
 Causes nonzonal or “geographic” necrosis

• Drug-induced liver injury

• Chronic passive congestion

Diagnostic Checklist

• Consider in systemically ill patients or those at risk for thrombosis with rapid, extreme rise in aminotransferases

Gross Appearance
This gross photograph illustrates a subcapsular hepatic infarct. The infarcted area shows variegated red hemorrhagic areas image admixed with necrosis image .

Hepatic Ischemia
This low-power photomicrograph shows zone 3 perivenular hemorrhage and necrosis image in a case of hepatic ischemia. The periportal hepatocytes are well preserved image .

Zone 3 Necrosis and Hemorrhage
Well-demarcated areas of hepatocyte necrosis and hemorrhage image are seen in hepatic ischemia. The hemorrhage corresponds to the red areas seen grossly in “nutmeg” liver. Periportal hepatocytes are well preserved image .

Sharply Delineated Necrosis
This liver biopsy demonstrates a sharp distinction between areas of confluent hepatocyte necrosis image and preserved adjacent hepatocytes image .



• Ischemic hepatitis or hypoxic hepatitis

• Shock liver

• Hepatic infarction


• Liver injury due to reduced blood flow


Systemic Hypotension &/or Hypoxemia

• Cardiac failure or circulatory shock of any cause

Vascular Obstruction

• Caused by stasis, endothelial injury, and hypercoagulable state
image 1 or more vessels may be involved

• In transplant patients, anastomotic complications lead to vascular thromboses

• In native livers, usually require obstruction of 2 vessels to result in clinically significant ischemia
image Greater collateralization present in native livers, but allografts subject to injury with single vessel obstruction

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Apr 20, 2017 | Posted by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Ischemia

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