
Chapter 18


Key terms and definitions


Warm circulating air is used to remove ethylene oxide sterilant gas from packages in a special chamber.

Bowie-Dick test 

Class 2 chemical indicator used in a prevacuum sterilizer to test the efficacy of the air removal cycle.

Case cart 

System of gathering and delivering instruments and supplies to the perioperative environment. Some models include provision for the return of instruments and contaminated items to the appropriate decontamination area after the surgical or interventional procedure.

Custom packs 

Prepackaged collections of disposable supplies, drapes, sponges, and containers prepared by the manufacturer or the distributor according to specific instructions and requests by a particular service at a facility.

Flash sterilization 

A rapid method of steam sterilizing properly prepared instruments for immediate use. These instruments are not wrapped. Flash sterilization is not the preferred method of sterilization.

Gravity displacement sterilizer 

A steam sterilizer that uses steam in a downward motion to remove air from the sterilizing chamber. Air exits near front lower drain. Can be high speed or pulsing.


Devices inserted into a packed set and attached to the outside of the wrapper/container used by health care personnel to monitor sterilization exposure conditions. Biologic indicators are the best indicators that parameters are adequate to kill microorganisms. Chemical indicators are not proof of sterility, but they signify that the item was exposed to the parameters necessary for sterilization. Autoclave tape is a class 1 type indicator.


A chemical device inserted into a packed set that changes in response the time, temperature, and steam penetration to demonstrate visually that parameters necessary for sterilization have been met. An integrator mimics the conditions required of a biologic monitor.

Prevacuum sterilizer 

A faster steam sterilizer that removes air by a vacuum before filling the chamber with steam. Also known as dynamic air removal steam sterilization.

Process challenge pack 

A prepackaged unit consisting of dense materials and sterilization indicators or integrators used to test the effectiveness of the steam sterilizer.

Rigid container 

An instrument case that seals and locks. Instruments are placed in a rigid container for sterilization.


Microorganisms are at an irreducible minimum.


Processes by which all pathogenic and nonpathogenic microorganisms, including endospores, are killed. This term refers only to a process capable of destroying all forms of microbial life, including endospores. The sterilizer is a piece of equipment used to attain either physical or chemical sterilization. The agent used must be capable of killing all forms of microorganisms.

Strike through 

Moisture or other substance penetrates through a sterile drape or wrapper to an unsterile surface.

Terminal cleaning 

Thorough cleaning and disinfection of the perioperative environment at the end of use.

Terminal sterilization 

Procedures carried out for the destruction of pathogens at the end of the surgical procedure in the OR or in other areas of patient contact (e.g., postanesthesia care unit [PACU], intensive care unit [ICU], patient care unit).


Activity geared toward cleaning and preparation of the OR between cases for the next patient’s arrival.

Wet pack 

Internal aspect of the sterile package remains moist or damp after passing through all sterilization parameters. Indicates a nonsterile item.


Passage of fluids through a material by passive action. Also referred to as capillary action or strike-through.

Sterilization versus disinfection

Pathogenic microorganisms, as well as those that do not normally invade healthy tissue, are capable of causing infection if introduced mechanically into the body. Standardized procedures that are based on accepted principles and practices are necessary for the sterilization or disinfection of all supplies and equipment used for patient care in the perioperative environment. Following established protocols for instrument processing helps minimize the patient’s risk for infection of the surgical site.

A sterile item has been exposed to a sterilization process to render it free of all living microorganisms, including endospores. As long as sterility is maintained, this process renders items safe for contact with nonintact tissue and for exposure to the vascular system without transmitting infection. The sterilization process should provide assurance that an item can be expected to be free of known viable pathogenic and nonpathogenic microorganisms, including endospores. For items and materials that cannot be sterilized, disinfectants are used to kill as many microorganisms in the environment as possible. (Decontamination and disinfection are described in Chapter 17.)


Bacterial endospores are the most resistant of all living organisms because of their capacity to withstand external destructive agents. Although the physical or chemical process by which all pathogenic and nonpathogenic microorganisms (including endospores) are destroyed is not absolute, supplies and equipment are considered sterile when all parameters have been met during a sterilization process.

