5 Digestive Diseases
DISEASE STATES ASSOCIATED WITH ABDOMINAL PAIN (ACUTE AND CHRONIC) Definition Acute abdomen is defined as an episode of severe abdominal pain that lasts several hours or longer and requires medical…
DISEASE STATES ASSOCIATED WITH ABDOMINAL PAIN (ACUTE AND CHRONIC) Definition Acute abdomen is defined as an episode of severe abdominal pain that lasts several hours or longer and requires medical…
RESPIRATORY DISORDERS Respiratory diseases include diseases of the lung, pleural cavity, bronchial tubes, trachea, and upper respiratory tract and diseases of the nerves and muscles of breathing. These conditions range…
Definition Acute kidney injury (AKI), previously known as acute renal failure (ARF), is characterized by a rapid decline in kidney function that limits its ability to maintain homeostasis and eliminate…
CHEST PAIN CHEST PAIN: ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROMES Definition Chest pain accounts for over 6 million annual emergency department visits and 3 million hospital admissions in the United States. The differential…
OVERVIEW MOLECULAR DIAGNOSIS: TYPES OF GENETIC TESTING Diagnostic genetic testing: Confirmatory test for symptomatic individuals. Presymptomatic genetic testing: Carried out in people without symptoms for estimating the risk of developing…
DISORDERS OF COGNITION AND DEMENTIA INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY Definition Intellectual disability (ID) is defined by the DSM-IV1 as significant subaverage intellectual function, significant limitations in adaptive functioning, and onset before 18…
NEOPLASTIC DISEASES BLADDER CANCER Definition Cancer arising in the urinary bladder is a carcinoma of urothelial (transitional cell) origin in the United States and Europe (90% of cases). Less frequently,…
INFECTIOUS DISEASES CAUSED BY BACTERIAL PATHOGENS Bacterial pathogens may be classified by criteria such as Gram stain characteristics (gram-positive or gram-negative), shape (cocci, bacilli, coccobacilli, curved bacilli, spiral bacteria), growth…
Genetic susceptibility, mostly due to linkage to particular HLA molecules Environmental triggers (e.g., drugs, chemicals) Infectious agents (e.g., Mycoplasma pneumoniae, HIV) Loss of regulatory T cells Defects in cytokine production…
GYNECOLOGIC DISORDERS CANCER OF THE BREAST Definition Cancer of the breast is a malignancy arising from the breast epithelium (carcinoma) and/or stroma (sarcoma). Clinical Presentation Breast cancer is the most…