Obesity Management1

Jul 27, 2016 by in PUBLIC HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY Comments Off on Obesity Management1

Obesity Management1 Lawrence J. Cheskin Kavita H. Poddar 1Abbreviations: ACSM, American College of Sports Medicine; BMI, body mass index; BMR, basal metabolic rate; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; FFQ, food…

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Nutrition in Lactation1

Jul 27, 2016 by in PUBLIC HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY Comments Off on Nutrition in Lactation1

Nutrition in Lactation1 Deborah L. O’Connor Mary Frances Picciano† †Deceased. With the passing of Dr. Picciano, she unfortunately was unable to review the revision of this chapter. 1Abbreviations: AAP, American…

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Nutrition in Older Adults1

Jul 27, 2016 by in PUBLIC HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY Comments Off on Nutrition in Older Adults1

Nutrition in Older Adults1 Connie Watkins Bales Mary Ann Johnson 1Abbreviations: AD, Alzheimer disease; AI, adequate intake; CHD, coronary heart disease; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CVD, cardiovascular disease; DRI, dietary…

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Nutrition in Adolescence1

Jul 27, 2016 by in PUBLIC HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY Comments Off on Nutrition in Adolescence1

Nutrition in Adolescence1 Marie-Pierre St-Onge Kathleen L. Keller 1Abbreviations: AI, adequate intake; BMD, bone mineral density; BMI, body mass index; CVD, cardiovascular disease; DGA, Dietary Guidelines for Americans; DRI, dietary…

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Nutrition in Pregnancy1

Jul 27, 2016 by in PUBLIC HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY Comments Off on Nutrition in Pregnancy1

Nutrition in Pregnancy1 R. Elaine Turner 1Abbreviations: AI, adequate intake; BEE, basal energy expenditure; BMI, body mass index; DHA, docosahexaenoic acid; DRI, dietary reference intake; EAR, estimated average requirement; FAS,…

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Nutrition and the Chemical Senses

Jul 27, 2016 by in PUBLIC HEALTH AND EPIDEMIOLOGY Comments Off on Nutrition and the Chemical Senses

Nutrition and the Chemical Senses Valerie B. Duffy 1Abbreviations: cAMP, cyclic adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate; CN, cranial nerve; CNS, central nervous system; CTN, chorda tympani nerve; ENaC, epithelial amiloride-sensitive sodium channel; GPCR,…

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