Introduction to Pharmacology

Introduction to Pharmacology

Pharmacology and Related Sciences

Pharmacology is the study of drugs and their effects on life processes. It is a fundamental science that sprang to the forefront of modern medicine with demonstrated success in treating disease and saving lives. It is also a discipline that drives the international pharmaceutical industry to billion-dollar profits. This chapter reviews the history and subdivisions of pharmacology and discusses, in detail, the types of drugs, formulations, and routes of administration.

History and Role of Pharmacology

Since the beginning of the species, people have treated pain and disease with substances derived from plants, animals, and minerals. However, the science of pharmacology is less than 150 years old, ushered in by the ability to isolate pure compounds and the establishment of the scientific method. Historically, the selection and use of drugs were based on superstition or on experience (empiricism).

In the first or earliest phase of drug usage, noxious plant and animal preparations were administered to a diseased patient to rid the body of the evil spirits believed to cause illness. The Greek word pharmakon, from which the term pharmacology is derived, originally meant a magic charm for treating disease. Later, pharmakon came to mean a remedy or drug.

In the second phase of drug usage, experience enabled people to understand which substances were actually beneficial in relieving particular disease symptoms. The first effective drugs were probably simple external preparations, such as cool mud or a soothing leaf; the earliest known prescriptions, from 2100 BCE, included salves containing thyme. Over many centuries, people learned the therapeutic value of natural products through trial and error. By 1500 BCE, Egyptian prescriptions called for castor oil, opium, and other drugs that are still used today. In China, ancient scrolls from that time listed prescriptions for herbal medicines for more than 50 diseases. Dioscorides, a Greek army surgeon who lived in the 1st century, described more than 600 medicinal plants that he collected and studied as he traveled with the Roman army. Susruta, a Hindu physician, described the principles of Ayurvedic medicine in the 5th century. During the Middle Ages, Islamic physicians (most famously Avicenna) and Christian monks cultivated and studied the use of herbal medicines.

The third phase of drug usage, the rational or scientific phase, gradually evolved with important advances in chemistry and physiology that gave rise to the new science of pharmacology. At the same time, a more rational understanding of disease mechanisms provided a scientific basis for using drugs whose physiologic actions and effects were understood.

The advent of pharmacology was particularly dependent on the isolation of pure drug compounds from natural sources and on the development of experimental physiology methods to study these compounds. The isolation of morphine from opium in 1804 was rapidly followed by the extraction of many other drugs from plant sources, providing a diverse array of pure drugs for pharmacologic experimentation. Advances in physiology allowed pioneers, such as François Magendie and Claude Bernard, to conduct some of the earliest pharmacologic investigations, including studies that localized the site of action of curare to the neuromuscular junction. The first medical school pharmacology laboratory was started by Rudolf Buchheim in Estonia. Buchheim and one of his students, Oswald Schmiedeberg, trained many other pharmacologists, including John Jacob Abel, who established the first pharmacology department at the University of Michigan in 1891 and is considered the father of American pharmacology.

The goal of pharmacology is to understand the mechanisms by which drugs interact with biologic systems to enable the rational use of effective agents in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. The success of pharmacology in this task has led to an explosion of new drug development, particularly in the past 50 years. Twentieth-century developments include the isolation and use of insulin for diabetes, the discovery of antimicrobial and antineoplastic drugs, and the advent of modern psychopharmacology. Recent advances in molecular biology, genetics, and drug design suggest that new drug development and pharmacologic innovations will provide even greater advances in the treatment of medical disorders in this century.

The history of many significant events in pharmacology, as highlighted by selected Nobel Prize recipients, is presented in Table 1-1.