Reliability parameters for sterilization

Two types of parameters are considered for the reliability of sterilizing methods: product-associated parameters and process-associated parameters.

Methods of sterilization

Reliable sterilization depends on the contact of the sterilizing agent with all surfaces of the item to be sterilized. Selection of the agent used to achieve sterility depends primarily on the nature of the item to be sterilized. The time required to kill endospores in the available equipment then becomes critical. Sterilization processes are either physical or chemical, and each method has its advantages and disadvantages. The following are available sterilizing agents (sterilants):

Monitoring the sterilization cycle

To ensure that instruments and supplies are sterile when used, it is essential that the sterilization process be monitored. Care is taken to assure that testing products such as chemical and biologic indicator strips and packs have not expired before use. The accuracy of monitoring depends on the systems in place for the task.9 Appropriate care and maintenance of mechanical equipment plays a large part in accurate read-outs and documentation of processing cycles performed. The general considerations are mentioned in the following sections. Specific tests are discussed later in this chapter with each method of sterilization.

Administrative monitoring

Work practices are supervised. Written policies and procedures are strictly followed by all personnel responsible for sterilizing and handling sterile supplies. If sterility cannot be achieved or maintained, the system has failed. Policies and procedures pertain to the following:

Mechanical indicators

Sterilizers have gauges, thermometers, timers, recorders, and/or other devices that monitor their functions. Most sterilizers have automatic controls and locking devices, and some have alarm systems that are activated if the sterilizer fails to operate correctly. Records are reviewed and maintained for each cycle. Test packs or special diagnostics are run at least daily, as appropriate for the type of sterilizer, to monitor the functions of each sterilizer. Such tests can identify processing errors.

The manufacturer of the sterilizer provides a manual for the comprehensive care and maintenance of the sterilizing device. Reliable operation depends on the following:

Chemical indicators

External indicator tape, labels, or paper strips should be clearly visible on the outside of every package to differentiate between sterilized and unsterilized items. The indicator helps monitor the physical conditions within the sterilizer to alert personnel to malfunctions, human errors in packaging, or improper loading of the sterilizer.

An internal indicator/integrator may be placed inside a package in a position most likely to be difficult for the sterilant to penetrate. If a chemical reaction of the indicator does not show the expected results, the item should not be used. Indicators do not establish the sterility of an item; they indicate only that process parameters have been met.

Chemical indicators are categorized into classes according to the type of process measurement they perform.

Biologic indicators

Positive assurance that sterilization conditions have been achieved can be obtained only through a biologic control test. A biologic indicator is a preparation of living endospores that are resistant to the sterilizing agent. The preparation may be supplied in a self-contained system (e.g., dry endospore strips) or in sealed vials or ampules of endospores in suspension.

To perform the test, a biologic unit that has been exposed to the sterilant and an unprocessed biologic unit (control) from the same lot number are incubated for the same period of time. If sterilization has occurred, the processed biologic unit will not grow any microorganisms. The unprocessed biologic control unit will grow microorganisms and display a change in color. If the unprocessed biologic unit fails to grow microorganisms, its endospores have been inactivated. In such a case, the processed unit also may have been inactive before processing; thus the biologic test is rendered invalid. The entire load is considered unsterile when either the test indicator or the control is in question. Test indicators and controls should be interpreted by qualified personnel.

Each sterilization process requires biologic testing at regular intervals. Consecutive biologic monitors should be run each time the sterilizer is calibrated, repaired, or relocated. Biologic testing involves incubation according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. The bacterial endospores used for biologic monitoring and testing intervals include:

A rapid-readout biologic indicator specifically for monitoring a high-speed pressure steam sterilizer with a gravity displacement cycle is based on the fluorometric detection of a G. stearothermophilus–bound enzyme rather than on endospore growth. The enzyme becomes fluorescent yellow within 60 minutes as the endospores are killed.

