
Pseudocyst on CT
CT shows a unilocular cyst located in the head of the pancreas, consistent with a pancreatic pseudocyst image .

Pseudocyst With Hemorrhagic Fluid
Gross photograph shows a pseudocyst in the tail of the pancreas. The cyst is filled with hemorrhagic fluid. Note the adjacent spleen image .

Pseudocyst Wall With Fibroblasts
Pseudocysts lack a true epithelial lining. The cyst wall shows an exuberant fibroblastic proliferation.

Hemosiderin and Fibrosis in Wall
The pseudocyst wall is composed of fibrosis and few scattered inflammatory cells. Note the hemosiderin image in the lumen of the cyst.



• Cystic collection of pancreatic or peripancreatic fluid rich in pancreatic enzymes


Risk Factors

• Acute or chronic pancreatitis

• Can occur with biliary disease, surgery, or other trauma

• Rarely, may develop adjacent to pancreatic mass lesion, including adenocarcinoma



• Incidence
image Historically thought to represent 80% of all pancreatic cysts

– High-resolution imaging now suggests neoplastic pancreatic cysts more common than pseudocysts

• Age
image Young to middle-aged adults

• Sex
image Female predominance associated with gallstone-related pancreatitis

image Male predominance associated with alcohol-related pancreatitis

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Apr 20, 2017 | Posted by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Pseudocysts

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