DNA, Chromosomes, and Cell Division

Jun 17, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on DNA, Chromosomes, and Cell Division

Fig. 2.1 DNA structure. Schematic representation of a DNA double helix unwound to show the complementarity of bases and the antiparallel structure of the phosphate (P) and sugar (S) backbone…

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Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH)

Jun 17, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH)

Fig. 17.1 Schematic representation of the basic steps of the FISH procedure. Both the probe and chromosomal target are heat-denatured. Probe sequences hybridize to the complementary target sequences, and nonspecific…

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Autosomal Aneuploidy

Jun 17, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on Autosomal Aneuploidy

Trisomy   Maternal     Paternal   References  MI MII MI or MII Mitotic Totala MI MII MI or MII Mitotic Totala    2   4 1  6 1  13 5     5 [30]  7   2…

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Instrumentation in the Cytogenetics Laboratory

Jun 17, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on Instrumentation in the Cytogenetics Laboratory

Fig. 7.1 Multiprep robotic harvester. This device was designed specifically for cytogenetics laboratories, with enhancements such as automatic fixative mixing, integral fume extraction, multiple dispensing, and aspiration probes to reduce…

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Prenatal Cytogenetics

Jun 17, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on Prenatal Cytogenetics

Type of abnormality Total abnormalities (%) Sex chromosomes, males 47,XYY  45 (0.103) 47,XXY  45 (0.103) Other  32 (0.073) Sex chromosomes, females 45,X 6 (0.024) 47,XXX  27 (0.109) Other 9 (0.036)…

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The Essentials of Light Microscopy

Jun 17, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on The Essentials of Light Microscopy

Fig. 5.1 Conjugate planes in the optical microscope (cutaway). In this cutaway of a modern microscope, “image” planes are marked in black while “aperture” planes are marked in red, denoting…

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Basic Cytogenetics Laboratory Procedures

Jun 17, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on Basic Cytogenetics Laboratory Procedures

Overview of cell culture and harvest Culture initiation → Culture maintenance → Cell harvest Living cells→ Sterility→ Arrest division Sterility→ Optimal temperature→ Swell cells Proper growth medium→ Optimal pH→ Fix…

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Genomic Imprinting and Uniparental Disomy

Jun 17, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on Genomic Imprinting and Uniparental Disomy

Fig. 20.1 Diagrammatic representation of the imprinting process. Light-colored circles represent undermethylated genes, dark-colored circles represent hypermethylated genes. m maternally derived chromosome, pink. p paternally derived chromosome, blue. See text…

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