Transport and Metabolic Functions of the Liver

CHAPTER 31 Transport and Metabolic Functions of the Liver


The liver is a large, multilobed organ located in the abdominal cavity whose function is intimately associated with that of the gastrointestinal system. The liver serves as the first site of processing for most absorbed nutrients and also secretes bile acids, which as we learned in Chapter 29, plays a critical role in the absorption of lipids from the diet. In addition, the liver is a metabolic powerhouse, critical for disposing of a variety of metabolic waste products and xenobiotics from the body by converting them to forms that can be excreted. The liver stores or produces numerous substances needed by the body, such as glucose, amino acids, and plasma proteins. In general, key functions of the liver can be divided into three areas: (1) contributions to whole-body metabolism, (2) detoxification, and (3) excretion of protein-bound/lipid-soluble waste products. In this chapter we discuss the structural and molecular features of the liver and the biliary system that subserve these functions, as well as their regulation. However, although the liver contributes in a pivotal way to the maintenance of whole-body biochemical status, a complete discussion of all of the underpinning reactions is beyond the scope of the present text. We will confine our discussion primarily to hepatic functions that relate to gastrointestinal physiology.

Metabolic Functions of the Liver

Hepatocytes contribute to metabolism of the major nutrients: carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. Thus, the liver plays an important role in glucose metabolism by engaging in gluconeogenesis, the conversion of other sugars to glucose. The liver also stores glucose as glycogen at times of glucose excess (such as in the postprandial period) and then releases stored glucose into the bloodstream as it is needed. This process is referred to as the “glucose buffer function of the liver.” When hepatic function is impaired, glucose concentrations in blood may rise excessively after the ingestion of carbohydrate; conversely, between meals, hypoglycemia may be seen because of an inability of the liver to contribute to carbohydrate metabolism and interconversion of one sugar to another.

Hepatocytes also participate in lipid metabolism. They are a particularly rich source of the metabolic enzymes engaged in fatty acid oxidation to supply energy for other body functions. Hepatocytes also convert products of carbohydrate metabolism to lipids that can be stored in adipose tissue and synthesize large quantities of lipoproteins, cholesterol, and phospholipids, the latter two being important in the biogenesis of cell membranes. In addition, hepatocytes convert a considerable portion of synthesized cholesterol to bile acids, of which we will discuss more later in this chapter.

The liver also plays a vital role in protein metabolism. The liver synthesizes all of the so-called nonessential amino acids (see Chapter 29) that do not need to be supplied in the diet, in addition to participating in interconverting and deaminating amino acids so that the products can enter biosynthetic pathways for the synthesis of carbohydrates. With the exception of immunoglobulins, the liver synthesizes almost all of the proteins present in plasma, especially albumin, which determines plasma oncotic pressure, as well as most of the important clotting factors. Patients suffering from liver disease may develop peripheral edema secondary to hypoalbuminemia and are also susceptible to bleeding disorders. Finally, the liver is the critical site for disposal of the ammonia generated from protein catabolism. This is accomplished by converting ammonia to urea, which can then be excreted by the kidneys. The details of this process will be discussed later.

The Liver and Detoxification

The liver serves both as a gatekeeper, by limiting the entry of toxic substances into the bloodstream, and as a garbage disposal, by extracting potentially toxic metabolic products produced elsewhere in the body and converting them to chemical forms that can be excreted. The liver fulfills these functions, in part, because of its unusual blood supply. Unlike all other organs, the majority of blood arriving at the liver is venous in nature and is supplied via the portal vein from the intestine (Fig. 31-1). As such, the liver is strategically located to receive not only absorbed nutrients but also potentially harmful absorbed molecules such as drugs and bacterial toxins. Depending on the efficiency with which these molecules are extracted by hepatocytes and subjected to so-called first-pass metabolism, little or none of the absorbed substance may make it into the systemic circulation. This is a major reason why not all pharmaceutical agents can achieve therapeutic concentrations in the bloodstream if administered orally.

