments. Although not demarcated by surface fissures, these segments represent zones of distribution of the secondary bronchi and may be excised individually when the segment contains a small lesion, thus preserving the uninvolved portion.

Each segmental bronchus subdivides into numerous, increasingly smaller branches that eventually end in terminal bronchioles. These fine tubules invested by smooth muscles can constrict to close off the air passage, as in asthma. The terminal bronchioles give rise to respiratory bronchioles from which arise the alveoli. The approximately 300 million alveoli are the functional units wherein oxygenation takes place at the capillary level.

The hilus of the lung, on the mediastinal surface, is the point of entry for the primary bronchus, nerves, and blood vessels. The right primary bronchus is straighter and is a more direct continuation of the trachea. Arterial supply to the lung tissue is derived from the bronchial arteries. Venous drainage is through the bronchial veins, which empty into the azygos system. The pulmonary veins and arteries to and from the heart provide systemic pulmonary circulation. Innervation of the breathing mechanism is by the autonomic nervous system.


The diaphragm is a half dome of muscular tissue composed of four embryonic segments: (1) dorsal mesentery, (2) septum transversum, (3) two pleuroperitoneal folds, and (4) cervical myotomes that border the inferior aspect of the thoracic cavity. It originates from the six lower ribs on each side and attaches to the xiphoid and the external and internal arcuate ligaments. Abnormal separation of any of these layers changes the pressure gradient between the peritoneal cavity and the thorax, causing a shift of intraabdominal organs cephalad into the chest.7

The arterial blood supply arises from the right and left phrenic, intercostal, and internal thoracic arteries. Venous drainage is via the inferior vena cava, the azygos vein on the right, and hemiazygos veins on the left. Innervation is from the phrenic nerve that arises from the fourth cervical ramus.

The esophagus, aorta, and vena cava pass from the thorax through the diaphragm into the abdominal cavity via three separate openings. Associated vessels and nerves, such as the vagus nerve, follow these three structures through the diaphragm to major organ systems (Fig. 42-5).


The size of the thorax varies with the bellows action of the thoracic wall and diaphragm, increasing with inspiration and decreasing with expiration. A partial vacuum between the parietal and visceral pleurae expands the lungs. A negative (subatmospheric) pressure normally within the thorax is essential to life.

Alterations of intrapleural pressure are of major concern because an uncontrolled opening in the thoracic wall and pressure change can be fatal.7 Uncontrolled increased positive pressure in one side causes a collapse of the lung on the other side. Referred to as a mediastinal shift, this reaction occurs with entrance of either air or fluid into the pleural cavity, compressing the opposite lung and causing dyspnea. When the mediastinum has moved its limit, it can no longer accommodate a great pressure change; the lung on the affected side collapses. Air in the pleural space between the parietal and visceral pleurae constitutes pneumothorax. Blood in the pleural space constitutes hemothorax.

A mediastinal shift disturbs heart action and circulation. Changes in pressure balance within the thorax reduce vital capacity—the greatest amount of air that can be exchanged in one breath. Many diseases and conditions alter vital capacity (e.g., anesthesia, thoracic tumors, chest trauma).

Special features of thoracic surgery

Entry into the thoracic cavity can be accompanied by pulmonary distress. Team members especially skilled in meeting emergency situations are essential. Patients require close observation and monitoring because changes may occur rapidly. A pulmonary artery catheter is inserted to monitor pulmonary capillary wedge pressures and arterial blood gases. Equipment for bronchoscopy, esophagoscopy, and mediastinoscopy must be readily available. Other preparations are routinely completed for entry into the chest for intrathoracic procedures:

1. Endotracheal anesthesia permits the lungs to expand and function even when subjected to atmospheric pressure. Administration of anesthesia under controlled positive pressure prevents physiologic imbalance and lung collapse in the presence of controlled pneumothorax. Use of a double-lumen endotracheal tube permits expansion of the unaffected lung and collapse of the lung on the surgical side (Fig. 42-6).

At the conclusion of the surgical procedure, the affected lung is reexpanded by the anesthesia provider, and negative pressure in the chest is restored. Portable chest x-rays may be taken immediately to assess the status of the surgical area, pleural cavities, and lung reexpansion.

2. Instrumentation includes a basic laparotomy setup with the addition of thoracic instruments. These include bone instruments and a power saw (Fig. 42-7 shows rib strippers/rasps, shears, and an approximator/contractor); a large self-retaining chest retractor/rib spreader (Fig. 42-8); bronchus clamps and lung forceps (Fig. 42-9); and long instruments for work in a deep incision. Specialty retractors are used to hold lung tissue and displace the bones of the shoulder girdle (Fig. 42-10).