Biologic indicators need to conform to the testing standards of the United States Pharmacopeia (USP). A control test is performed at least weekly in each sterilizer (Table 18-1). Many hospitals monitor on a daily basis; others test each cycle. Every load of implantable devices is monitored, and the implant should not be used until negative test results are known. All test results are filed in a permanent record for each sterilizer.

TABLE 18-1

Guidelines for the Use of Chemical and Biologic Indicators*

Purpose: To indicate items exposed to the sterilization process; to monitor one or more sterilization parameters; to detect failures in packaging, loading, or sterilizer function. Indicators do not verify sterility.
External: On all packages except if internal indicator is visible With each package; can be used inside or on outside External: Visible on every package External: Attached to each package With each package, no designation to inside or outside
Internal: In center or area least accessible to sterilant within each package   Internal: Inside each package Internal: Inside large pack  
Purpose: To document efficacy of sterilization process by killing resistant spores; to ensure that all process parameters are met; to detect nonsterilizing conditions in sterilizer.
Frequency: At least weekly, preferably daily Frequency: Once a day Frequency: At least once a week, preferable daily, and with each load of implants Frequency: At least once a week, and with each load of implants Frequency: At least weekly (daily is recommended), or with each load if sterilization activities are performed less frequently or if load contains implantable or intravascular material
Placement: Positioned in cold point in process challenge test pack, normally bottom front of sterilizer        
Ethylene Oxide        
Frequency: Every load Frequency: Every load Frequency: Every load Frequency: At least once a week, and with each load of implants Frequency: At least weekly (daily is recommended), or with each load if sterilization activities are performed less frequently or if load contains implantable or intravascular material
Placement: Inside pack in geometric center of load        


*All organizations require that indicators and integrators be used routinely.

Assembly of instrument sets

The weight of instruments and density of metal mass is distributed in the tray to allow steam penetration for sterilizing and revaporization for drying. A large tray distributes instruments so they make minimum contact with one another.

The size, design, and density of instruments are more important than their weight. The conditions necessary for steam sterilization are difficult to achieve in exceedingly heavy sets. Trays should not be overloaded. Closed container instrument sets should not weigh more than 25 pounds. Consideration is given to the personnel who must lift and move the packed sets when determining the presterilization weight. To assemble instrument sets for sterilization, the following steps should be performed:

1. Make sure the instruments are thoroughly dry. All instruments belonging to each set must have passed through terminal cleaning and terminal sterilization before they are safe to handle.

2. Unless contraindicated, place an absorbent towel or foam in the bottom of the tray to absorb condensate, as for a rigid container with vacuum valves. Include a biologic indicator or chemical integrator in the tray.

3. Count instruments as they are placed in the tray, and record the number of each type. A preprinted form is often used for this purpose. This form might be placed in the tray before wrapping and sterilization so the circulating nurse and scrub person can verify the baseline count. The form can be folded in half and placed in a paper peel pouch without a plastic coating to prevent printer toner from transferring to the instruments during processing. Concerns for toner particulate transfer to the instruments during the cycle are under study. The best choice may be to affix the tray inventory count sheet to the outside of the package.

4. Arrange the instruments in a definite pattern to protect them from damage and to facilitate their removal for counting and use. Follow the instrument book or other listing of instruments to be included.

5. Place heavy instruments, such as retractors, in the bottom of the tray.

6. Open the hinges and box locks on all hinged instruments.

7. Place ring-handled instruments on stringers or holders designed for this purpose. The curved jaws of hemostatic forceps and clamps should point in the same direction from smallest to largest. Instruments should be grouped by style and classification (e.g., six straight hemostats, six curved hemostats). Do not band with rubber bands. The metal under the band will not sterilize adequately.

8. Place sharp and delicate instruments on top of other instruments. They can be separated with an absorbent material or left in a sterilizing rack with the blades and tips suspended. The blades of scissors, other cutting edges, and delicate tips should not touch other instruments. If the instrument has a protective guard, leave it on. Tip-protecting covers or instrument-protecting plastic sleeves should be made of material that is steam-permeable and does not melt or deform with heat.

9. Place concave or cupped instruments with the cupped surfaces down so that water condensate does not collect in them during sterilization and drying.

