11 Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are written procedures or protocols to describe the way that tasks and activities within the pharmacy must be carried out. The NHS, and organizations contracted to them, must continually improve the quality of their services and ensure they are safeguarding the public by providing high standards of care. This is known as clinical governance (see Ch. 9). Every pharmacy must have an identifiable clinical governance lead, who is responsible for applying clinical governance principles to the delivery of all services. This will include the use of SOPs; recording, reporting and learning from incidents; participation in clinical audit and continuing professional development (CPD, see Ch. 6); and assessing patient satisfaction through surveys. Therefore, within clinical governance, SOPs are a legal requirement of the community pharmacy contract and of hospitals in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, to ensure a high quality of service and patient safety. The standards for owners and superintendent pharmacists of retail pharmacy businesses, published by the GPhC, specifies that SOPs should be in place for all aspects of the safe and effective provision of pharmacy services and that they must be maintained and regularly reviewed. Procedures must respect and protect confidential information about patients and employees in accordance with current legislation, relevant codes of practice and professional guidelines. The Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland requires SOPs for dispensing services that the pharmacist provides or is responsible for.
Standard operating procedures
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