19 Lower respiratory tract infections
Although the respiratory tract is continuous from the nose to the alveoli, it is convenient to distinguish between infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract, even though the same microorganisms might be implicated in infections of both. Infections of the upper respiratory tract and associated structures are the subject of Chapter 18. Here, we discuss infections of the lower respiratory tract. These infections tend to be more severe than infections of the upper respiratory tract, and the choice of appropriate antimicrobial therapy is important and may be life saving.
Diphtheria is caused by toxin-producing strains of Corynebacterium diphtheriae and can cause life-threatening respiratory obstruction
Diphtheria is now rare in resource-rich countries due to widespread immunization with toxoid (see Ch. 34), but it is still common in resource-poor countries. Non-toxigenic strains occur in the normal pharynx, but bacteria producing the extracellular toxin (exotoxin; see Ch. 2) must be present to cause disease. They can colonize the pharynx (especially the tonsillar regions), the larynx, the nose and occasionally the genital tract, and in the tropics or in indigent people with poor skin hygiene, the skin.
Adhesion is mediated by pili or fimbriae covalently attached to the bacterial cell wall. The bacteria multiply locally without invading deeper tissues or spreading through the body. The toxin destroys epithelial cells and polymorphs, and an ulcer forms, which is covered with a necrotic exudate forming a ‘false membrane’. This soon becomes dark and malodorous, and bleeding occurs on attempting to remove it. There is extensive inflammation and swelling (Fig. 19.1) and the cervical lymph nodes may be enlarged to give a ‘bull neck’ appearance.

Figure 19.1 Pharyngeal diphtheria. Characteristic diphtheria ‘false membrane’ in a child, with local inflammation.
(Courtesy of Norman Begg.)
Diphtheria toxin can cause fatal heart failure and a polyneuritis
The toxin (Box 19.1 and Fig. 19.2) is absorbed into the lymphatics and blood, and has several effects:
• Constitutional upset, with fever, pallor, exhaustion.
• Myocarditis, usually within the first 2 weeks. Electrocardiographic changes are common and cardiac failure can occur. If this is not lethal, complete recovery is usual.
• Polyneuritis, which may occur after the onset of illness, due to demyelination. It may, for instance, affect the 9th cranial nerve, resulting in paralysis of the soft palate and regurgitation of fluids.
Box 19.1 Lessons in Microbiology
Diphtheria toxin
• fragment B (binding) at the carboxy terminal end, which attaches the toxin to the host cells (or to any eukaryotic cell)
• fragment A (active) at the amino terminal end, which is the toxic fragment.
Toxic fragment A is only formed by protease cleavage and reduction of disulfide bonds after cellular uptake of the toxin. Fragment A inactivates elongation factor-2 (EF-2) by adenosine diphosphate (ADP) ribosylation and thereby inhibits protein synthesis (Fig. 19.2). Prokaryotic and mitochondrial protein synthesis is not affected because a different EF is involved. A single bacterium can produce 5000 toxin molecules/h and the toxic fragment is so stable within the cell that a single molecule can kill a cell. For unknown reasons, myocardial and peripheral nerve cells are particularly susceptible.
Diphtheria is managed by immediate treatment with antitoxin and antibiotic
The diagnosis is confirmed in the laboratory by isolation and identification of the organism (Ch. 32) and demonstrating toxin production by a gel-diffusion precipitin reaction (Elek test). PCR can be carried out in some reference laboratories to detect the tox gene responsible for producing the toxin.
Diphtheria is prevented by immunization
Diphtheria has almost disappeared from resource-rich countries as a result of the immunization of children with a safe, effective toxoid vaccine (see Ch. 34). However, the disease reappears when immunization is neglected. In 1990, epidemics began in the Russian Federation, and by 1994, all 15 of the newly independent states of the former Soviet Union were involved, with 157 000 reported cases by 1997. The World Health Organization (WHO) website reported in 2011 that the incidence of diphtheria ranged from 0.5–1/100 000 population in Armenia, Estonia, Lithuania and Uzbekistan, to 27–32/100 000 in Russia and Tajikistan. Case fatality rates ranged from 2–3% in Russia to 17–23% in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkmenistan. Worldwide, in 2004, the World Health Organization estimated there were 5000 deaths and in 2009, 857 cases were reported.