10. Disassemble all detachable parts. Some parts, such as screws and springs, can be put in a peel pouch that is left open. Sealed pouches may not process correctly during the sterilization process.

11. Separate dissimilar metals. For example, brass knife handles and malleable retractors should be separated from stainless steel instruments. Preferably, put each metal in a separate tray, or separate metals with absorbent material.

12. Place instruments with a lumen, such as a suction tip, in as near a horizontal position as possible. These instruments should be tilted as little as possible to prevent trapped air or the pooling of water condensate.

13. Distribute weight as evenly as possible in the tray. Some trays have dividers, clips, and pins that attach to the bottom, which help prevent instruments from shifting and keep them in alignment.

14. Wrap the tray, or place it in a rigid container. Check woven textile wrappers for holes or abrasion. Sequentially double-wrap in a woven or nonwoven material, or use a double-thickness wrap in a single-fold configuration.

15. Place a chemical indicator tab or tape on the outside wrapper or container for proof that the package has been through the parameters necessary for sterilization.

16. Label the sets appropriately with their intended use (e.g., basic set), the date sterilized, and the process lot control number.

Packaging instruments and other items for sterilization

To be effective, the sterilizing agent must come into direct contact with all surfaces of every instrument. Therefore instruments must be packaged (individually or in sets) in such a way to allow adequate exposure to the sterilant, prevent air from being trapped and moisture from being retained during the sterilization process, and ensure sterile transfer to the sterile field.

The majority of surgical instruments are made of stainless steel and can be sterilized by steam under pressure. Effective steam sterilization involves the direct contact of all surfaces with steam and the revaporization of water condensate to produce a dry, sterile instrument.

Instrument packaging

For sterilizing and transporting, instruments are put in a closed container or wrapped individually. Instruments placed in open trays are wrapped as sets. Instruments may be sterilized unwrapped in a high-speed pressure sterilizer immediately before use, may be prepared in advance as for a case cart, or may be retained in sterile core storage until needed.

Packaging considerations

The packaging materials for all methods of sterilization should do the following:

• Permit penetration of the sterilizing agent to achieve sterilization of all items in the package.

• Allow the release of the sterilizing agent at the end of the exposure period and allow adequate drying or aerating.

• Withstand the physical conditions of the sterilizing process.

• Maintain integrity of the package at varying atmospheric and humidity levels. In dry climates or at high altitudes, some packaging materials are susceptible to rupture during sterilization or dry out and crack in storage.

• Provide an impermeable barrier to microorganisms, dust particles, and moisture after sterilization. Items must remain sterile from the time they are removed from the sterilizer until they are used.

• Cover items completely and easily and fasten securely with tape or a heat seal that cannot be resealed after opening. Seal integrity should be tamperproof. A margin of at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) is considered a standard for safety on all sealed packages.

Scissors should not be used to cut off the end of a package. Contents cannot be drawn out over this cut end because the contents would be contaminated by the edge of the packaging material. For the same reason, packages are never torn open below a seal.

Packages should be wrapped far enough away from sterile storage areas so that mixing sterile and nonsterile packages is not possible. Cabinets that contain nonsterile items should be labeled conspicuously. A procedure for sending items to and receiving items from the sterilizer should be set up so that sterile and nonsterile packages can never be confused en route. This procedure must be understood by everyone.

Packages may be wrapped with nonwoven or woven materials sequentially in two layers. Double-thickness wrapping in one layer without using the sequential method is also acceptable. The wrappers can be stitched around the edges or bonded/fused together. Aseptic presentation to the sterile field is the prime consideration. Each facility should determine which method and material is best suited to the clinical environment.

Items are enclosed with all corners of the wrapper folded in. Either a square or an envelope fold may be used (Figs. 18-1 and 18-2).

Packaging materials and methods

Packaging materials must be compatible with the sterilization process. The following materials may be safely used to wrap items for steam sterilization because they permit steam penetration, adequate air removal, and adequate drying.

Woven fabrics.

