Principles of Antimicrobial Action and Resistance

Aug 25, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Principles of Antimicrobial Action and Resistance

Chapter 11 Principles of Antimicrobial Action and Resistance Objectives 1. List the five general categories of antimicrobial actions. 2. Define antibiotic and antimicrobial. 3. Define and differentiate bactericidal and bacteriostatic agents. 4. Compare and…

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Intestinal Trematodes

Aug 25, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Intestinal Trematodes

Chapter 56 Intestinal Trematodes Objectives 1. List the clinically significant intestinal trematodes. 2. Describe the general life cycle of the intestinal trematodes and identify the life cycle stage infective for humans. 3. Describe…

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Liver and Lung Trematodes

Aug 25, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Liver and Lung Trematodes

Chapter 57 Liver and Lung Trematodes Objectives 1. List the clinically significant trematodes capable of infecting the liver and lungs. 2. Describe the general life cycle of the liver and lung flukes…

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Tissue Nematodes (Roundworms)

Aug 25, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Tissue Nematodes (Roundworms)

Chapter 52 Tissue Nematodes (Roundworms) Objectives 1. Describe the distinguishing morphologic characteristics and basic life cycle (vectors, hosts, and stages of infectivity) for each of the parasites listed. 2. Describe the diseases…

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Aug 25, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Haemophilus

Chapter 32 Haemophilus Objectives 1. List the general characteristics within the genus Haemophilus, including general habitat, atmosphere, and temperature requirements. 2. Describe the infections caused by Haemophilus influenzae and Haemophilus ducreyi. 3. Describe…

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Erysipelothrix, Lactobacillus, and Similar Organisms

Aug 25, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Erysipelothrix, Lactobacillus, and Similar Organisms

Chapter 18 Erysipelothrix, Lactobacillus, and Similar Organisms Objectives 1. Describe the Gram stain morphology of Arcanobacterium, Lactobacillus, Erysipelothrix, and Gardnerella spp. 2. Identify the media of choice and morphologic appearance of Gardnerella…

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Aug 25, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Legionella

Chapter 35 Legionella Objectives 1. Identify the causative agent of Legionnaires’ disease. 2. List sources for Legionella in the environment, including those that are both man-made and naturally occurring. 3. Describe how Legionella…

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Infection Control

Aug 25, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Infection Control

Chapter 79 Infection Control Objectives 1. Define and compare health care–associated infections and community-acquired infections. 2. List three factors determining the likelihood that a given patient would acquire a health care–associated infection….

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