Whooping cough
B. pertussis infection is associated with the production of a variety of toxic factors
• Pertussis toxin, which resembles diphtheria and other toxins (see Chs 17 and 18) in being a subunit toxin with an active (A) unit and a binding (B) unit. The A unit is an adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-ribosyl transferase, which catalyses the transfer of ADP-ribose from nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) to host cell proteins. The functional consequence of this is a disruption of signal transduction to the affected cell, but the toxin probably has other effects on the cell surface as well.
• Adenylate cyclase toxin, which is a single peptide that can enter host cells and cause them to increase their cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) to supraphysiologic levels. In neutrophils, this results in an inhibition of defence functions such as chemotaxis, phagocytosis and bactericidal killing. This toxin may also be responsible for the haemolytic properties of B. pertussis.
• Tracheal cytotoxin, which is a cell wall component derived from the peptidoglycan of B. pertussis that specifically kills tracheal epithelial cells (see Ch. 2).
• Endotoxin, which differs from the classic endotoxin of other Gram-negative rods, but has functional similarities and may play a role in the pathogenesis of infection.
B. pertussis infection is characterized by paroxysms of coughs followed by a ‘whoop’. After an incubation period of 7–10 days (range 5–21 days), B. pertussis infection is manifest first as a catarrhal illness with little to distinguish it from other upper respiratory tract infections. This is followed up to 1 week later by a dry non-productive cough, which becomes paroxysmal. A paroxysm is characterized by a series of short coughs producing copious mucus, followed by a ‘whoop’, which is a characteristic sound produced by an inspiratory gasp of air. Despite the severity of the cough, the symptoms are confined to the respiratory tract, and lobar or segmental collapse of the lungs can occur (Fig. 19.3).

Figure 19.3 Chest radiograph showing patchy consolidation and collapse of the right middle lobe in whooping cough.
(Courtesy of J.A. Innes.)
The early clinical picture is non-specific, and the true diagnosis may not be suspected until the paroxysmal phase. The organisms can be isolated on suitable media from throat swabs or on ‘cough plates’ (see Ch. 32), but they are fastidious and do not survive well outside the host’s environment.
Acute bronchitis
Acute bronchitis is an inflammatory condition of the tracheobronchial tree, usually due to infection
• With influenza virus infection, it may be extensive and leave the host prone to secondary bacterial invasion (post-influenza pneumonia; see below).
• With Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection, specific attachment of the organism to receptors on the bronchial mucosal epithelium (Fig. 19.4) and the release of toxic substances by the organism results in sloughing of affected cells. There is a 4-yearly epidemic cycle that normally occurs 2 years after the Olympic Games. A dry cough is the most prominent presentation, and treatment is largely symptomatic. However, it can cause pneumonia and complications involving other organs, such as hepatitis, encephalitis, arthralgia, skin lesions and haemolytic anaemia. Treatment involves antibiotics such as tetracyclines or macrolides.
Respiratory syncytial virus infection
Respiratory syncytial virus RNA is detectable in throat swab specimens, and ribavirin is indicated for severe disease
Molecular methods, such as PCR, used to detect RSV RNA in throat swab specimens, have a higher diagnostic sensitivity than immunofluorescence (Fig. 19.5) or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) methods (see Ch. 32), detecting RSV-specific antigens in smears of exfoliated cells obtained by nasopharyngeal aspiration. However, virus isolation is less helpful due to the time taken to detect a cytopathic effect, and success depends on inoculating respiratory secretions as soon as possible into cell cultures.
Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS)
Ribavirin treatment may be successful if initiated at an early stage in the disease course.
