Drugs Affecting Calcium and Bone

Drugs Affecting Calcium and Bone


The strength and structure of bone result from the deposition of calcium phosphate salts called hydroxyapatite (Ca5[PO4]3OH) on bone matrix proteins, a process called mineralization. Normal bone is constantly undergoing remodeling by sequential demineralization and mineralization. During remodeling, bone calcium is in dynamic equilibrium with ionized calcium in extracellular fluid. Hence bone mineralization increases as the extracellular calcium concentration rises, and demineralization increases as it falls. The proper extracellular calcium concentration is also required for normal function of nerves and muscles, gland secretion, blood coagulation, enzyme activities, and other physiologic functions.

Calcium and Bone Metabolism

Control of the extracellular calcium concentration depends on hormonal regulation of the absorption and excretion of calcium, as well as on the exchange of ionized calcium with bone. As shown in Figure 36-1, the hormones involved in this regulation include vitamin D, parathyroid hormone (PTH), and calcitonin.

Vitamin D stimulates calcium absorption by increasing the synthesis of a calcium-binding protein that mediates the gastrointestinal absorption of calcium. Vitamin D also stimulates bone resorption and the closely coupled process of bone formation.

PTH has four actions that increase the extracellular calcium concentration. First, it stimulates resorption of calcium by renal tubules. Second, it decreases resorption of phosphate by renal tubules. This decreases the extracellular phosphate concentration, which in turn tends to increase the extracellular calcium concentration. Third, PTH stimulates the hydroxylation of vitamin D in the kidneys (Fig. 36-2). Fourth, PTH increases bone resorption by stimulating osteoclast activity, which enables bone calcium to enter the extracellular pool.

Calcitonin is released by parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland in response to increased plasma calcium levels, and it acts to inhibit bone resorption and decrease plasma calcium levels. The physiologic significance of calcitonin is unclear, because normal calcium balance is maintained in the absence of calcitonin in persons who undergo thyroidectomy.

Bone remodeling (Fig. 36-3) consists of a sequence of events involving the dynamic interaction of osteoclasts (bone-resorbing cells) and osteoblasts (bone-forming cells). The recruitment and activation of osteoclasts are mediated by compounds released from osteoblasts and peripheral leukocytes called bone cell cytokines. The cytokines include interleukins, tumor necrosis factor, colony-stimulating factors, and other factors that alter gene expression. After the osteoclasts are activated, they adhere to the bone surface and release hydrogen ions and proteases to break down the bone. The destroyed bone releases growth factors that increase osteoblast production and decrease osteoclast activity. The osteoblasts then lay down new bone in the cavity created by osteoclasts. The entire remodeling process takes about 100 days on average. Trabecular bone (internal, spongy, cancellous bone) undergoes more remodeling than cortical (hard compact outer layer) bone (25% versus 3% annually).

The balance between bone resorption and bone formation is usually maintained until the third or fourth decade of life, when a slow, age-related imbalance begins and favors resorption over formation. Hormonal and nutritional deficiencies can contribute to this imbalance.

Bone Disorders

Osteoporosis, the most common bone disorder, is characterized by a gradual reduction in bone mass that weakens bones and leads to the occurrence of fractures after minimal trauma, such as falls. Vertebral fractures are the most frequent type of fracture in patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis, a disorder partly caused by decreased estrogen secretion in this population; hip, humerus, and pelvis fractures are also major causes of immobility, morbidity, and mortality in older persons. In the United States the annual cost of osteoporotic hip fractures is currently about $11 billion, and the cost is projected to rise to $240 billion by the year 2040 if more effective methods of prevention and treatment are not developed and implemented (Box 36-1).

