Canberra, Aust Capital Terr, Australia
Scientific Name
Plumeria rubra L.
Plumeria acuminata W.T.Aiton, Plumeria acutifolia Poir., Plumeria acutifolia var. gasparrini A.DC., Plumeria angustifolia A.DC., Plumeria arborea Noronha, Plumeria arborescens G.Don, Plumeria aurantia Endl., Plumeria aurantia Lodd. ex G.Don, Plumeria aurantiaca Steud., Plumeria bicolor Ruiz & Pav., Plumeria blandfordiana Lodd. ex G.Don, Plumeria carinata Ruiz & Pav., Plumeria conspicua G.Don, Plumeria gouanii D.Don ex G.Don., Plumeria incarnata Mill., Plumeria incarnata var. milleri (G.Don) A.DC., Plumeria jamesonii Hook., Plumeria kerrii G.Don, Plumeria kunthiana Kostel., Plumeria lambertiana Lindl., Plumeria loranthifolia Müll.Arg., Plumeria lutea Ruiz & Pav., Plumeria macrophylla Lodd. ex G.Don, Plumeria megaphylla A.DC., Plumeria mexicana Lodd., Plumeria milleri G.Don, Plumeria mollis Kunth, Plumeria northiana Lodd. ex G.Don, Plumeria purpurea Ruiz & Pav., Plumeria rubra f. acuminata (W.T.Aiton) Woodson, Plumeria rubra f. acutifolia (Poir.) Woodson, Plumeria rubra f. lutea (Ruiz & Pav.) Woodson, Plumeria rubra f. tricolor (Ruiz & Pav.) Woodson, Plumeria rubra f. typica Woodson, nom. inval., Plumeria rubra var. acuminata (W.T.Aiton) R.S.Rao & Balamani, Plumeria tenuifolia Lodd. ex G.Don, Plumeria tricolor Ruiz & Pav.
Common/English Names
Common Frangipani, Frangipani, Graveyard Tree, Hawaiian Lei Flower, Nose Gay, Pagoda Tree, Red Frangipani, Red Jasmine, Red Jasmine Of Jamaica, Red Paucipan, Temple Flower, Temple Tree, Tree of Life, West Indian Jasmine
Vernacular Names
Aztec: Cacalloxochitl
Brazil: Jasmim-De-Caiena, Jasmim-Do-Pará, Jasmin-Do-Pará, Jasmin-Manga
Burmese: Mawk-Sam-Ka, Mawk-Sam-Pailong, Sonpabataing, Tayok-Saga, Tayoksaga-Ani
Canary Islands: Flor De Cebo
Chinese: Hong Ji Dan Hua, Ji Dan Hua, Kang Nai Xin
Chuukese: Seewurun, Seur
Cuba: Lirio Colorado
Czech: Plumérie Červená, Plumérie Ostrolistá
Danish: Mexican Frangipani, Pagodetræ
El Salvador: Flor De Mayo
French: Frangipanier
German: Frangipani, Roter Frangipani
Guatemala: Flor De La Cruz
Hawaii: Pumeli, Melia
India: Deva Ganneru (Andhra Pradesh), Frangipani, Goburchampa, Kath Champa, Kath Golap (Bengali), Dolochampo, Rhada Champo (Gujarati), Chameli, Gulachin, Gulechin, Lal Gulachin (Hindi), Chaempae (Konkani), Vellachampakam (Malayalam), Khageleihao Angouba, Khera Chapha, Pandhra Chapha, Sonchampa (Marathi), Kishirachampa (Sanskrit), Arali, Kallimandarai, Perungalli, Sampangi (Tamil), Vadaganneru (Telugu), Achin (Urdu)
Indonesia: Kamboja, Sambija, Semboja (Java), Kamoja, Samoja (Sundanese)
Italian: Fragipane, Pomelia
Khmer: Champei
Kosraen: For
Laos: Champa, Dok Champa
Malaysia: Kemboja, Bunga Kemboja, Chempaka, Cempaka muliya, Chempa Raya, Chempaka Biru, Pokok Kubur, Bunga Kubur
Mexico: Caxtaxanat, Flor De Mayo, Tenech Coahuitl
Nicaragua: Flor De Leche, Sacuanjoche
Pakistan: Champa
Palauan: Chelilai
Panama: Caracucho Colorado
Persian: Gulacin
Peru: Caracucho, Suche
Philippines: Kalachuche (Bikol), Kachuchi (Cebu Bisaya), Kalanuche, Kalonoche (Iloko), Kalachuche, Kalasusi, Kalatsutsi, Karachucha Karatuche (Tagalog)
Pohnpeian: Pwohmaria
Portugues e: Flor-De-Santo-Antônio
Puerto Rico: Alhelí
Sicily: Pomelia
Spanish: Alhelí Cimarrón, Suche
Sri Lanka: Araliya, Pansal Mal
Tahiti: Tipanier
Thailand: Champa Lao, Champa Khawm, Rantom, Lantom, Leelawadee
Venezuela: Amapola
Vietnam: Sú Cúi, Đai
Yapese: Suwur
Plumeria rubra is native to Mexico, Central America and Venezuela. From its native range, it has been distributed to all tropical areas of the world, especially Hawaii, where it flourishes abundantly.
