Synthesis of a Thesis
Research work is a sequential process that involves planning a study and getting ethical, financial and administrative approval in conducting, collecting, collating and analysing data and finally reporting the results and logical conclusions derived therein. The outcomes of the investigation could be in the form of a dissertation, thesis, report and/or publication in a professional journal. Usually a thesis submission is an academic requirement to receive a professional degree, such as M.Sc., M.D. and Ph.D., from a university. However, researchers often lay greater emphasis on writing and publishing research papers, which are used as a yardstick to measure the quantity and quality of their research work. Yet, in this context, it is important to know that synthesising a good thesis often sets a strong foundation for writing good research papers.
What Is a Thesis?
A thesis is essentially a detailed, original research report of the work carried out by a researcher. The report identifies a gap in a specific area of research interest and should describe what was known about it previously, what the researcher did towards bridging that gap, what do the results mean and where or how further progress in the field can be made. It constitutes an objective evidence of a candidate’s knowledge and capabilities in the field of interest and therefore serves as a means to gauge them. The real purpose of thesis might be to determine literacy of a candidate in science. According to Day, ‘… the thesis usually can be longer and more involved than a scientific paper. But the concept that a thesis must be a bulky 200-page tome is wrong, dead wrong. Most 200-page theses I have seen contain may be 50 pages of good science. The other 150 pages comprise turgid descriptions of insignificant details’.1
Several research questions are considered before selecting the thesis topic, of which only the most relevant and feasible ones are addressed in the thesis. Universities require that the candidate should contribute something original to the field. Hence, the researcher must discover something hitherto unknown. The thesis will be used as a scientific report and consulted by future researchers in the laboratory, who wish to know, in detail, what has already been done.
Is the Thesis on Target?
Most universities have a stipulation of 2–5 years to conduct and report thesis work, depending on the kind of degree being pursued. As the thesis project progresses, it is advisable to conduct a quarterly progress review of the work undertaken. The review is conducted by the thesis guide (supervisor) and co-guides (co-supervisors) and the expertise of others may be solicited if required. These reviews help guides and co-guides assess the progress and address any unusual data or problem that may have been encountered during the work, and suggest remedial action or additional work that may result in protocol amendments. Therefore, as a preparation for progress reviews, it is essential to draw up definitive timelines to meet specified milestones or targets for different activities of the thesis work; for example 3 months for recruiting patients and 6 months for follow up, and it is important to adhere to them. Having a timeline provides focus on the work and incentive to meet objectives on time.
Getting Started
Writing a thesis seems a long, arduous task and one often tends to procrastinate. First and foremost, the whole research project should be a learning experience for the candidate. The process of conducting research may be just as important as the outcomes of the research. Writing and submitting the thesis is an academic requirement, which although challenging can also be a satisfying experience. Fortunately, it seems less daunting once a couple of chapters have been written. Like many tasks, thesis writing usually seems troublesome before it begins, so let us look at how one should make a start.
Prepare a Tentative Thesis Outline
First, it is advisable for candidates to review two or three well-organised and well-presented theses from their parent institution. It is also useful to compare them (as a model) with theses from some other institution(s) before starting to write the thesis. Examine the use of headings, overall style, typeface and organisation. This will provide an idea, at the beginning, of what the finished thesis will look like.
The next step is to prepare a thesis outline, several pages containing chapter headings, sub-headings, some figure titles (to indicate which results go where) and perhaps some other notes and comments. It is also helpful to make a checklist of all that you intend to include in the thesis. Assemble all the figures that are intended to be used in the thesis and put them in the order that would be useful in explaining to someone what they all meant. Once the most logical order has been found, note down the key words of the explanation. These key words provide a skeleton for much of the chapter outline. This should be discussed with the guide(s). Once this is done, the next step is to build paragraphs for each sub-heading under each section and sub-sections. It helps to start with a relatively straightforward section, which inculcates a habit of writing and provides self-confidence.
Organisation and Backup
It is helpful to start a filing system. It could be a collection of folders with chapter numbers on them. The files contain not only the results and pages of calculations but also the old notes, references, calibration curves, suppliers’ addresses, specifications, letters from colleagues, etc., which may be relevant to one chapter or another. It is also desirable to maintain a file containing the protocol, ethics committee approval letter, academic committee approval letter and other important documents.
Backup!! Computers tend to crash when they are needed the most: Create individual word files for each section of the thesis. Make backups of these files on a compact disc (CD) or external hard drive/pen drive and do so at least once a day (depending on the reliability of the computer and the age of the disk drive). Researchers can also backup these files in emails as attachments, or in an online storage account, such as one available at www.adrive.com. Make sure that a good antivirus system is installed in the computer to prevent viruses from corrupting the files or crashing the operating system of the main computer.
Make a Timetable/Schedule
It is highly recommended to sit with the guide and make up a schedule for writing the thesis listing the probable dates for review of the first and second drafts of each chapter by the guide(s). This structures time and provides focus to meet intermediate targets. Individuals may want to make the timetable as a chart with items that can be checked off as they are completed. This is particularly useful towards the end of the thesis when there are many loose ends here and there. In general, people tend to procrastinate more easily in the absence of deadlines.
