Canberra, Aust Capital Terr, Australia
Scientific Name
Acmella oleracea (L.) R.K. Jansen
Anacyclus pyrethraria (L.) Spreng., Bidens fervida Lam., Bidens fusca Lam., Cotula pyrethraria L., Isocarpha pyrethraria (L.) Cass., Pyrethrum spilanthus Medik., Spilanthes acmella auct. non (L.) Murr., Spilanthes acmella var. oleracea (L.) C.B.Clarke, Spilanthes acmella var. oleracea (L.) C.B.Clarke ex Hook.f., Spilanthes fusca hort.par. ex Lam., Spilanthes oleracea var. fusca (Lam.) DC., Spilanthes radicans Schrad. ex DC. (Illeg.)
Common/English Names
Brazil Cress, Eyeball Plant, Para Cress, Peek-A-Boo Plant, Perennial Para Cress, Spot Flower, Toothache Plant
Vernacular Names
Brazil: Abecedária, Agrião-Do-Pará, Jambu, Jambú, Jambu-Açu, Jambú Do Rio, Pimenteira (Portuguese)
Burmese: Hankala
Catalan: Creixans Del Para
Chinese: Jin Chou Kou, Liu Shen Cao, Qian Ri Ju, Yin Du Jin Niu Kou
Cuba: Cabrito
Czech: Plamatka
Danish: Parakarse
Dutch: ABC-Kruid, Braziliaanse Cresson, Huzarenknoop, Paratuinkers
Estonian: Harilik Nööpkakar
Fiji: Mbotembotekoro
Finnish: Parakrassi, Spilantes
French: Brede Mafane, Cresson De Para, Spilanthe Des Potagers, Cresson De Para, Cresson Du Brazil Cresson Du Para, Spilanthe Des Potagers
German: Husarenknopfblume, Parakresse, Prickelknöpfchen, Prickelblume
Hungarian: Abécefű, Huszárgomb, Szenyefű
India: Pirazha (Assamese), Akarkar, Pipulka (Hindi), Hemmugalu (Kannada), Leishabi (Manipuri), Acharbomdi, Akalkarra, Pipu-Labo (Marathi), Tefu Mozitang (Naga, Changki), Sarahattika (Sanskrit), Vana-Mugali (Tamil)
Indonesia: Gletang, Legetan, Sarunen, Saruni (Javanese), Jotang (Sundanese), Gatang (Sumatra)
Italian: Spilante
Japanese: Hokoso, Kibana-Oranda-Senniti, Oranda-Senniti
Korean: Parakuresu
Laos: Kh’aad
Lithuanian: Spilantė, Indienų Kresonas
Madagascar: Brède Mafana, Brèdes Mafanes (French)
Malaysia: Getang, Kerabu, Pokok Getang, Pokok Jotang
Nepal: Bhuin Timur, Lato ghans, Marati, Purpure jhar
Peru: Botoncillo, Boton De Oro, Chimaya, Cobiriqui, Contrayerba, Deflamatoria, Mata Gusanos, Somam, Yerba Del Espanto, Yuyo Quemada
Philippines: Dila-Dilag (Ifugao), Biri (Igorot), Gatang-Gatang, Pilet-Pilet (Sulu)
Portuguese: Agrião-Do-Brasil, Agrião Do Pará, Berro De Pará, Botão-De-Ouro, Botón De Oro, Cabrito, Espilanto, Hierba Del Espanto, Inambu, Jambú, Jambú Do Rio, Jambuaçu, Jamburana, Ñambu, Nhambu, Pimenteira, Pimenteira Do Pará, Remedio De Los Pobres
Reunion Islands: Brède Mafane (French)
Russian: Spilantes, Maslyanyj Kress, Brazilski Kress
Spanish: Jambu
Sri Lanka: Akmaella (Sinhala), Akkirakara (Tamil)
Swedish: Parakrasse, Tandvärksplanta
Thai: Phak Khrat, Phak Phet, Phak tumhu, Phakkhraathuahaeun, Ya tumhu
Vietnamese: Cúc Áo, Cúc Nút Áo, Núc Áo Rau, Rau Cúc Áo
The plant is native to Brazil. It has been introduced across the tropics, and in Africa, escapes from cultivation have been reported. The plant is now grown both in the tropics and subtropics including America, Northern Australia, Africa, Southeast Asia, India and Sri Lanka.
