Infectious Diseases

Sep 3, 2016 by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE Comments Off on Infectious Diseases

Coagulase-positive: S. aureusCoagulase-negative: S. epidermidis, S. hominis, S. saprophyticus, S. haemolyticus, etc. Gram-positive cocci in pairsStreptococcus pneumoniae Gram-positive cocci in chainsViridans (α-hemolytic) Streptococci (S. milleri, S. mutans, S. salivarius, S….

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Endocrine Disorders

Sep 3, 2016 by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE Comments Off on Endocrine Disorders

FIGURE 13-1. The hypothalamus may secrete a releasing hormone in response to low levels of stimulating, inhibitory, or target organ hormone. This releasing hormone causes the release of a stimulating…

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The Kidneys

Sep 3, 2016 by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE Comments Off on The Kidneys

FIGURE 8-1. The nephron. Arrows pointing toward the nephron represent substances entering from the peritubular blood or interstitial space. Arrows heading away represent reabsorption. Solid arrows represent an active (energy-requiring)…

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