Neurosurgery of the brain and peripheral nerves

Chapter 37

Neurosurgery of the brain and peripheral nerves

Anatomy and physiology of the brain

An understanding of basic anatomy and physiology is essential for preparing for the approach used to reach intracranial and spinal cord structures.


The membranous covering of the CNS, referred to as meninges, lines the cranium and covers the brain and spinal cord. The three distinct layers are the dura mater (in direct contact with the cranium), arachnoid (a weblike space), and pia mater (in direct contact with the surface of the brain).

Cranial dura mater, firmly attached to the inner aspect of the cranium, has two layers that separate in planes to form venous sinuses. The arachnoid, which lies under the dura mater, has weblike connections with the pia mater, which closely adheres to the gray matter of the brain.

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulates through the arachnoid layer to bathe the brain very slowly and absorbs at the same rate. At any given time, the CSF concentration is 75 mL in volume. The normal intracranial pressure in adults is 8 to 14 mm Hg. The pia mater is a meshlike vascular membrane that follows the convolutions of the surface of the brain. The pia derives its blood supply from the internal carotid and vertebral arteries.

The dura is arranged in three large folds: the falx cerebri, which covers the hemispheres; the falx cerebelli, which separates the lobes of the cerebellum; and the tentorium cerebelli, which supports the temporal and occipital lobes. The tentorium is a surgical landmark that denotes supratentorial structures and infratentorial structures, such as the brainstem and cerebellum.


The brain is divided into five main subdivisions composed of gray matter (neurons, cell bodies) and white matter (axons, dendrites, nerve fibers). The brain has three distinct anatomic units that consist of several subdivisions, as shown in Figure 37-1. The cranial nerves (Table 37-1) originate from several locations in the brain and its subdivisions (Fig. 37-2). Cranial nerve V (trigeminal) innervates most of the face in correlation with cervical dermatomes (Fig. 37-3).

The blood supply to the brain is derived from the carotid and vertebral arteries. The arterial component collectively joins at the circle of Willis (Fig. 37-4). The venous drainage is a series of valveless, bidirectional venous sinuses that communicate directly with the vertebral venous sinuses. The patterns of infectious spread and metastasis can be easily noted via the venous system that ranges from the pelvis to the cranium.7


The right and left hemispheres of the cerebrum are connected centrally by the corpus callosum, a broad band of nerve fibers. The cerebrum, also known as the telencephalon, occupies most of the area within the cranium and is arranged into superficial folds (called gyri) and furrows (called sulci), which are surgical anatomic landmarks. The outer cerebral cortex is the gray matter; the inner tissue is the white matter. Cranial nerve I originates here. Each hemisphere of the brain is divided into four anatomic lobes:

The hypothalamus and thalamus, referred to as the diencephalon, also lie within the cerebrum to form the floor and lateral walls of the third ventricle. All afferent impulses, except smell, pass through here to the cerebrum. The optic chiasma forms the anterior border.

The diencephalon controls body temperature, emotion, hunger, thirst, sleep, and some hormones. Although it lies in the sella turcica outside the cerebrum, the pituitary body attaches to the inferior aspect of the hypothalamus.

The cerebral pedicles and the corpora quadrigemina form the midbrain, which is also referred to as the mesencephalon. The cerebral aqueduct runs through the full length of the structure. Cranial nerves III and IV originate here.


The brainstem lies anteriorly within the posterior fossa. It extends from the cerebral hemisphere to the base of the skull, where it merges with the spinal cord.


Four spaces within the brain are referred to as ventricles (Fig. 37-5). The lateral ventricles, one in each hemisphere of the cerebrum, drain into the foramen of Monro. The foramen of Monro opens into a central cavity, the third ventricle, which is connected by the aqueduct of Sylvius, with the fourth ventricle lying anterior to the cerebellum and posterior to the brainstem. CSF is a clear substance produced in the choroid plexuses, which are vascular extensions of the pia mater lining the ventricles. CSF is predominantly produced in the lateral ventricles and circulates through the subarachnoid space around the meninges covering the brain and spinal cord. The normal adult volume of circulating CSF is 125 to 150 mL. Obstruction of the CSF flow causes increased ICP.

Special considerations in neurosurgery

Neurosurgical procedures are classified according to the anatomic location in the nervous system: brain and cranial nerves, spinal cord and nerve roots, or autonomic and somatic peripheral nerves. Regardless of the location of the surgical site, neural tissue is handled gently to minimize functional disability from surgical trauma. Hemostasis is a critical factor to sustain the vital functions of circulation and respiration. The visibility of structures in the surgical site also should be ensured.


Magnetic resonance imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides a three-dimensional image of the complex structures of the brain, revealing tumors and aneurysms. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy is a variant of MRI that can differentiate necrotic tissue from vital tissue after the application of radiation to reduce tumor size.

Methods of hemostasis

The hemostatic methods commonly used by neurosurgeons for most procedures include the following.