Write and Rewrite
Writing should be an integral part of the research study, which starts at the familiarisation stage, continues through the research phase and becomes the major activity during the reporting phase. Good research is cyclic and iterative, not linear and final. The process of writing sets the data acquired in a new light, and when it does not, it should be revised. Whenever you sit down to write, it is very important to write something even if it is just a set of notes or a few paragraphs of text that you would never wish to show to anyone else. Most of us find it easier, however, to improve something that is already written than to produce text from nothing. So prepare a draft text (even a very rough one is acceptable) for your own purposes, avoid repetition and tidy up the text for the guide to read.
Submitting the Draft
The process of writing a thesis is like a course in scientific writing. Thus, readers should read Chapters 22–24 before attempting to write either a scientific paper or a thesis. Scientific writing is a difficult art and it takes a while to learn. Scientific writing improves with each draft. Remember to check the spelling and grammar before finalising each draft. The guide will want the thesis to be sustentative and well written, because the guide’s reputation as well as the candidate’s will be affected if the thesis is rejected. The guide wishes to read each chapter in a draft form and will return with suggestions and comments. Therefore, have a positive attitude to all the corrections, suggestions and comments from the guide, as each comment tells a way in which one can improve the thesis. The more constructive comments the guide adds to the first or second draft, the better the thesis becomes. Incorporate changes suggested by the guide and sequentially file all the draft copies containing the comments with dates so that they can be easily retrieved, if necessary.
How much Detail Should be Provided?
The readers of the thesis are likely to be people who are doing research in that area. It could be the examiner or a future research student who might be working in the same area and will be interested to find out exactly what has been done before. Therefore, provide a clearly explained, explicit thesis that will inspire others.
Writing Style
As noted previously, the most productive approach in writing the thesis is to begin by writing the most uncomplicated sections and then moving to the remaining sections. Many authors prefer to start with the ‘Materials and Methods’ section and move to other sections later.
The fonts used in the thesis must be clear and legible. Most authors use Arial or Times New Roman font style and 12 points font size with at least one and a half or double spacing. However, this is not empiric and it is better to check before starting if the university has specified a format. Good grammar and thoughtful writing makes the thesis easier to read, so it is a good idea to crystallise some thoughts before writing them down. Quote previously published work in ‘present’ tense. Published work becomes knowledge. Much of the ‘Introduction’ and much of the ‘Discussion’ should be in the present tense, because these sections often emphasise previously established knowledge. Your own work must be referred to in the ‘past’ tense (since it has not been published). The ‘Abstract’, ‘Materials and Methods’ and ‘Results’ should be in the past tense since they refer to the author’s present work. But use present tense while referring to figures, tables and statistical analyses. Readers are urged to read Chapter 23 which discusses on language and style in scientific communication.
Casual or Formal Writing?
Scientific writing has to be formal. To do this well, it is advisable to prepare a list of key words that are important to the research. It is then important to use this set of key words throughout the text. Short, simple and active sentences are often better than long ones. On the other hand, there will be instances where a complicated sentence is needed because the idea is complicated. Some use of lengthy technical sentences and words will also be necessary in a scientific thesis. Do not sacrifice accuracy for the sake of brevity. Sometimes it is easier to present information and arguments as a series of numbered points, rather than as one or more long and awkward paragraphs. A list of points is usually easier to write. However, be careful not to use this presentation format too much; the thesis must present connected, convincing arguments and discussions, and not just a list of facts and observations.
Managing Your Emotions and Health
Writing a thesis is a very challenging yet frustrating task. There is not only a need to manage the literature, the data and the drafts, but also to manage the individual’s emotions and personality traits. Often perfectionism, impatience, procrastination and need for sufficient inspiration can slowdown or halt the progress. The researcher may also feel angry, stressed, burnt-out and face a writer’s block. In such situations, it is best to take a break without feeling guilty and rejuvenate oneself by engaging in something else. Place things in perspective and achieve a balance between consistent thesis work with dedicated time and energy for life outside the thesis. Researchers should care for their personal wellbeing and include leisure interests and diversions in their schedule—‘Fit your thesis into your life and do not allow your thesis to become your life’.
Anatomy of the Thesis
The candidate should first list chapters that form the thesis. Subsequently, write bullets that make up each chapter. While doing this, keep in mind the logic of the presentation. If a plan for each chapter and section is made before starting to write, then follow-on will be clearer and easier to read. It will also be easier to write. To deliver content with the least distraction, a scientific thesis usually has a stereotyped structure (see box below) consisting of the following.
1. Title Page
2. Certificate
3. Acknowledgements
4. Table of Contents
5. Introduction
6. Review of Literature
7. Plan of Study
8. Material and Methods
9. Results
10. Discussion
11. Summary and Conclusion
12. References
13. Appendices

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