
Aug 11, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Alphaviruses

Alphaviruses Diane E. Griffin The genus Alphavirus includes 29 species that can be classified antigenically into at least eight complexes (Table 23.1). Alphaviruses are geographically restricted in their distributions and…

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Aug 11, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Togaviridae

Togaviridae Richard J. Kuhn The togaviruses are simple enveloped plus-strand RNA viruses that are spherical in appearance and contribute significantly to human disease. Although they were originally classified together with…

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Aug 11, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Astroviruses

Astroviruses Ernesto MĂ©ndez Carlos F. Arias The family Astroviridae includes human and animal astroviruses that show icosahedral morphology; they are nonenveloped and their genome is composed of plus-sense, single-stranded RNA…

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Caliciviridae: The Noroviruses

Aug 11, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Caliciviridae: The Noroviruses

Caliciviridae: The Noroviruses Kim Y. Green The family Caliciviridae is composed of small (27 to 40 nm), nonenveloped, icosahedral viruses that possess a linear, positive-sense, single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) genome. The…

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Hepatitis A Virus

Aug 11, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Hepatitis A Virus

Hepatitis A Virus F. Blaine Hollinger Annette Martin History Reports of icteric disease in ancient Chinese literature, as reviewed by Zuckerman,419 and a letter from Pope Zacharias to Archbishop St….

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Aug 11, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Rhinoviruses

Rhinoviruses James E. Gern Ann C. Palmenberg History The common cold has been recognized for millennia, and both the illness and prescribed remedies have been influenced by and engendered a…

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Picornaviridae: The Viruses and their Replication

Aug 11, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Picornaviridae: The Viruses and their Replication

Picornaviridae: The Viruses and their Replication Vincent R. Racaniello Viruses in the family Picornaviridae have nonenveloped particles with a single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) genome of positive polarity. Among its many members…

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Diagnostic Virology

Aug 11, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Diagnostic Virology

Diagnostic Virology Gregory A. Storch David Wang Diagnostic virology continues to evolve rapidly. Viral testing is now essential for the care of a number of patient groups, including hospitalized patients…

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Immunization Against Viral Diseases

Aug 11, 2016 by in MICROBIOLOGY Comments Off on Immunization Against Viral Diseases

Immunization Against Viral Diseases Barney S. Graham James E. Crowe Jr. Julie E. Ledgerwood Both innate and adaptive immune responses mediate host resistance to virus infection. Elements of the innate…

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