The nervous system
Chapter 11 The nervous system HIGHER CORTICAL FUNCTION Symptoms MOOD • Is the mood appropriate to the setting? • Is the patient passive or uninterested? • Is there anxiety or…
The abdomen
Chapter 7 The abdomen SYMPTOMS OF ABDOMINAL DISORDERS Gastrointestinal diseases DYSPHAGIA Dysphagia caused by a carcinoma usually progresses rapidly over 6–10 weeks and is worse for solids than liquids. Profound…
Skin, nails and hair
Chapter 3 Skin, nails and hair SYMPTOMS OF SKIN DISEASE The history should evaluate possible precipitating factors and determine whether the skin problem is localised or a manifestation of systemic…
Respiratory system
Chapter 5 Respiratory system Important for the examiner is the arrangement of the lobes of the lungs (Fig. 5.1). It will be seen that both lungs are divided into two…
The heart and cardiovascular system
Chapter 6 The heart and cardiovascular system CLINICAL HISTORY Breathlessness Patients with heart disease that causes breathlessness experience it during physical exertion (exertional dyspnoea) and sometimes when they lie flat…