Reusable woven fabrics are commonly referred to as muslin or linen. When no other alternative is available, a 140-thread count, carded, 100% cotton muslin is used. Steam sterilizer cycles are based on a time-temperature profile of 140-thread count muslin. This type of fabric is not moisture resistant and is used in a double thickness. Two pieces are sewn together on the edges only, with a blind hem and without cross-stitching, so the wrapper is free of holes.

This wrapper should withstand between 50 and 75 launderings before becoming too worn to be a microbial barrier. A laundering mark-off system is helpful to monitor the number of times a wrapper has been used. The manufacturer should provide information about the number of launderings and sterilization cycles the wrapper can withstand.

Before resterilization, woven fabrics are laundered to rehydrate them. The moisture content of the woven material affects steam penetration and prevents superheating during the sterilization process. The fabric should be stored at a room temperature of 64° F to 72° F (18° C-22° C) and in a relative humidity of 35% to 70%. Before use, the woven fabric is inspected for holes and patched with vulcanized patches if necessary. Fabric may create free-floating lint in the OR.

Nonwoven fabrics.

Nonwoven fabrics are a combination of cellulose and rayon with strands of nylon randomly oriented through it, or they are a combination of other natural and synthetic fibers bonded by a method other than weaving. These fabrics have the flexibility and handling qualities of woven materials and are available in several weights. Lightweight is used in four thicknesses; medium weight is the most economical for wrapping items in two thicknesses; and heavy-duty weight is used when a single wrap is used for wrapping supplies for sterilization.

Packages are wrapped in the same manner as woven fabrics. Nonwoven fabrics provide an excellent barrier against microorganisms and moisture during storage after sterilization. They are disposable and virtually lint free. Some manufacturers provide a recycling service for nonwoven wrappers.

Peel packs or pouches.

Peel pouches and tubes made of a combination of paper on one side and clear plastic film on the other are satisfactory for wrapping single instruments, odd-shaped items, and small items. Double-sided paper pouches are commercially available. For sterile presentation, a peel-open seal may be preformed on one end. The open end is either heat sealed or closed with indicator tape after the item is inserted. All air is expressed from the package before sealing. Self-sealing pouches with adhesive flaps that do not require heat sealing also are available.

The sequential packaging of supplies in a smaller pouch into a larger pouch is not routinely necessary. However, this method may be useful for keeping multiple small items together, such as a set of bone screws. The aseptic presentation of tiny parts to the sterile field without dropping items on the floor can be accomplished with sequential packaging. The manufacturer’s instructions should be consulted if sequential peel pouches will be used.

A peel pouch should not be processed flat, but positioned on its side. The plastic side of the pouch can impede the flow of steam penetration through the package. Inclusion of plastic sided pouches within an instrument set can impair the process of steam through a tray. Obstruction of the steam flow can compromise the entire load. After processing, the peel pouch should be stored on its side to maintain integrity of the packaging.

Sealants and labeling.

Chemical indicator tape is used to seal packages such as peel pouches and wrapped items. Steam-sensitive tape resembles tan masking tape and reveals dark stripes when exposed to steam sterilizing conditions. Gas-sensitive tape is light green and reveals dark stripes after exposure to gas sterilizing conditions.

Peel pouches are usually heat-sealed or self-sealing and have an indicator area or dot that changes color in response to steam or gas exposure. They may be sealed with steam- or gas-sensitive tape. These sealants are not indicators of sterility but are a visual means by which to validate exposure to sterilant conditions.

The sealing tape on the outside of the package should be labeled with a dark marker that is resistant to moisture, bleed through, or smearing. Preprinted labels may be used instead. The date of processing and a load number should be attached to each package. These forms of identification are helpful in tracking and locating items that have been processed in batches. A recall of items may be necessary if the sterility of a particular load is in doubt.

Rigid closed containers.

A metal or plastic rigid closed container system may be used for sterilizing instruments singly or in sets. A stainless steel mesh or perforated basket lined with foam porous padding nests in the rigid container. The lid is affixed to the container base by metal snap locks. Plastic breakaway shrink bands secure the flip locks and act as chemical external indicators by changing color. The body of the container is labeled with the contents. A load-identifying label is affixed to the container before processing.