The plant occurs at low to 1,200 m altitudes. It is found in moist, damp environment, in villages, pastures, rice fields and cultivated areas, along ditches, marshy meadows, open waste places, old clearings, on open hillsides and the rocky shores of rivers, and along roadsides. It thrives best in soil rich in compost. It is frost-sensitive but perennial in warmer climates.
Edible Plant Parts and Uses
Leaves and young shoot tips are eaten raw or cooked. In the United States, the leaves are used raw as a pungent flavouring for salads (Bailey 1949) and in India as a cooked vegetable (CSIR 1976) in soups and meats (Jansen 1985). In the Indian Ocean islands (Comoros, Madagascar, Réunion, Mauritius), the main use of the leaves is as a steamed vegetable. Both fresh and cooked leaves are used in the culinary dishes of the indigenous people in Brazil particularly in the provinces of Acre, Amazonas, Pará and Ceará (Benwick 2007). For instance, in the state of Pará, paracress is often consumed with chillies and garlic. Paracress is used in a fried duck-manioc dish called ‘tucupí’. Another dish where paracress is used is ‘tacacá’, a soup thickened with manioc juice that contains dried shrimps and sometimes freshwater fish. In Java, Indonesia, the leaves and young shoots are served raw in ‘lalab’ served with other vegetables and eaten with a sambal (chilli sauce) (Ochse and Bakhuizen van den Brink 1980). The leaves of another closely related species S. paniculata (not A. oleracea) are used as cooked vegetables in Assam by the Bodo community (Patiri and Borah 2007) and in Southeast Asia (Roemantyo 1994).
The flowers are also edible (Deane 2007–2012; Benwick 2007; Wetwitayaklung et al. 2008; Toothman 2009; Burdock 2010). In Thailand, leaves and flower heads are cooked as vegetables and used in curries (Wetwitayaklung et al. 2008). The flowers are used as spice for foods and dentifrice flavouring in Japan (Burdock 2010). Consumption of portions or whole flower buds known as Buzz Buttons, Szechuan Buttons, Sansho Buttons and Electric Buttons have been reportedly used to offset the intense heat of chillies and peppers (Benwick 2007; Toothman 2009). Eating a whole flower bud results in a grassy taste, followed by an extremely strong tingling or numbing sensation and often excessive saliva production and a cooling sensation in the throat. Benwick (2007) reported that a dish of eel basted in a thick, sweet sauce with Szechuan Button flowers and roast pineapple won ‘Sushi of the Year’ honours in Britain’s annual Sushi Awards, sponsored by Eat-Japan. These buds are also used in drinks, cocktails, sorbets (Benwick 2007; Toothman 2009) and an Alaskan halibut curry dish (Toothman 2009). In India, the buds and oleoresins are used as flavouring in chewing tobacco.
An erect, or decumbent, stout, branched, annual herb, 20–80 cm high. Leaves, opposite, glabrous, simple, broadly ovate to triangular, 5–11 cm long, 4–8 cm wide, base truncate, apex acute, margin serrate (Plate 1). Inflorescence, solitary, axillary or terminal, a globose capitulum up to 2.5 cm across becoming ovoid or conical, with an obtuse or rounded apex (Plates 1 and 2), when young two-coloured with a purplish apex, afterwards uniformly yellow, on long peduncle up to 12 cm long. Involucre shallowly campanulate, involucral bracts 15–18, in 2–3 series, oblong-lanceolate, ciliate. Ray florets very often deficient or if present 3–5 minutes, female, tubular yellowish-green base and yellowish limb. Disk florets numerous up to 600, bisexual, corolla 4–5-merous, up to 3.5 mm long, yellow, occasionally with purplish-red palea in immature capitulum, ovary compressed, style bifid. Achenes flattened ellipsoid, dark brown, 2–2.5 mm long, pappus with two short bristles.