Compressed absorbent patties (cottonoids)

Compressed absorbent patties, made of rayon, cotton, or polyester, rather than gauze sponges are used on fragile delicate neural tissues to absorb blood and fluids. They are also used for protection of wound edges and for hemostasis. Assorted sizes are moistened with normal saline solution, Ringer’s lactate solution, or topical thrombin and pressed out flat on a smooth surface that is easily accessible to the neurosurgeon. Although the patties have no loose fibers, they could pick up lint if placed on a towel.

The standard for sponge counts includes counting these patties. They are retrieved before the surgical site is closed. Patties have a radiopaque thread securely attached to each one. This reminds the surgeon that they are in the wound and facilitates their removal. Care is taken not to suction patties into the suction tip. Some of the patties are as small as ¼ inch square. All patties are counted, although they are detectable by x-ray. The strings should not be cut off.

Adjuncts to visibility

Neural tissues should be as clean, dry, and visible as possible without damaging them. Visibility is enhanced by the following procedures.


A side-viewing fiberoptic endoscope may be used to enhance visibility at obscure angles in otherwise visually inaccessible areas. This endoscope is particularly useful for identification of lesions in the sella turcica, cerebral aneurysms, and intervertebral discs, for example.12 An endoscope may be used for placement of electrodes for stimulators or a catheter for radioisotopes.

The argon laser can be used through a ventriculoscope for intraventricular obliteration of the choroid plexuses and for intravascular treatment of lesions and neoplasms. The Nd:YAG laser can be used through a flexible or rigid neuroscope to vaporize a cyst. A straightforward, rigid, zero-degree scope may be used for electrocoagulation or laser obliteration of tissue and to obtain a CT-assisted stereotactic biopsy.8,12

Patient care considerations for craniotomy

The patient’s fear of an inability to function independently as a result of intracranial surgery is paramount, either consciously or subconsciously. The brain is the core of one’s being. Many neurosurgical patients do not undergo premedication, which allows neurologic assessment before induction of anesthesia or during a procedure performed with the patient under local anesthesia. The circulating nurse should be sensitive to the patient’s fears and offer reassurance. Psychologic support is especially significant for a patient who is awake.

Patient preparation

Preparation of the patient in the OR usually begins with clipping of hair with electric clippers. Hair on the head is considered the patient’s personal property. When all of it is removed, it is saved. Hair removal and its disposition are documented on the patient’s chart. Demarcation of the desired outline for the incision may be made on the scalp after the skin preparation and before draping. A sterile disposable skin marker is available (Fig. 37-7).

Prevention of peripheral nerve and circulatory damage requires that the circulating nurse check pressure points on the patient’s body during prolonged procedures. Some microneurosurgical procedures take 10 hours or longer to complete. Gel pads or a foam mattress similar in configuration to an egg crate should be used if the patient is supine or prone on the OR bed.

Patient positioning

The standard OR bed is used. A specialized head holder or frame is used. The incision and the type of procedure determine the head holder that is needed to position the patient. The basic support unit of a neurosurgical head positioning device attaches in place of the headpiece on the standard OR bed. The Mayfield headrest or skull clamp fits into the basic frame to stabilize the head for cranial procedures.

The Mayfield headrest conforms to the contours of the patient’s head like a horseshoe. The circular or horseshoe-shaped headrest equalizes weight distribution around the patient’s face when in the prone position.

The Mayfield skull clamp provides stability that is necessary for microsurgical procedures and is desirable during lengthy procedures. This eliminates the risk of pressure-related complications around the face or eyes with the patient prone or in a lateral position. Three pins on the skull clamp partially penetrate the outer table of the skull. Pins on one side may be spring-loaded (Fig. 37-8) to join the skull and the clamp into one rigid mechanical unit. When pin fixation is used, antibiotic ointment is applied around each fixation pin to form an airtight seal. This reduces the risk of air embolism and infection.7 The circulating nurse should be familiar with the desired neurosurgical positions and the headrests, skull clamps, and attachments for each.

Prone position

The patient is anesthetized in a supine position on the transport cart and turned prone onto the OR bed. A detailed description of prone positioning is found in Chapter 26 of this text. The eyes are lubricated, and the lids are taped closed for protection. The patient’s transport cart should be immediately available in the event of the need for cardiac resuscitation. The patient needs to be placed supine in a rapid manner, and the nearby cart facilitates this maneuver.

The prone position is used to access the occipital lobe. It may also be used for a suboccipital approach; however, many neurosurgeons prefer a sitting position to approach the posterior fossa.

Seated position

The Mayfield basic frame is attached to the side rails of the OR bed to support the back of the head for a unilateral or nasal approach. In the seated position, the patient is at risk for pelvic venous pooling. Sequential compression stockings should be applied.

For a posterior approach, a head holder supports the forehead. The seated position allows greater torsion and flexion of the neck than either a lateral or the prone position and a more accessible approach to the cerebellopontine angle (Fig. 37-9).

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