31 Diagnosis of infection and assessment of host defence mechanisms
Aims of the clinical microbiology laboratory
The aims of the microbiology laboratory are:
• to provide accurate information about the presence or absence of microorganisms in a specimen that may be involved in a patient’s disease process
• where relevant, to provide information on the antimicrobial susceptibility of the microorganisms isolated.
Identification is achieved by detecting the microorganism or its products or the patient’s immune response
Laboratory tests are carried out:
• to detect microorganisms or their products in specimens collected from the patient
• to detect evidence of the patient’s immune response (production of antibodies) to infection.
While there are different protocols for different specimens (e.g., urine, faeces, genital tract, blood, etc.), the tests fall into three main categories:
1. Identification of microorganisms by isolation and culture. Microorganisms may grow in artificial media or, in the case of viruses, in cell cultures. In some instances, quantification is important (e.g. more than 105 bacteria/mL of urine is indicative of infection whereas lower numbers are not; see Ch. 20). Once an organism has been isolated in culture, its susceptibility to antimicrobial agents can be determined.
2. Identification of a specific microbial gene or product. Non-cultural techniques that do not depend upon the growth and multiplication of microorganisms to detect microorganisms have the potential to yield more rapid results. These techniques include the detection of structural components of the cell (e.g. cell wall antigens) and extracellular products (e.g. toxins). Alternatively, molecular approaches are increasingly available such as the detection of specific gene sequences in clinical specimens using DNA probes or the polymerase chain reaction (PCR; see below). They are potentially applicable to all microorganisms, but antimicrobial susceptibilities cannot be determined without culture (although the presence of resistance genes may be detectable by specific probes).
3. Detection of specific antibodies to a pathogen. This is especially important when the pathogen cannot be cultivated in laboratory media (e.g. Treponema pallidum, many viruses) or when culture would be particularly hazardous to laboratory staff (e.g. culture of Francisella tularensis, the cause of tularaemia, or the fungus Coccidioides immitis). Detection of IgM and/or IgG antibodies in a single serum collected during the acute phase of illness can be helpful in diagnosis of, for example, rubella by specific IgM, hepatitis A by IgM and hepatitis B by HepB surface antigen, or in rare diseases such as Lassa fever. The classic diagnostic method is by detection of a rise (fourfold or greater) in antibody titre between ‘paired’ sera, collected in the acute phase of an infection (5–7 days after onset of symptoms) and in convalescence (after 3–4 weeks). Such tests therefore tend to result in a delayed or retrospective diagnosis and are therefore of limited help for clinical management.
Specimen processing
Specimen handling and interpretation of results is based upon a knowledge of normal flora and contaminants
Specimens intended for cultivation of microorganisms can be divided into two types:
• those from sites that are normally sterile
• those from sites that usually have a commensal flora (Box 31.1; see also Ch. 8).
A thorough knowledge of the microorganisms normally isolated from specimens from non-sterile sites, and the common contaminants of specimens collected from sterile sites, is important to ensure that specimens are properly handled and the results are correctly interpreted. Some specimens from sites that should be sterile (e.g. bladder urine, sputum from the lower respiratory tract) are usually collected after passage through orifices that have a normal flora, which may contaminate the specimens. This needs to be considered when interpreting the culture results of these specimens.
Box 31.1 Sampling Sites, The Normal Flora and Interpretation of Results
In an ideal world, each specimen arriving in the laboratory would be considered in turn together with the information provided about the patient on the request form so that the microbiologist could assess the pathogens likely to be present and devise an ‘individualized’ processing plan. However, in reality, this approach is not practicable because of constraints on time and money. Thus, specimens tend to be processed by type (e.g. urine, blood, faeces) and the microbiologist looks for easily cultivated pathogens known to be associated with each sample type. However, if the laboratory is provided with suitable information, such as a statement of possible aetiology, more fastidious or unusual pathogens can be sought and relevant antibiotic susceptibilities assessed. To obtain a test result that correctly identifies the infection, it is important to collect an appropriate specimen, to use the appropriate transport conditions and to deliver specimens rapidly to the laboratory. These conditions all affect the accuracy of the laboratory report, and therefore its value to the clinician and ultimately to the patient. Key points to remember about specimen collection are summarized in Box 31.2.
Box 31.2 Important Steps in Specimen Collection and Delivery to The Laboratory
• Take the appropriate specimen, e.g. blood and cerebrospinal fluid in suspected meningitis.
• Collect the specimen at the appropriate time, during the acute phase of the disease, e.g. malarial films, virus isolation, viral genome detection, IgM detection.
• If possible, collect specimen before patient receives antimicrobials.
• Collect enough material and an adequate number of samples, e.g. enough blood/serum for more than one set of blood cultures.
• Use the correct containers and appropriate transport media.
• Complete request form with enough clinical information and a statement of possible aetiology.
• Inform the laboratory if special tests are required.
