Crusted Scalp Tumor The tumor is crusted on the scalp of this elderly man. The skin-colored nodule on the left is benign, either a neurofibroma or a neurotized intradermal nevus. (Courtesy J. Finch, MD.)
MM-NT This lesion was located on the posterior neck of a middle-aged man. Although it has a stuck-on appearance, it has uneven, jagged edges . The biopsy showed melanoma, nodular type (MM-NT). (Courtesy J. Finch, MD.)
MM-NT With Collarette Formation Low-power examination of a melanoma, nodular type shows a large, expansile dermal nodule with irregular pigmentation and areas of epidermal thinning and necrosis (but no complete ulceration in this section). There is collarette formation and no radial growth phase.
MM-NT at Higher Magnification There is proliferation of melanoma cells in nests and nodules. There is significant nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromasia . Mitotic figures are easily found.
• Melanoma, nodular type (MM-NT)
• Invasive melanoma that histologically lacks radial growth phase
Radial growth phase is defined by prominent junctional component
• Incidence
2nd most common subtype of invasive melanoma (after superficial spreading type)
• Age
Median age of onset: 49 years
• Typically on backs of males and legs of females
• Usually found in sun-exposed areas
Much less common in areas without sun exposure
• Raised, firm, dome-shaped mass of varied color
May be black, reddish, partially pigmented, or even achromatic
May have unequal color distribution or be homogeneous in color
Dominant color is black, with brown being 2nd most common color
• Usually symmetrically shaped
• Ulceration and bleeding commonly occur
Natural History
• May grow very quickly
Are commonly relatively new-onset lesions that lack radial growth phase
• More commonly are deeply invasive than other types of melanoma
• Depends on depth of invasion (Breslow depth), ulceration, and mitotic index
• Lymphatic invasion and lymph node metastasis are significant poor prognostic indicators
Median survival with metastasis: 4.4 months
• Lead to poor prognosis in most cases
Considerable Breslow depth
Lymphovascular invasion
Early metastases to vital organs
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