Most styles of closed containers have single-use unidirectional air filters in the lid and bottom. These filters are changed each time the container is processed. The closed container is placed into the steam sterilizer so the steam can penetrate through the bottom and lid. Some containers do not have vents in the bottom. The manufacturer of the closed container system should establish the processing temperature and time.

After the sterilization process is complete, the container is placed on a firm, dry surface adjacent to the sterile table. The circulating nurse breaks the shrink band seal by flipping open the locks and then lifts the lid toward himself or herself. The outer rigid container is not considered sterile. The scrub person carefully reaches into the container without touching it and grasps the handles of the sterile inner basket, lifting it straight up and out. The sterile basket containing the instruments can be placed on the sterile back table.

Sterile supplies are not to be opened into the rigid container, because the edges are not considered sterile. Condensate in the bottom of the nonvented closed container is considered sterile because it is not permeable to the capillary action associated with other packaging methods.

Thermal sterilization

Heat is a dependable physical agent for the destruction of all forms of microbial life, including endospores. It may be used moist or dry. The most reliable and commonly used method of sterilization is steam under pressure.

Steam under pressure (moist heat sterilization)

Heat destroys microorganisms, and this process is hastened by the addition of moisture. Steam in itself is inadequate for sterilization. Pressure that is greater than atmospheric pressure is necessary to increase the temperature of steam for the thermal destruction of microbial life. Moist heat in the form of steam under pressure causes the denaturation and coagulation of protein or the enzyme-protein system within cells.

Direct saturated steam contact is the basis of the steam sterilization process. For a specified time and at a required temperature, the steam must penetrate every fiber and reach every surface of the items to be sterilized. When steam enters the sterilizer chamber under pressure, it condenses on contact with cold items. This condensation liberates heat, simultaneously heating and wetting all items in the load and thereby providing the two requisites: moisture and heat. This sterilization process is spoken of in terms of degrees of temperature and time of exposure—not in terms of pounds of pressure. Pressure increases the boiling temperature of water but in itself has no significant effect on microorganisms or steam penetration.

Exposure time depends on the size and contents of the load and the temperature within the sterilizer. At the end of the cycle, re-evaporation of water condensate must effectively dry contents of the load to maintain sterility; the water is dried from the sterilized pack or item.

The vegetative forms of most microorganisms are killed in a few minutes at temperatures ranging from 130° F to 150° F (54° C-65° C); however, certain bacterial endospores will withstand a temperature of 240° F (115° C) for more than 3 hours. No living thing can survive direct exposure to saturated steam at 250° F (121° C) for longer than 15 minutes. As the temperature of the steam is increased, the time of exposure may be decreased. A minimum temperature-time relationship is maintained throughout all portions of the load to accomplish effective sterilization.

Special circumstances

Prions (pronounced pree-ons) such as those that cause Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) are not a living plant, animal, or virus.8 They are infectious protein material and the instruments used must be steam sterilized for a minimum of 1 hour at 270° F (132° C) after soaking in sodium hydroxide (bleach) or sodium hypochlorite at room temperature for 1 hour. This solution should be solidified and incinerated after use.

If a prevacuum sterilizer is used, the item can be safe to handle if processed for 18 minutes at 274° F (134° C) after the 1-hour exposure to sodium hydroxide. If a gravity displacement sterilizer is used the processing time increases to 1 hour. After the soaking and steam sterilizing procedures, the instruments can be processed through the routine washer-sterilizer procedure like other instruments.

Prion material becomes resistant to removal methods if left to dry. Instruments should be kept moist until they can be decontaminated and processed. Drapes and gowns should be incinerated because prions are not deactivated by laundry procedures. The use of disposable instruments and supplies is highly recommended.8

Eye instrumentation that is improperly cleaned and processed can subject the patient to toxic anterior segment syndrome (TASS). An inflammatory response in the anterior chamber of the eye causes permanent damage to intraocular tissues and predisposes the patient to secondary glaucoma.7 Eye instruments should be cleaned separately from other instruments.