Box 36-1   A Case of Low Bone Density

Case Presentation

A healthy 50-year-old woman has returned to her physician to assess hormone replacement therapy. She recently entered menopause and for the past 3 months has been taking a low dose of oral estrogen and a vaginal estrogen cream along with cyclic medroxyprogesterone to relieve menopausal symptoms. The treatment has reduced hot flashes and sleep disruption, but she still has an occasional episode. Because her mother had osteoporosis and fractured her hip, the woman asks about preventive therapy. She has been taking an adequate amount of calcium and has increased her intake of vitamin D. Her physician arranges for a bone mineral density (BMD) test, which reveals that her BMD T-score is −2 (normal is greater than −1). Based on her T-score and family history of osteoporosis, her physician suggests that she begin therapy with alendronate. She will be scheduled for a follow-up BMD test in 6 months.

Case Discussion

BMD typically increases until about age 35 and then levels off until menopause. After menopause, BMD usually undergoes a sharp decline, and the risk of fractures increases with age. BMD is often determined using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry. The T-score compares a woman’s BMD in grams per square centimeter with that of healthy young adults. The T-score is calculated as the patient’s BMD minus the average young adult BMD, divided by 1 standard deviation of young adult BMDs. A normal T-score is greater than −1, whereas scores of −1 to −2.5 indicate low bone mass (osteopenia) and a risk of developing osteoporosis. Scores less than −2.5 indicate osteoporosis. Treatment guidelines recommend that women with risk factors receive preventive therapy if their T-score is less than −1.5. The risk factors include a previous fragility fracture, a family history of fracture, cigarette smoking, and low body weight (<127 pounds). Hence, the woman meets the criteria for preventive treatment, and a bisphosphonate drug is usually selected for this purpose. If this treatment does not improve her BMD, calcitonin therapy might be considered.

Paget disease of bone, or osteitis deformans, is the second most common bone disorder. Characterized by excessive bone turnover, it causes bone deformities, pain, and fractures. Its cause is unknown.

Osteomalacia is characterized by abnormal mineralization of new bone matrix. The condition has numerous causes, the most common of which include vitamin D deficiency, abnormal vitamin D metabolism, phosphate deficiency, and osteoblast dysfunction. In children, osteomalacia usually results from vitamin D deficiency and is called rickets. This disorder is uncommon today because of vitamin D–supplemented foods and sun exposure. In adults, factors such as aging, malabsorption, chronic renal impairment, and use of phenytoin or other anticonvulsant drugs can interfere with vitamin D absorption, metabolism, or target organ response and result in osteomalacia.

Calcium and Vitamin D

An adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D is essential for optimal bone formation in children and to prevent osteoporosis in adults. All persons should be encouraged by health professionals to meet the recommendations of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies of the United States, or similar agencies in other countries, for daily calcium and vitamin D intake (Table 36-1). These recommendations can be met by ingesting calcium-rich foods, which are primarily dairy products, and by taking oral calcium and vitamin D supplements if dietary intake is inadequate. Studies have shown that adequate calcium and vitamin D intake prevents loss of bone mass and osteoporosis. For example, nursing-home residents who were given 800 International Units (IU) of vitamin D3 and 1200 mg of calcium were found to have an increased bone density and a decreased incidence of hip and nonvertebral fractures in comparison with those who were given placebos. In another study, administration of vitamin D3 was found to decrease the incidence of vertebral and nonvertebral fractures in women with previous fractures.

TABLE 36-1

Recommended Dietary Allowances for Calcium and Vitamin D*

0-6 months 400 400
7-12 months 600 400
Children, Adolescents
1-3 years 700 600
4-8 years 1000 600
9-18 years 1300 600
19-70 years 1000 600
>70 years 1200 800
25-50 years 1000 600
>50 years 1200 600
>70 years 1200 800
Pregnant and nursing 1000-1300 600


*Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies.


In the United States, it is estimated that two thirds of women age 18 and over have an inadequate calcium intake, which predisposes them to postmenopausal osteoporosis. Most people get 300 mg of calcium daily in their diet from nondairy sources, and adding two servings of dairy products typically brings the total calcium intake to 900 mg. Supplementing with just 300 mg of calcium or adding another high-calcium dairy product would provide about 1200 mg and thereby fulfill the daily requirement for all adults and children except adolescents (see Table 36-1).

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