It thrives in tropical to subtropical areas with warm temperature of 20–32 °C and evenly distributed annual rainfall of 1,000–2,000 mm. It is rather drought hardy but will lose its leaves under prolonged drought. In subtropical areas, it needs to be frequently watered in summer but sparingly so in winter. Frangipani does best in well-drained, fertile soils in full sun or partial shade.
Edible Plant Parts and Uses
The fruits and flowers are edible (Burkill 1966; Kunkel 1984; Facciola 1990; Hu 2005). The fruits are reported eaten in the West Indies. The flowers are eaten in sweetmeats and together with betel nut for ague. The flowers are dried and used for herbal teas. It is one of five floral components in the popular Chinese cooling herbal beverage ‘Five Flower Tea.’
Small, deciduous tree to 8 m high with pale greenish-brown, smooth, thin bark becoming rough with age. Branches swollen and leafy at the tips. Latex copious and milky white. Leaves alternate, glossy dark green on long stout petioles. Lamina simple, elliptic to narrowly elliptic, large, 15–30 cm by 6–8 cm, base acute, apex acute to acuminate, margin entire, glabrous, unicostate with 30–40 pairs of lateral veins (Plates 1, 2, 3 and 4). Inflorescences terminal, 2–3-branched cymes, 2–4-flowered with deciduous bracts. Flowers large and showy, sweetly fragrant, bracteolate, pedicellate, bisexual, actinomorphic, pentamerous, perigynous, 5–7 cm diameter. Calyx synsepalous, five obtuse lobes. Corolla sympetalous, salverform, tube cylindrical, five obovate lobes, contorted, overlapping to the left; lobes pink, red, yellow, or white, with a yellow base (Plates 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). Stamens 5, epipetalous alternate the lobes, inserted in corolla tube; the anthers dithecous and linear-oblong. Ovaries 2, distinct, half inferior, each ovary 1-carpelled, 1-loculed with parietal placentation, the ovules numerous in each, the style 1, the stigma single and massive. Fruit follicles linear-oblong, 11–25 × 2–3 cm. Seeds oblong, plano-convex, winged, with thin fleshy endosperm.

Plate 1
Red-flowered cultivar

Plate 2
Acute tip leaves and red-yellow flowers of a bicoloured cultivar

Plate 3
Close view of the red-yellow flowers

Plate 4
Acute-tipped leaves and flowers of white-yellow flowered cultivar

Plate 5
Close view of white-yellow flowers
Nutritive/Medicinal Properties
Flowers, leaves and bark of Plumeria rubra contain many bioactive compound with anticancerous, antiinflammatory and antimicrobial activities.
Phytochemicals from Flowers
P. rubra flowers were found to contain tannins, flavonoids, terpenoids, reducing sugars and alkaloids (Egwaikhide et al. 2009). Two iridoid diastereoisomers were isolated from the flowers of Plumeria rubra cv. acutifolia (Ye et al. 2008). A new iridoid alkaloid containing a spironolactone unit, plumericidine, was isolated from the flowers of Plumeria rubra L. cv. acutifolia (Ye et al. 2009). Two anthocyanins cyanidin 3-O-β-(2″-glucopyranosyl-O-β-galactopyranoside) (75 %) and cyanidin-3-O-β-galactopyranoside (20 %) were isolated from ornamental reddish flowers of Plumeria rubra (Byamukama et al. 2011).