Plate 1
Flower-heads and leaves

Plate 2
Close view of flower heads
Nutritive/Medicinal Properties
Flower Phytochemicals
The structure of spilanthol, the pungent, insecticidal constituent of the flower heads was shown to be N-isobutyldeca-2, 6,8-trienamide and (Jacobson 1957; Yasuda et al. (1980) and to be identical with that of affinin obtained from roots of Heliopsis longipes (Jacobson 1957). Two sesquiterpenes, with structures identical to polygodial and eudesmanolide, were isolated from the flower heads of S. acmella together with spilanthol (Nagashima and Nakatani 1992b). Spilanthol and three pungent alkamides (2E–N-(2-methylbutyl)-2-undecene-8,10-diynamide; 2E,7Z–N-isobutyl-2,7-tridecadiene-10,12-diynamide; and 7Z–N-isobutyl-7-tridecene-10,12-diynamide) (Nakatani and Nagashima 1992) and spilanthol plus six alkylamides were isolated from the flower head (Nagashima and Nakatani 1992a). Three N-isobutyl amides spilanthol, undeca-2E,7Z,9E-trienoic acid isobutylamide and undeca-2E-en-8,10-diynoic acid isobutylamide were isolated from the dried flower buds (Ramsewak et al. 1999). Three alkamide compounds were identified from the flower head: N-isobutyl-2,6,8-decatrienamide (compound 1), undeca-2E,7Z,9E-trienoic acid isobutylamide (compound 2) and (2E)-N-(2-methylbutyl)-2-undecene-8,10-diynamide (compound 3) (Pandey et al. 2011). The amount of the compounds obtained were 338 mg (compounds 1 and 2) and 188.4 mg (compound 3), respectively. A mixture of C22–C35 normal hydrocarbons was isolated from S. acmella flower heads (Baruah and Pathak 1999).
Eight N-isobutylamides, two 2-methylbutylamides and one 2-phenylethylamide were detected, with spilanthol as most abundant N-alkylamide (88.8 %) in S. acmella ethanol flower extract (Boonen et al. 2010a). The N-alkylamides included the following: (2E,6Z,8E)-N-isobutyl-2, 6, 8-decatrienamide (spilanthol); (2E,4E,8Z, 10Z)-N-isobutyl-doceca-2,4,8-10-tetraenamide; (2E, 7Z)-N-isobutyl-2,7-tridecadiene-10,12-diyamide; (2E,4Z)-N-isobutyl-2,4-undecadiene-8,10-diynamide; (2E,6Z,8E)-N-(2-methylbutyl)-2,6,8-decatrienamide; 2(Z)-N-isobutyl-2-nonene-6,8-diynamide; N-phenylethyl-2,3-epoxy-6,8-nonadiynamide; (2E)-N-isobutyl-2-undecene-8-10-diynamide; (2E)-N-(2-methybutyl)-2-undecene-8,10-diyamide; and two unidentified alkylamides. Five N-isobutylamides, one 2-methylbutylamide and one 2-phenylethylamide were identified in the ethanol extracts of Spilanthes acmella flowers (Sharma et al. 2011). These included (2E,6Z,8E)-N-isobutyl-2,6,8-decatrienamide (spilanthol); (2E,4E,8Z,10Z)-N-isobutyl-dodeca-2,4,8,10-tetraenamide; (2E,7Z)-N-isobutyl-2,7-tridecadiene-10,12-diynamide; (2Z)-N-phenethyl-2-nonene-6,8-diynamide; (2E,4Z)-N-isobutyl-2,4-undecadiene-8,10-diynamide; (2E,7Z)-N-isobutyl-2,7-decadienamide; and (2E,6Z,8E)-N-(2-methylbutyl)-2,6,8-decatrienamide. The following alkylamides were identified from the methanol flower extract of S. acmella: spilanthol (0.07 %), (Z)-non-2-en-6,8-diynoic acid isobutylamide (0.01 %), (2E)-N-isobutylundeca-2-ene-8,10-diynamide (0.01 %) and spilanthic acid 2-methylbutylamide (0.04 %) (Mbeunkui et al. 2011). Supercritical fluid extraction using CO2 showed S. acmella flowers were richer in spilanthol than leaves and stems and presented the highest antioxidant/total phenolic ratio as well as the highest antiinflammatory activity (Dias et al. 2012). Approximately 95 % of the total amount of extracted spilanthol was obtained during the SFE(CO2) extraction step.
Twenty compounds were identified in the essential oil from S. acmella flower heads; limonene (23.6 %), β-caryophyllene (20.9 %), (Z)-β-ocimene (14.0 %), germacrene D (10.8 %) and myrcene (9.5 %) were found to be the major constituents of the oil (Baruah and Leclercq 1993).
Leaf Phytochemicals
Ethanol leaf extract of Acmella oleracea afforded a larvicidal hexane fraction (LC50 = 145.6 ppm) and a nonlarvicidal dichloromethane one (Simas et al. 2013). From the inactive fraction, three amides were identified, deca-6,9-dihydroxy-(2E,7E)-dienoic acid isobutylamide; deca-8,9-dihydroxy-(2E,6Z)-dienoic acid isobutylamide; and the known nona-2,3-dihydroxy-6,8-diynoic acid 2-phenylethylamide. From the hexane partition mixture of two acetylenic 2-phenylethylamides, nona-(2Z)-en-6,8-diynoic acid 2-phenylethylamide and deca-(2Z)-en-6,8-diynoic acid 2-phenylethlylamide were isolated. Studies by Singh and Chaturvedi (2012) showed that in-vitro tissue cultures of S. acmella could be utilized for spilanthol production, an alkylamide used in cosmetics. Significantly higher amount of spilanthol was found in in-vitro plantlet leaves (3294.36 μg/g DW) compared to those taken from field-grown mother plants (2703.66 μg/g DW).