Advantages of steam sterilization

• Steam sterilization is the easiest, safest, and surest method of onsite sterilization. Heat- and moisture-stable items that can be steam sterilized without damage should be processed with this method.

• Steam is the fastest method; its total time cycle is the shortest.

• Steam is the least expensive and most easily supplied agent. It is piped in from the facility’s boiler room. An automatic, electrically powered steam generator can be mounted beneath the sterilizer for emergency standby when steam pressure is low.

• Most sterilizers have automatic controls and recording devices that eliminate the human factor from the sterilization process as much as possible when operated and cared for according to the recommendations of the manufacturer.

• Steam leaves no harmful residue. Many items such as stainless steel instruments withstand repeated processing without damage.

Types of steam sterilizers

Sterilizers that are designed to use steam under pressure are often referred to as autoclaves to distinguish them from sterilizers that use other agents. Personnel charged with the responsibility of operating steam sterilizers must fully understand the principles and operation of each type. They must be aware of the problems that cause malfunction, which include attaining the sterilization temperature and maintaining it for the required period of time, trapped air, and dirty traps.

Gravity displacement sterilizer.

The metal construction of the gravity displacement sterilizer contains two shells that form a jacket and a chamber. Steam fills the jacket that surrounds the chamber. After the door is tightly closed, steam enters the chamber at the back, near the top, and is deflected upward. Air is more than twice as heavy as steam. Thus by gravity, air goes to the bottom and steam floats on top. Steam, entering under pressure and remaining above the air, displaces air downward (both in the chamber and in the wrapped items) and forces it out through a discharge outlet at the bottom front. The air passes through a filtering screen to a waste line.

A thermometer located at this outlet below the screen measures the temperature in the chamber. When steam has filled the chamber, it begins to flow past the thermometer (Fig. 18-3). The timing of the sterilizing period starts only when the thermometer reaches the desired temperature.

When air is trapped in the chamber or in wrapped items, the killing power of steam is decreased in direct proportion to the amount of air present. Because the vital discharge of air from the load always occurs in a downward direction, never sideways, all supplies are prepared and arranged to present the least possible resistance to the passage of steam downward through the load from the top of the chamber. Air and steam discharge lines are kept free of dirt, sediment, and lint.

Many gravity displacement steam sterilizers operate on a standard cycle of 250° F to 254° F (121° C-123° C) at a pressure of 15 to 18 pounds per square inch (psi). The size and contents of the chamber determine the exposure period; the minimum exposure time is 15 minutes. Exposure time may vary if a closed sterilization container system is used. Some air-powered instruments may require longer exposure periods at different temperatures. The manufacturer’s instructions included with the instrumentation should be consulted for the recommended times and settings for steam sterilization.

Prevacuum sterilizer.

In this high-vacuum sterilizer, air is almost completely evacuated from the chamber before the sterilizing steam is admitted. The desired degree of vacuum is achieved by means of a pump and a steam-injector system.

A prevacuum period of 8 to 10 minutes effectively removes the air to minimize the steam penetration time. The steam injector preconditions the load and helps eliminate air from the packages. As a result, the sterilizing steam almost instantly penetrates to the center of the packages when admitted to the chamber, because the air has been vacuum-pumped out. If the items in the load are easily penetrable and the sterilizer is functioning properly, there is no demonstrable time difference between complete steam penetration of large or small and tight or loose packages. Therefore, the maximum capacity of the sterilizer can be used.

A postvacuum cycle draws moisture from the load to shorten the drying time. The Bowie-Dick test is performed daily to ensure that the air vacuum pump is functioning properly.

Temperatures in the prevacuum sterilizer are controlled at 270° F to 276° F (132° C-135.5° C) at a pressure of 27 psi. Some prevacuum sterilizers with computer-controlled pulsing air evacuation systems reach temperatures between 275° F and 286° F (135° C-141° C). All items are exposed to a temperature of at least 270° F (132° C) for a minimum of 4 minutes. A complete cycle takes approximately 15 to 30 minutes, depending on sterilizer capacity.

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Apr 6, 2017 | Posted by in GENERAL SURGERY | Comments Off on Sterilization

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