Relapsing Polychondritis

Nov 30, 2016 by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE Comments Off on Relapsing Polychondritis

389   Relapsing Polychondritis Carol A. Langford Relapsing polychondritis is an uncommon disorder of unknown cause characterized by inflammation of cartilage predominantly affecting the ears, nose, and laryngotracheobronchial tree. Other manifestations…

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Nov 30, 2016 by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE Comments Off on Mumps

PREVENTION AND ERADICATION OF POLIOVIRUS (See also Chap. 148) After a peak of 57,879 cases of poliomyelitis in the United States in 1952, the introduction of IPV in 1955 and…

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Cancer Cell Biology

Nov 30, 2016 by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE Comments Off on Cancer Cell Biology

PART 7: Oncology and Hematology SECTION 1 NEOPLASTIC DISORDERS   99 Approach to the Patient with Cancer   Dan L. Longo   The application of current treatment techniques (surgery, radiation…

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