Norsita et al. (2006a) reported P. rubra pink flowers to have the following main volatile constituents: lauric acid (30.8 %), myristic acid (17.4 %), palmitic acid (9.8 %), nonadecane (8.2 %), methyl stearate (5.6 %), linalool (4.8 %), docosane (2.8 %) and tricosane (2.8 %); P. rubra orange flowers to have linalool (3.3 %), α-fenchyl alcohol (2.1 %), geraniol (4.1 %), (E)-nerolidol (14.4 %), caryophyllene oxide (3.1 %), (E,E)-farnesol (4.4 %), benzyl benzoate (8.6 %), myristic acid (2.9 %). 2-phenyl benzoate (3.9 %), benzyl salicylate (20.9 %), 2,6,10,14-teyramethylheptadecane (2.8 %), neryl phenylacetate (4.1 %), palmitic acid (4.4 %) and ethyl palmitate (3.1 %); reddish-orange flowers to have n-nonadecane (3.6 %), n-heneicosane (4.1 %), tricosane (3.6 %), docosane (2.7 %), pentyl benzoate (4 %), benzyl benzoate (4 %), phenylethyl benzoate (12.3 %), benzyl salicylate (4.1 %), methyl stearate (3.4 %), phenylethyl cinnamate (2 %), lauric acid (11.8 %), myristic acid (3.9 %), palmitic acid (9.3 %) and linalool (5.3 %); P. rubra red flowers to have n-nonadecane (2 %), methyl stearate (3.3 %), lauric acid (10.6 %), myristic acid (18.9 %), palmitic acid (27.2 %), linoleic acid (20.7 %), linalool (2.1 %) and terpinene-4-ol (3.7 %). Norsita et al (2006b) also reported P. acuminata yellowish-white flowers to have the following main volatile components: benzyl salicylate (39 %), benzyl benzoate (17.2 %), (E)-nerolidol (10.6 %), neryl phenylacetate (10.5 %), linalool (8.9 %), cinnamyl cinnamate (2.9 %), geranial (2.6 %) and camphor (1.9 %) and P. acuminata yellow flowers to have palmitic acid (36.2 %), linoleic acid (16.8 %), lauric acid (10.4 %), myristic acid (10.3 %), pentacosane (8.1 %), tricosane (%.1 %) methyl stearate (4.4 %). Earlier Pino et al. (1994) reported the following main volatiles from P. rubra var. acutifolia flowers: n-butyl oleate (13.8 %), n-butyl palmitate (11.5 %), methyl palmitate (9.7 %), methyl oleate (9.3 %), linalool (8.2 %), α-terpineol (7.63 %), cinnamyl alcohol (6.3 %), n-butyl stearate (5.3 %), benzoic acid (4.3 %), trans, trans-farnesol (3.2 %) and methyl stearate (2.8 %).
The major volatile constituents of Plumeria rubra white-yellow flowers (L2) were l-linalool, benzaldehyde 22.07 %, methyl salicylate 8.1 %, nerolidol 4.65 %, trans-β-ocimene 3.28 % and geranial 3.08 % (Chitsamphandhvej 2010). The major volatile constituents of Plumeria sp. pink flowers (L1) were l-linalool 37.61 %, benzene ethanol 20.71 %, trans-geraniol 12.66 %, methyl benzoate 8.86 %, benzene acetonitrile 3.73 %, linalool oxide 3.37 % and nerolidol 0.95 %. The major volatile constituents of Plumeria rubra, Leung Angthong (L3) flowers, were trans-β-ocimene 48.73 %, benzene methanol 12.1 %, benzene ethanol 8.98 %, methyl salicylate 7.18 %, methyl benzoate 6.21 %, l-linalool 4.68 %, trans-geraniol 3.06 %, benzene acetonitrile 2.9 %, benzaldehyde 1.46 % and linalool oxide 1.03 %. The major volatile constituents of Plumeria rubra red flowers (L5) were isoamyl alcohol 17.96 %, trans-geraniol 11.86 %, benzene ethanol 8.51 %, 2-methyl-1-butanol 6.01 %, 2-methyl-2-butenal 4.47 %, benzene acetonitrile 2.34 %, methyl benzoate 1.16 % and l-linalool 1.15 %.
