Distance education
Chapter 15 Distance education J. Grant and A. Zachariah Before you begin … This chapter looks different from the other chapters in this book. It is presented as a distance…
Chapter 15 Distance education J. Grant and A. Zachariah Before you begin … This chapter looks different from the other chapters in this book. It is presented as a distance…
Chapter 6 Preparing for general practice T. Gibbs Introduction It is Monday morning. You are getting towards the end of your morning surgery. So far today you have seen 12…
Chapter 41 Evaluating professionalism S. Ginsburg Evaluating professionalism in medical education has become much more explicit over the past decade. All important regulatory and accreditation bodies (such as the Royal…
Chapter 35 Concepts in assessment J. Norcini and M. Friedman Ben-David Even a cursory review of the assessment literature reveals a bewildering array of dichotomies and concepts. These are often…
Chapter 26 Simulated/standardized patients M. Cantrell and E.A. Gephardt Introduction Lay people who have been trained to portray patients have come under many names since the 1960s. Initially they were…
Chapter 33 Evidence-based medicine C. Heneghan and P. Glasziou Introduction The process of lifelong, self-directed learning includes recognition of clinically important questions about diagnosis, therapy, prognosis and other aspects of…
Chapter 30 Clinical communication J.R. Skelton Introduction The importance of clinical communication is now taken for granted. It is routinely taught and tested at the undergraduate and postgraduate level, often…
Chapter 4 Postgraduate training D. Wall and N.G. Patil This chapter is about postgraduate medical education and training, once the doctor has already qualified after a variable number of years…
Chapter 50 How to manage a medical college H. Hamdy Introduction Medical colleges and health profession education institutions are complex organizations interacting with different systems at the micro college level…
Chapter 20 Problem-based learning A.E. Sefton and M. Frommer Introduction Problem-based learning (PBL), now widely adopted in medical programmes internationally, was developed at McMaster University Medical School over 40 years…