The respiratory tract has a limited number of ways in which it can respond to infection
The host’s response can be defined by the pathologic and radiologic findings, but the terms can be confusing because they are applied differently in different situations. However, four descriptive terms are in common use (Fig. 19.6):
• Lobar pneumonia refers to involvement of a distinct region of the lung. The polymorph exudate formed in response to infection clots in the alveoli and renders them solid. Infection may spread to adjacent alveoli until constrained by anatomic barriers between segments or lobes of the lung. Thus one lobe may show complete consolidation.
• Bronchopneumonia refers to a more diffuse patchy consolidation, which may spread throughout the lung as a result of the original pathologic process in the small airways.
• Interstitial pneumonia involves invasion of the lung interstitium and is particularly characteristic of viral infections of the lungs.
• Lung abscess, sometimes referred to as necrotizing pneumonia, is a condition in which there is cavitation and destruction of the lung parenchyma.
A wide range of microorganisms can cause pneumonia
Age is an important determinant (Table 19.1):
• Most childhood pneumonia is caused either by viruses or by bacteria invading the respiratory tract secondary to viral infection, e.g. after measles infection. Neonates born to mothers with genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection may develop a chlamydial interstitial pneumonitis (see Ch. 21) resulting from colonization of the respiratory tract during birth.
• In the absence of an underlying disorder such as cystic fibrosis, pneumonia is unusual in older children. Children and young adults with cystic fibrosis are very prone to lower respiratory tract infection, caused characteristically by Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
• The cause of pneumonia in adults depends upon a number of risk factors such as age, underlying disease and exposure to pathogens through occupation, travel or contact with animals.
Table 19.1 Causes of pneumonia related to age
Children | Adults |
Mainly viral (e.g. respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza) or bacterial secondary to viral respiratory infection (e.g. after measles) | Bacterial causes more common than viral |
Neonates may develop interstitial pneumonitis caused by Chlamydia trachomatis acquired from the mother at birth | Aetiology varies with age, underlying disease, occupational and geographic risk factors |
Pneumonia in children is more often viral in origin or bacterial secondary to a viral respiratory infection. In adults, bacterial pneumonia is more common.
Pneumonia acquired in hospital tends to be caused by a different spectrum of organisms, particularly Gram-negative bacteria. The causative agents of adult pneumonia are summarized in Figure 19.7. Although clinical and epidemiologic clues help to suggest the likely cause, microbiologic investigations are essential to confirm the diagnosis and ensure optimal antimicrobial therapy.
Viral pneumonias show a characteristic interstitial pneumonia on chest radiography more often than bacterial pneumonias (see Fig. 19.6C), and for the sake of clarity are described separately below. Infections with RSV have been described earlier in this chapter, and opportunist pathogens, such as Pneumocystis jirovecii, associated specifically with pneumonia in the immunocompromised, are described in Chapter 30.
Bacterial pneumonia
Streptococcus pneumoniae is the classic bacterial cause of acute community-acquired pneumonia
In the past, 50–90% of pneumonias were caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae (the ‘pneumococcus’), but the relative importance of this pathogen has decreased and it now causes only 25–60% of cases (Table 19.2). Haemophilus influenzae is estimated to be the cause of 5–15% of cases, but the true incidence is difficult to determine because this organism frequently colonizes the upper respiratory tract of bronchitic patients (see above).
A variety of bacteria cause primary atypical pneumonia
When penicillin, an effective antibiotic treatment for pneumococcal infection, became widely available, a significant proportion of cases of pneumonia failed to respond to this treatment and were labelled ‘primary atypical pneumonia’. ‘Primary’ refers to pneumonia occurring as a new event, not secondary to influenza, for example, and ‘atypical’ to the fact that Strep. pneumoniae is not isolated from sputum from such patients, the symptoms are often general as well as respiratory, and the pneumonia fails to respond to penicillin or ampicillin. The causes of atypical pneumonia include Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydophila (formerly Chlamydia) pneumoniae and Chlamydophila (formerly Chlamydia) psittaci, Legionella pneumophila and Coxiella burnetii. The relative importance of these pathogens varies in different studies (Table 19.2). Infection with Chlamydophila pneumoniae is common. About 50% of adults have antibodies, and in the USA it causes up to 300 000 cases of pneumonia each year in adults. Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydophila pneumoniae appear to be solely human pathogens, whereas Chlamydophila psittaci and Coxiella burnetii are acquired from infected animals, and Legionella pneumophila is acquired from contaminated environmental sources (see Fig. 19.7).