A total of 74 compounds were identified in the essential oil of Plumeria rubra forma acutifolia (Poir.) Woodson cv. ‘Common Yellow’ flowers (Omata et al. 1991). Linalool (14.1 %), phenylacetaldehyde (16.1 %), trans, trans-farnesol (11 %), β-phenylethyl alcohol (8.8 %), geraniol (5.4 %), α-terpineol (2.8 %), neral and geranial were found to make a major contribution to the floral scent of the flower, the last two comprised 0.9 %. A total of 67 compounds were identified in the essential oil of Plumeria rubra ‘Irma Bryan’ flowers (Omata et al. 1992). β-phenylethyl alcohol (31.6 %), phenylacetaldehyde (12.1 %) and methyl cinnamate (1 %) were found to make a major contribution to the floral spicy scent of the flower, while 2-methylbutan-1-ol (10.5 %) did not contribute to its scent. Forty-three components were identified from the flower essential oil of Plumeria rubra var. acutifolia (Li et al 2006). The main components were fatty acid such as hexadecanoic acid, dodecanoic acid and linoleic acid; other components included terpenoids such as trans-nerolidol, β-linalool and trans-geraniol. Sixteen compounds were identified from the flower essential oil of Plumeria rubra cv. acutifolia (Han 2007). The major components in essential oil were nerolidol (20.25 %) and geranyl linalool isomer (10.1 %). Other main content components were heptacosane (7.65 %), tetradecanoic acid (6.73 %), hexadecanoic acid, 2,3-dihydroxypropyl ester (2.98 %) and 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis(2-methylpropyl) ester (2.68 %). The main components of the essential oil of Plumeria rubra var. acutifolia extracted by supercritical carbon dioxide fluid extraction comprised 1, 6, 10-dodecatrien-3-ol; 3,7,11-trimethyl; benzoic acid; 2-hydroxy-, phenylmethyl ester; 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid; and bis(2-methylpropyl) ester (Xiao et al. 2011). The last components comprised 66.11 % of the total.
Seven compounds, namely, 2-methylbutan-1-ol, β-phenylethyl alcohol, nonadecane, heneicosane, benzyl salicylate, tetradecanoic acid and phenylacetaldehyde were found in the essential oil of P. rubra red flower variety; 19 compounds, namely, a-terpineol, geraniol, β-phenylethyl alcohol, nonadecane, heneicosane, trans-farnesol, benzyl benzoate, geranial, dodecanoic acid, benzyl salicylate, phenylethyl benzoate, tetradecanoic acid, tetracosane, octadecanoic acid, tricosane, docosane, eicosane and phenylacetaldehyde in the yellow flower variety; and 14 compounds in P. obtusa (Sulaiman et al. 2008). The major components found in all three species were 2-hydroxybenzoic acid phenylmethyl ester. All three also shared two alkane hydrocarbons, nonadecane and heneicosane.
Phytochemicals from Plant
Albers-Schönberg and Schmid (1961) isolated isoplumericin, β-dihydroplumericin and β-dihydroplumericin along with plumericin from Plumeria rubra var. alba. They also isolated β-dihydroplumericinic acid from the same source and also fulvoplumierine (Albers-Schönberg et al. 1962). Stearic acid was isolated from leaf and stem of P. rubra, and flavonoids quercetin, quercitrin found in the leaf, flower and stem of Plumeria rubra and Plumeria rubra var. alba (Mahran et al. 1974b).
Taraxasteryl acetate, lupeol, stigmasterol, oleanolic acid, cycloart-22-ene-3 α,25-diol and rubrinol, a new triterpene of the ursane series, were isolated from whole plants of P. rubra (Akhtar et al. 1994). The structure of rubrinol was elucidated as 3 β,30-dihydroxy-12-ursene. Two new oleanene-type triterpenes 6α-hydroxy-3-epi-oleanolic acid and 3α,27-dihydroxy-olean-12-ene were isolated from Plumeria rubra (Akhtar and Malik 1993).
Acidic proteins with molecular masses between 12.5 and 74.5 kDa predominated in laticifers of P. rubra (de Freitas et al. 2010). Strong antioxidative activity of superoxide dismutase was detected in P. rubra latices, and to a lesser extent ascorbate peroxidase and isoforms of peroxidase were observed. In laticifer cells of P. rubra, four proteinases were detected, including cysteine and serine types. A protease with molecular weight of approximately 81.85 kDa was purified from the latex of Plumeria rubra plant and given the trivial name, plumerin-R (Chanda et al. 2011). It remained active over a broad range of temperature but had optimum activity at 55 °C and pH 7.0 when casein was used as substrate. Activation of the protease by a thiol-activating agent indicated the presence of sulfhydryl as an essential group for its activity.

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