28 Multisystem zoonoses
Some multisystem infections in humans are animal diseases (i.e. zoonoses)
In these infections, a non-human vertebrate host is the reservoir of infection and humans are involved only incidentally. The human infection follows contact with or ingestion of infective material passed by an infected host, but is not essential for the microbe’s life cycle, or for its maintenance in nature. One striking feature of zoonotic infections, and of the arthropod-borne infections described in Chapter 27, is that few are transmitted effectively from human to human.
Other zoonoses are dealt with in their relevant chapters (e.g. toxoplasmosis in Chs 23–25, rabies in Ch. 24, salmonellosis in Ch. 22).
Arenavirus infections
Arenaviruses are transmitted to humans in rodent excreta
Many zoonoses are caused by enveloped single-stranded RNA viruses with a genome consisting of two RNA segments called arenaviruses. On electron microscopy (Fig. 28.1) these pleomorphic virus particles with a diameter of 50–300 nm can be seen to contain ribosomes that have a sand-like granular appearance, giving rise to the name arena (Latin: arena, sand). Arenaviruses are carried by various species of rodent in which they cause a harmless lifelong infection with continuous excretion of virus in urine and faeces of apparently healthy infected animals. Humans may become infected via direct contact with infected rodents, inhalation of infectious excreta, working in agricultural environments or trekking in areas where the rodents exist, and may develop severe and often lethal disease involving extensive haemorrhaging and multiorgan involvement. A selection of arenaviruses and the diseases they cause are included in Table 28.1. Since 2007, nine new arenaviruses have been identified, some as a result of recombination events within one segment. They are divided into the Old and New World groups, of which the Old World viruses, Lassa fever and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), are associated with the most common human infections involving this family. The distribution of the host is concordant with the distribution of the virus. LCMV is the only arenavirus with a worldwide distribution, the rest being seen in Africa or the New World. Of the New World Tacaribe serocomplex viruses, serious illness is associated with the Junin and Machupo viruses that cause Argentine and Bolivian haemorrhagic fevers, respectively. LCMV can cause acute central nervous system disease. As with most zoonoses, infection is not transmitted, or is transmitted with low efficiency, from human to human. However, healthcare workers have been infected by direct contact with blood or secretions from patients infected with Lassa fever virus, but this can be prevented by using barrier nursing techniques.
Arenavirus infection is diagnosed by viral genome detection, serology or virus isolation
Prevention of infection by reducing exposure to the virus concerned was dramatically illustrated when rodent trapping terminated outbreaks of Bolivian haemorrhagic fever (Box 28.1). Treatment with the antiviral agent ribavirin has been successful if used early in Lassa fever infection. Post-exposure prophylaxis with oral ribavirin has been used. There are no World Health Organization-approved vaccines against arenaviruses. However, a live attenuated Junin virus vaccine was licensed in 2006 for use only in Argentina.
Box 28.1 Lessons in microbiology
Bolivian haemorrhagic fever: a lesson in ecology
This outbreak of Bolivian haemorrhagic fever provided an important lesson in ecology. Because of the high incidence of malaria in the San Joachim area, extensive DDT spraying had been carried out to control mosquitoes. As a result, geckos (small lizards that eat insects) accumulated DDT in their tissues and the local cats that preyed on geckos began to die with lethal concentrations of DDT in their livers. The shortage of cats, in turn, allowed the bush mice to invade human dwellings. The close vicinity of infected mice to humans and human food led to the epidemic (Fig. 28.2).
Haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS)
Marburg and ebola haemorrhagic fevers
Fruit bats are the reservoir for Marburg and Ebola viruses
Marburg and Ebola haemorrhagic fevers occur in central and east Africa and are caused by filoviruses, long filamentous single-stranded RNA viruses. Patients develop fever, haemorrhage, rash and disseminated intravascular coagulation (see Ch. 17). There is no specific treatment and no vaccine for either virus. The reservoir of origin and natural cycle of maintenance for Marburg virus was not known until Marburg virus RNA was detected in cave-dwelling fruit bats after a small outbreak of Marburg haemorrhagic fever was seen in some miners in Uganda in 2007. A fruit bat reservoir was also found for the Zaire Ebola virus, one of five Ebola virus species.
There is no treatment or post-exposure prophylaxis options for Ebola or Marburg virus infections.
Q Fever
Coxiella burnetii is the rickettsial cause of Q fever
The disease Q fever was first recognized in Australia in 1935, but the cause was unknown for several years – hence Q (‘query’) fever. The causative rickettsia, Coxiella burnetii, differs from other rickettsiae (see Ch. 27) in the following ways:
• It is not transmitted to humans by arthropods.
• It is relatively resistant to desiccation, heat and sunlight, and is therefore stable enough to be acquired from infected material by inhalation.
• Its main site of action is the lung rather than vascular endothelium elsewhere in the body, so that there is usually no rash.
Q fever is diagnosed serologically and treated with antibiotics
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can be used to determine whether a patient has Q fever; however, the sensitivity of this approach decreases after the first week of illness. C. burnetti cannot be detected in blood cultures and cannot be isolated by culture except in specialized laboratories. Thus, serological diagnosis is important. A fourfold or greater rise in complement fixing antibody titre is significant. There are two antigenic forms of the rickettsial lipopolysaccharide (LPS): phase 1 and phase 2. Increased antibody to phase 2 compared to phase 1 is seen in acute Q fever, while the reverse (higher antibody titres to phase 1 than phase 2) is seen in chronic disease. Definitive serological confirmation of acute Q fever is demonstrated by a fourfold increase in antibody titres measured by indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA). The Weil–Felix test (see Ch. 27) is not used.
Anthrax is characterized by a black eschar, and the disease can be fatal if untreated
B. anthracis spores germinate in tissues at the site of entry. The bacteria then multiply and produce the anthrax toxin, which consists of a protective antigen, an oedema factor (an adenylate cyclase) and a lethal factor; all are plasmid-coded. Toxic activity requires the protective antigen and at least one of the other two. Host defences are inhibited by the antiphagocytic capsule surrounding the bacillus (see Ch. 14).
The skin is the usual site of entry. As the toxic material accumulates, there is oedema and congestion, and a papule develops within 12–36 h. The papule ulcerates, the centre becoming black and necrotic to form an eschar or ‘malignant pustule’ (although there is no pus) which is painless and is often surrounded by a ring of vesicles (Fig. 28.3). The bacilli spread to the lymphatics and in about 10% of cases reach the blood to cause septicaemia. Continued multiplication and production of the toxin causes generalized toxic effects, oedema and death.

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