Moraxella catarrhalis (previously Branhamella catarrhalis) is recognized increasingly as a cause of pneumonia, particularly in patients with carcinoma of the lung or other underlying lung disease. Other aetiologic agents of pneumonia associated with particular underlying diseases, occupations or exposure to animals and travel are summarized in Figure 19.7 and described in other chapters. It is important to note that a causative organism is not isolated in up to 35% of lower respiratory tract infections.
Patients with pneumonia usually present feeling unwell and with a fever
Signs and symptoms of a chest infection include:
• chest pain, which may be pleuritic in nature (pain on inspiration)
• a cough, which may produce sputum
Pneumonia is the most common cause of death from infection in the elderly
The usual laboratory procedures on sputum specimens from patients with pneumonia are Gram stain and culture
Examination of the Gram-stained sputum (see Ch. 32) can give a presumptive diagnosis within minutes if the film reveals a host response in the form of abundant polymorphs and the putative pathogen, e.g. Gram-positive diplococci characteristic of Streptococcus pneumoniae (Fig. 19.8). The presence of organisms in the absence of polymorphs is suggestive of contamination of the specimen rather than infection, but it is important to remember that immunocompromised patients may not be able to mount a polymorph leukocyte response. Also, remember that the causative agents of atypical pneumonia, with the exception of Legionella pneumophila (Fig. 19.9), will not be seen in Gram-stained smears.
Standard culture techniques will allow the growth of the bacterial pathogens such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae and Klebsiella pneumoniae and other non-fastidious Gram-negative rods. Special media or conditions are required for the causative agents of atypical pneumonia, including Legionella pneumophila (Fig. 19.9).
Rapid non-cultural techniques have been applied successfully to the diagnosis of pneumococcal pneumonia. Detection of pneumococcal antigen by agglutination of antibody-coated latex particles (see Ch. 32) can be used with both sputum and urine specimens, as antigen is excreted in the urine. Use of this technique means the result is available within 1 h of receipt of the specimen, but antibiotic susceptibility tests cannot be performed unless the organisms are isolated.
Microbiologic diagnosis of atypical pneumonia is usually confirmed by serology
As mentioned above, several important causes of pneumonia will not be revealed in Gram-stained sputum smears and cannot be grown on simple routine culture media. For these reasons, the diagnosis is usually confirmed by serologic tests rather than by culture. In some infections, IgM, antigen or genome detection is being used to make the diagnosis at an early stage. The classic techniques involve detection of a single high titre of specific antibodies, or preferably demonstration of a rising titre between the acute and convalescent phase of the disease, but the diagnosis is often made retrospectively. The important serologic tests are shown in Table 19.3.
Table 19.3 Serological diagnosis of ‘atypical’ pneumonia
Pathogen | Test |
Mycoplasma pneumoniae | Complement fixation test (CFT), IgM by latex agglutination or ELISA |
Legionella pneumophila | Urinary antigen test or rapid microagglutination test |
Chlamydophila pneumonia Chlamydophila psittaci | Microimmunofluorescence or ELISA using species-specific antigens |
Coxiella burnetii | CFT (phase I and phase II antigens) |
Several of the bacterial causes of pneumonia are difficult to grow in the laboratory, so examination of the patient’s serum for specific antibodies is the usual method of diagnosis. It is always better to demonstrate a rising titre between acute- and convalescent-phase sera than to rely on a single sample. ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.

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