Routine culture takes at least 18 h to produce a result
Time is a key factor because the conventional methods of microbiologic diagnosis depend upon growth and identification of the pathogen. Results of routine culture cannot be achieved in < 18 h and may take much longer (e.g. several weeks) for a minority of pathogens such as the mycobacteria, which grow very slowly. Thus, specimen processing can be categorized according to the time required to achieve a result and the method – cultural or non-cultural. An alternative route to the diagnosis of an infection is an immunologic one, relying on the detection of an antibody response to the putative pathogen in the patient’s blood. These diagnostic routes are summarized in Figure 31.1, but rapid technologies (e.g. PCR, nucleic-acid probes, microarrays, etc.) have had a major influence on this process.
Non-cultural techniques for the laboratory diagnosis of infection
Microscopy is an important first step in the examination of specimens
Microscopy plays a fundamental role in microbiology. Although microorganisms show a wide range in size (see Ch. 1) they are too small to be seen individually by the naked eye, and therefore a microscope is an essential tool in microbiology. The various types of microscopy are summarized in Figure 31.2. The light microscope magnifies objects and therefore improves the resolving power of the naked eye from about 100 000 nm (0.1 mm) to 200 nm; the electron microscope can improve this to 0.1 to 1.0 nm.
Light microscopy
Bright field microscopy is used to examine specimens and cultures as wet or stained preparations
Wet preparations are used to demonstrate:
• blood cells and microbes in fluid specimens such as urine, faeces or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
• cysts, eggs and parasites in faeces
Living organisms can be examined to detect motility.
The most important differential staining technique in bacteriology is the ‘Gram’ stain
Differential staining procedures exploit the fact that cells with different properties stain differently and thus can be distinguished. Based on their reaction to Gram’s stain (Fig. 31.3), bacteria are divided into two broad groups:
This difference is related to differences in the structure of the cell walls of the two groups (see Ch. 2).
Acid-fast stains are used to detect mycobacteria
Some organisms, particularly mycobacteria, which have waxy cell walls, do not readily take up the Gram stain. To demonstrate their presence, special staining techniques are used which rely on the ability of such organisms to retain the stain in the presence of ‘decolourizing’ agents such as acid and alcohol. The Ziehl–Neelsen stain (see Fig. 19.20) is a classic differential staining procedure that uses heat to drive the fuchsin stain into the cells; mycobacteria stained with fuchsin withstand decolourization with acid and alcohol and are therefore known as ‘acid-’ and ‘alcohol-fast’, whereas other bacteria lose the stain after acid and alcohol treatment. Alternatively, many laboratories use the fluorescent dye auramine, which has a strong affinity for the waxy cell wall of mycobacteria, to demonstrate these organisms by fluorescence microscopy (Fig. 31.4).
Other staining techniques can be used to demonstrate particular features of cells
Examples of such features to aid identification include the volutin (polyphosphate) storage granules in Corynebacterium spp. and lipid in Bacillus spp. (Fig. 31.5).
Dark field (dark ground) microscopy is useful for observing motility and thin cells such as spirochetes
The light microscope may be adapted by modifying the condenser so that the object appears brightly lit against a dark background. Living organisms can be examined by dark field microscopy and thus motility can be observed. The method is also used for visualizing very thin cells such as spirochetes because the light reflected from the surface of the cells makes them appear larger and therefore more easily visible than when examined by bright field microscopy (Fig. 31.6).
Fluorescence microscopy is used for substances that are either naturally fluorescent or have been stained with fluorescent dyes
If light of one wavelength shines on a fluorescent object, it emits light of a different wavelength. Some biological substances are naturally fluorescent; others can be stained with fluorescent dyes and viewed in a microscope with an ultraviolet light source instead of white light (see Fig. 31.4).
Fluorescence microscopy is widely used in microbiology and immunology and has been developed to detect microbial antigens in specimens and tissues by ‘staining’ with specific antibodies tagged with fluorescent dyes (immunofluorescence). The method can be made more sensitive or can be adapted to the detection of antibody by labelling a second antibody in an indirect test (Fig. 31.7).
Electron microscopy
The specimen needs to be cut into thin sections for electron microscopy
The electron microscope uses a beam of electrons instead of light, and magnets are used to focus the beam instead of the lenses used in a light microscope. The whole system is operated under a high vacuum. Electron beams penetrate poorly, and a single microbial cell is too thick to be viewed directly. To overcome this, the specimen is fixed and mounted in plastic and cut into thin sections, which are examined individually. Electron-dense stains such as osmium tetroxide, uranyl acetate or glutaraldehyde are applied to the specimen to improve contrast. The electrons pass through the section and produce an image on a fluorescent screen. Images are photographed and enlarged so that the original specimen is magnified many thousandfold (Fig. 31.8).
Detection of microbial antigens in specimens
They are summarized in Box 31.3. Detection of microbial genes using DNA probes is discussed later in this chapter.
Box 31.3 Non-cultural Techniques for Detection of Microbial Products
Antigen detection
Detection of soluble carbohydrate antigens by agglutination of antibody-coated latex particles or red blood cells (see Fig. 31.9) e.g.:

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