The liver has two levels at which it removes and metabolizes/detoxifies substances originating from the portal circulation. The first of these is physical. Blood arriving in the liver percolates among cells of macrophage lineage, known as Kupffer cells. These cells are phagocytic and are particularly important in removing particulate material from portal blood, including bacteria that may enter blood from the colon even under normal conditions. The second level of defense is biochemical. Hepatocytes are endowed with a broad array of enzymes that metabolize and modify both endogenous and exogenous toxins so that the products are, in general, more water soluble and less susceptible to reuptake by the intestine. The metabolic reactions involved are broadly divided into two classes. Phase I reactions (oxidation, hydroxylation, and other reactions catalyzed by cytochrome P-450 enzymes) are followed by phase II reactions that conjugate the resulting products with another molecule, such as glucuronic acid, sulfate, amino acids, or glutathione, to promote their excretion. The products of these reactions are then excreted into bile or returned to the bloodstream to ultimately be excreted by the kidneys. We will return to the precise mechanisms involved in the detoxification of some key metabolic waste products later.


Hepatocytes, the major cell type in the liver, are arranged in anastomosing cords that form plates around which large volumes of blood circulate (Fig. 31-2). The liver receives a high blood flow that is disproportionate to its mass, which ensures that hepatocytes receive high quantities of both O2 and nutrients. Hepatocytes receive more than 70% of their blood supply at rest via the portal vein (rising to more than 90% in the postprandial period).

The plates of hepatocytes that constitute the liver parenchyma are supplied by a series of sinusoids, which are low-resistance cavities supplied by branches of both the portal vein and the hepatic artery. The sinusoids are unlike the capillaries that perfuse other organs. During fasting, many sinusoids are collapsed, but more can gradually be recruited as portal blood flow increases during the period after a meal when absorbed nutrients are transported to the liver. The low resistance of the sinusoidal cavities means that blood flow through the liver can increase considerably without a concomitant increase in pressure. Eventually, the blood drains into central branches of the hepatic vein.

The sinusoids are also unusual in the endothelial cells that line their walls (Fig. 31-3). Hepatic endothelial cells contain specialized openings, known as fenestrations, that are large enough to permit the passage of molecules as big as albumin. Sinusoidal endothelial cells also lack a basement membrane, which might otherwise pose a diffusion barrier. These features allow access of albumin-bound substances to the hepatocytes that will eventually take them up. The sinusoids also contain Kupffer cells. Beneath the sinusoidal endothelium and separating the endothelium from the hepatocytes is a thin layer of loose connective tissue called the space of Disse, which likewise poses little resistance to the movement of molecules even as large as albumin in health. The space of Disse is also the location of another important hepatic cell type, the stellate cell. Stellate cells serve as storage sites for retinoids and in addition are the source of key growth factors for hepatocytes. Under abnormal conditions, stellate cells are activated to synthesize large quantities of collagen, which contributes to the hepatic dysfunction.

Hepatocytes are also the origination point for the biliary system. Although hepatocytes are considered to be epithelial cells with basolateral and apical membranes, the spatial arrangement of these two cell domains differs from that seen in simple columnar epithelium, such as that lining the gastrointestinal tract. Rather, in the liver the apical surface of the hepatocyte occupies only a small fraction of the cell membrane, and the apical membranes of adjacent cells oppose each other to form a channel between the cells known as the canaliculus (Fig. 31-3). The role of canaliculi is to drain bile from the liver, and these canaliculi drain into biliary ductules, which are lined by classic columnar epithelial cells known as cholangiocytes. Ultimately, the biliary ductules drain into large bile ducts that coalesce into the right and left hepatic ducts to permit exit of bile from the liver. These, in turn, form the common hepatic duct, from which bile can flow into either the gallbladder, via the cystic duct, or the intestine, via the common bile duct (Fig. 31-4), on the basis of prevailing pressure relationships.

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