The Nobel Prize and the History of Pharmacology*

Ilya Metchnikoff, Paul Ehrlich (1908) First antimicrobial drugs (magic bullet)
Frederick Banting, John Macleod (1923) Isolation and discovery of insulin and its application in the treatment of diabetes
Sir Henry Dale, Otto Loewi (1936) Chemical transmission of nerve impulses
Sir Alexander Fleming, Ernst Chain, Sir Howard Florey (1945) Discovery of penicillin and its curative effect in various infectious diseases
Edward Kendall, Tadeus Reichstein, Philip Hench (1950) Hormones of the adrenal cortex, their structure and biologic effects
Daniel Bovet (1957) Antagonists that block biologically active amines, including the first antihistamine
Sir Bernard Katz, Ulf von Euler, Julius Axelrod (1970) Transmitters in the nerve terminals and the mechanism for storage, release, and inactivation
Earl Sutherland, Jr. (1971) Mechanisms of the action of hormones with regard to inhibition and stimulation of cyclic AMP
Sune Bergström, Bengt Samuelsson, John Vane (1982) Discovery of prostaglandins and the mechanism of action of aspirin that inhibits prostaglandin synthesis
Sir James Black, Gertrude Elion, George Hitchings (1988) Development of the first β-blocker, propranolol, and anticancer agents that block nucleic acid synthesis
Alfred Gilman, Martin Rodbell (1994) Discovery of G proteins and the role of these proteins in signal transduction in cells
Robert Furchgott, Louis Ignarro, Ferid Murad (1998) Recognition of nitric oxide as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system
Arvid Carlsson, Paul Greengard, Eric Kandel (2000) Role of dopamine in schizophrenia and signal transduction in the nervous system leading to long-term potentiation

AMP, Adenosine monophosphate.

*Selected from the list of recipients of the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine; note that many other discoveries pertinent to pharmacology have been made by other Nobel Prize winners in this field and in the field of chemistry and that the original discovery was often made many years before the Nobel Prize was awarded.

Pharmacology and Its Subdivisions

Pharmacology is the biomedical science concerned with the interaction of chemical substances with living cells, tissues, and organisms. It is particularly concerned with the mechanisms by which drugs counteract the manifestations of disease and affect fertility. Pharmacology is not primarily focused on the methods of synthesis or isolation of drugs or with the preparation of pharmaceutical products. The disciplines that deal with these subjects are described later.

Pharmacology is divided into two main subdivisions, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. The relationship between these subdivisions is shown in Figure 1-1. Pharmacokinetics is concerned with the processes that determine the concentration of drugs in body fluids and tissues over time, including drug absorption, distribution, biotransformation (metabolism), and excretion. Pharmacodynamics is the study of the actions of drugs on target organs. A shorthand way of thinking about it is that pharmacodynamics is what the drug does to the body, and pharmacokinetics is what the body does to the drug. Modern pharmacology is focused on the biochemical and molecular mechanisms by which drugs produce their physiologic effects and with the dose-response relationship, defined as the relationship between the concentration of a drug in a tissue and the magnitude of the tissue’s response to that drug. Most drugs produce their effects by binding to protein receptors in target tissues, a process that activates a cascade of events known as signal transduction. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics are discussed in greater detail in Chapters 2 and 3.

Drug Sources and Preparations

A drug can be defined as a natural product, chemical substance, or pharmaceutical preparation intended for administration to a human or animal to diagnose or treat a disease. The word drug is derived from the French drogue, which originally meant dried herbs and was applied to herbs in the marketplace used for cooking rather than for any medicinal reason. Ironically, the medical use of the drug marijuana, a dried herb, is hotly debated in many societies today. Drugs may be hormones, neurotransmitters, or peptides produced by the body; conversely a xenobiotic is a drug produced outside the body, either synthetic or natural. A poison is a drug that can kill, whereas a toxin is a drug that can kill and is produced by a living organism. The terms medication and, used less frequently, medicament are synonymous with the word drug.

Synthetic Drugs

Modern chemistry in the 19th century enabled scientists to synthesize new compounds and to modify naturally occurring drugs. Aspirin, barbiturates, and local anesthetics (e.g., procaine) were among the first drugs to be synthesized in the laboratory. Semisynthetic derivatives of naturally occurring compounds have led to new drugs with different properties, such as the morphine derivative oxycodone.

In some cases, new drug uses were discovered by accident when drugs were used for another purpose, or by actively screening a huge number of related molecules for a specific pharmacologic activity. Medicinal chemists now use molecular modeling software to discern the structure-activity relationship, which is the relationship among the drug molecule, its target receptor, and the resulting pharmacologic activity. In this way a virtual model for the receptor of a particular drug is created, and drug molecules that best fit the three-dimensional conformation of the receptor are synthesized. This approach has been used, for example, to design agents that inhibit angiotensin synthesis, treat hypertension, and inhibit the maturation of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

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