Fourteen volatile compounds isolated from the essential leaf oil of S. acmella are as follows: germacrene-D 54.38 %, trans-β-caryophyllene 15.58 %, β-elemene 4.53 %, nor-copaanone 2.44 %, bicyclogermacrene 2.15 %, valencene 2.14 %, unidentified 1.66 %, α-humulene 1.53 %, cis–trans-α-bisabolene 1.34 %, 2-tridecanone 1.25 %, caryophyllene oxide 1.23 %, neophytadiene 1.21 %, δ-cadinene 1.09 % and β-oplopenone 1.02 % (Kawaree et al. 2008). Three alkamide compounds were identified from the flower head: N-isobutyl-2,6,8-decatrienamide (compound 1), undeca-2E,7Z,9E-trienoic acid isobutylamide (compound 2) and (2E)-N-(2-methylbutyl)-2-undecene-8,10-diynamide (compound 3) (Pandey et al. 2011). The amount of the compounds obtained were 338 mg (compounds 1 and 2) and 188.4 mg (compound 3), respectively.
Plant (Aerial Parts) Phytochemicals
β-Sitosterol, stigmasterol, fatty acid esters of α- and β-amyrin, myricyl alcohol, stigmasterol and stigmasteryl glucoside including β-sitosteryl-3-O-β-d-glucoside (Krishnaswamy et al. 1975), and stigmasterol and myricyl alcohol (Tiwari and Kakkar 1990) were isolated from S. acmella. In addition to spilanthol [= affinin, (2E,6Z,8E)-deca-2,6,8-trienoic acid isobutylamide], the corresponding 2-methyl-butylamide and two new acetylenic alkamides, namely, (Z)-non-2-en-6,8-diynoic acid isobutylamide and (Z)-dec-2-en-6,8-diynoic acid isobutylamide, were isolated from Spilanthes oleracea (Greger et al. 1985).
Fractionation of the chloroform extract of S. acmella aerial parts afforded stigmasterol, stigmasteryl-3-O-β-d-glucopyranoside together with a mixture of long-chain hydrocarbon esters (Prachayasittikul et al. 2009). Fractionation of the ethyl acetate extract gave three compounds: 3-acetylaleuritolic acid, vanillic acid and β-sitostenone. The methanol extract fractions provided four compounds: scopoletin, trans-ferulic acid, trans-isoferulic acid and a mixture of stigmasteryl-3-O-β-d-glucopyranoside and β-sitosteryl-3-O-β-d-glucopyranoside.
Besides the long known tingling compounds (2E,6Z,8E)-deca-2,6,8-trienoic acid N-isobutyl amide (spilanthol) and (2E,6Z,8E)-deca-2,6,8-trienoic acid N-(2-methylbutyl) amide, as a minor constituent, a new 2-ketol ester (7Z,9E)-2-oxo-undeca-7,9-dienyl 3-methylbut-2-enoate (acmellonate) was isolated from the plant (Ley et al. 2006). Acmellonate elicited a weak tingling and numbing effect on the tongue and contributed only to a small extend to the overall flavour of the plant. The following three alkamides were isolated from a hexane extract of the aerial parts of A. oleracea: spilanthol; (E)-N-isobutylundeca-2-en-8,10-diynamide; and (R, E)-N-(2-methylbutyl)undeca-2-en-8,10-diynamide. Spilanthol and undeca-2E-ene-8,10-diynoic acid isobutylamide were isolated from the water extract of S. acmella (Spelman et al. 2011). Spilanthol was only detected in S. acmella mother plants, flower heads and in-vitro plantlets but was not found in the callus or cell cultures (Tan et al. 2011). However, N-isobutyl-2E, 4Z, 8Z, 10E-dodecatetraenamide was absent in mother plants but could be detected in the in-vitro plantlets. The antioxidant butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and fatty acids, n-hexadecanoic acid (palmitic acid) and tetradecanoic acid, were found in each of the sample extracts, namely, mother plant, flower heads, in-vitro plantlets, callus, air-dried cells, freeze-dried cells and fresh cells.

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