3. A variety of sutures may be used for soft tissues, vessels, and bone. The bronchus usually is closed with staples.

4. Sponges for hemostasis or blunt dissection are placed on long ring-handled forceps. Periosteal bleeding may be controlled by electrocoagulation. Bone wax may be needed to control bone marrow oozing.

5. Blood for transfusion should be available at all times. Hemorrhage is a major threat intraoperatively and postoperatively. Blood may be salvaged for autotransfusion by cell saver, and a postoperative drainage salvage reservoir and autotransfusion drain may be used.

6. The surgical field is potentially contaminated by secretions and contact with open air passages when a bronchus is opened and sutured. Used items and instruments are isolated in a discard basin. Maintenance of a dry field is important to prevent aspiration of blood and fluid, which predisposes the patient to postoperative pneumonia.

7. An airtight pleural cavity must be restored and negative pressure maintained for maximum pulmonary function postoperatively. Except after a few specific procedures, a sterile closed water-seal drainage system is essential. Chest tubes are inserted through a stab wound and anchored to the chest wall with suture and tape. Two or three tubes are sometimes inserted into the pleural space and connected to separate drainage systems (Fig. 42-11). The tube at the base of the pleural space is usually inserted at the seventh costal interspace, near the anterior axillary line, to evacuate fluid. An upper tube, if indicated, is inserted at the apex through the anterior chest wall at the third costal interspace to evacuate air leaking from the lung. Key points to remember include the following:

Access to the thorax

Surgeon preference and the procedure determine the method of entrance into the thorax. Access may be gained by an anterior, lateral, or posterior approach, or a combination of these. Entrance through the ribcage may be intercostal between the ribs, through the periosteal bed of an unresected rib, or by rib resection. By incising near the top of a rib, the surgeon protects nerves and vessels that lie in the intercostal spaces. An intercostal approach may be used to drain an empyema pocket or mediastinal abscess or to obtain a biopsy specimen of lymph nodes or of a lung.6

To enter the thorax via the periosteal bed, the periosteum of the rib is incised and removed from the unresected rib, and an incision is made through the bed. For entrance via a rib resection, the periosteum is incised and removed superiorly and inferiorly with a periosteal elevator, and the rib is divided. Rib spreaders increase exposure, but if the exposure is still inadequate, the rib above or below the incision also may be resected.


Disorders of the bronchus are most commonly infection, the presence of a foreign body, trauma, or neoplasms. Diagnosis is made by radiologic study and endoscopy. Bronchography (x-ray study of the tracheobronchial tree) is frequently done in conjunction with bronchoscopy. Bronchoscopy (direct visualization of the tracheobronchial tree through a bronchoscope) is done for the following purposes:

Foreign bodies in the trachea and bronchi are very serious, requiring a careful history and immediate bronchoscopy with preparation for a potential tracheotomy. Maintaining a safe airway during extraction is a major risk. If the airway is not seriously obstructed, the aspirated foreign body may remain in the bronchus for months without producing symptoms until suppuration develops. Coughing and hemoptysis bring the patient to the physician. Snares and graspers can be used to retrieve foreign bodies.

Bronchoscopes are of two types: a rigid hollow metal tube, and a flexible fiberoptic type. The rigid bronchoscope commonly uses a fiberoptic light carrier attached to a light source to allow visualization of the trachea and primary bronchi. It is the scope of choice for foreign body retrieval and determination of persistent bleeding. It has a side channel incorporated into the length of the instrument and perforations along the sides of the tube to allow oxygenation of bronchi and administration of anesthetic gases if general anesthesia is used.

Aspirating tubes, foreign body or biopsy forceps, and CO2 lasers are manipulated through the rigid bronchoscope. Both rigid and flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopes are used for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

Flexible bronchoscopy is used frequently for the patient with decreased range of neck motion. Flexible bronchoscopy can be performed via the nasopharynx or orally to the trachea and into the bronchial tree (Fig. 42-12).

Tiny forceps and biopsy brushes can be inserted through the working channel of the flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope to obtain a tissue biopsy specimen. Because the diameter is smaller, the flexible fiberoptic scope reaches into the bronchi of the upper, middle, and lower lobes for examination and/or biopsy. Diagnostic needle aspiration, forceps biopsy, and bronchial brushings and washings are performed in accessible areas. Mediastinal lymph nodes can be aspirated through the flexible bronchoscope. Various types and lengths of aspirating tubes, forceps, and brushes are used to remove tissue and secretions. The neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:YAG) or argon laser can be used with either a rigid or a flexible bronchoscope.

If the gag reflex can be controlled, oral rigid bronchoscopy can be performed with the patient under local anesthesia and intravenous sedation. General anesthesia may be necessary. The bronchoscope is inserted over the tongue and through the vocal cords to the trachea. The patient’s head is turned to the right to visualize the left bronchus and to the left for the right bronchus (Fig. 42-13).

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