One of most common gastrointestinal diseases worldwide
Particularly common in Scandinavia, Chile
In United States, estimated 10-20% of population have gallstones
2 main types: Cholesterol stones and pigment stones
Cholesterol stones
> 80% of stones in developed nations
Pigment stones
Black: Associated with hemolytic disorders, cirrhosis, TPN
Brown: Associated with ascending cholangitis and biliary inflammation
Clinical Issues
Most gallstones are clinically silent
May present with right upper quadrant pain, intolerance of fatty food
2-4 times more common in women than men
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is standard therapy
Ultrasound (diagnostic modality of choice) can detect stones > 3 mm in diameter
Cholesterol stones usually < 2 cm, multiple, and round or faceted
Black pigment stones are 2-5 mm, shiny, irregular, multifaceted
Brown pigment stones have softer texture and flaky appearance, often larger than black stones
Stones are often associated with inflammation (cholecystitis)
Formation of stones in gallbladder
Cholesterol Stone Formation