Nonrespiratory Functions of the Lung

CHAPTER 25 Nonrespiratory Functions of the Lung

Although gas exchange is the primary function of the lung, the lung is also a major defense organ that protects the inside of the body from the outside world, and it is an important organ for metabolism. To cope with the inhalation of ubiquitous foreign substances, the respiratory system and, in particular, the conducting airways have developed unique structural features (e.g., the mucociliary clearance system), as well as specialized adaptive and innate immune response mechanisms. In addition, because the lung receives the total cardiac output, it is uniquely positioned to act as a metabolic regulator of venous blood before its entry into the systemic circulation. This chapter provides insight into mucociliary clearance and the immune defense systems of the lung, as well as describes the metabolic capabilities of the lung.


The periciliary fluid layer is composed of nonviscous serous fluid, which is produced via active ion transport by the pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelial cells that line the airways. Several mediators, under basal conditions and in response to inflammation, stimulate Cl secretion by airway epithelial cells. The balance between Cl secretion and Na+ absorption determines the volume and ionic composition of the periciliary fluid and maintains the depth of this fluid at about 5 to 6 μm (Fig. 25-1). When net NaCl transport into periciliary fluid is stimulated, diffusive entry of water (i.e., osmosis) into the periciliary fluid is enhanced because of the osmotic gradient that occurs transiently as a result of NaCl transport. Maintaining normal fluid depth and ionic composition in the periciliary fluid is important for rhythmic beating of the cilia and normal mucociliary clearance.

Mucus Layer

The mucus layer lies on top of the periciliary fluid layer and is composed of a complex mixture of macromolecules and electrolytes. Because the mucus layer is in direct contact with air, it entraps inhaled substances. The mucus layer is predominantly water (95% to 97%), 5 to 10 μm thick, and exists as a discontinuous blanket (i.e., islands of mucus). Mucus has low viscosity and high elastic properties and is composed of glycoproteins with groups of oligosaccharides attached to a protein backbone. Healthy individuals produce approximately 100 mL of mucus each day.

Cells That Produce Mucus

Four cell types contribute to the quantity and composition of the mucus layer: goblet cells, mucous cells, and serous cells within the submucosal tracheobronchial glands, as well as Clara cells. Goblet cells, also referred to as surface secretory cells, are present every five to six ciliated cells in the respiratory epithelium. They can be found up to the 5th tracheobronchial division and disappear beyond the 12th division. In many diseases, goblet cells appear further down the tracheobronchial tree, thus making the smaller airways more susceptible to obstruction by mucus plugging. Goblet cells secrete neutral and acidic glycoproteins rich in sialic acid in response to chemical stimuli. In the presence of infection or cigarette smoke or in patients with chronic bronchitis, goblet cells can increase in size and number, and they secrete copious amounts of mucus. Injury and infection change the properties of the mucus secreted by goblet cells by increasing its viscosity.

Submucosal tracheobronchial glands are present wherever there is cartilage in the upper regions of the conducting airways, and they secrete water, ions, and mucus into the airway lumen through a ciliated duct. The secretory cells of the submucosal gland include mucous cells located near the distal end of the duct and serous cells located at the most distal end of the duct. Although both cell types secrete mucus, their cellular morphology and mucus composition are distinctly different (Table 25-1). Mucous cells secrete acidic glycoproteins, whereas serous cells secrete neutral glycoproteins and bactericidal compounds, including lysozyme, lactoferrin, and antileukoprotease. Submucosal glands increase in number and size and can extend to the bronchioles in diseases such as chronic bronchitis (i.e., inflammation of the bronchi). This leads to increased mucus production, alterations in the chemical composition of the mucus (i.e., increased viscosity and decreased elasticity), and the formation of plugs that are manifested clinically as airway obstruction. Mucus secretion from submucosal tracheobronchial glands is under parasympathetic (cholinergic), sympathetic (adrenergic), and peptidergic (vasoactive intestinal polypeptide) neural control. Local inflammatory mediators such as histamine and arachidonic acid metabolites also stimulate mucus production.

Table 25-1 Properties of Submucosal Gland Cells

  Serous Cells Mucous Cells
Granules Small, electron dense Large, electron lucent

Hormones α- > β-Adrenergic β- > α-Adrenergic
Receptors Muscarinic Muscarinic

Clara cells, located in the epithelium of bronchioles, also contribute to the composition of mucus via secretion of a nonmucinous material containing carbohydrates and proteins. These cells play a role in bronchial regeneration after injury.

Particle Deposition and Clearance

Deposition of particles in the lung depends on particle size and density, the distance over which the particle travels, and the relative humidity of the air. In general, particles larger than 10 μm are deposited by impaction in the nasal passages and do not penetrate into the lower respiratory tract. Particles 2 to 10 μm in size are deposited in the lower respiratory tract predominantly by inertial impaction at points of turbulent flow (i.e., nasopharynx, trachea, and bronchi) and at airway bifurcations because their inertia (i.e., tendency to move in a straight direction) prevents them from changing directions rapidly. The greater the mass and velocity of a particle, the greater its inertia and likelihood of impacting on a surface directly in front of it. In more distal areas, where airflow is slower, smaller particles (0.2 to 2 μm) are deposited on the surface by sedimentation secondary to gravity. Particle size and density, as well as airway diameter, are major factors that influence deposition of particles in the airway via sedimentation. For substances with elongated shapes (i.e., asbestos, silica), another important mechanism of deposition is interception. The elongated particle’s center of gravity is compatible with the flow of air; however, when the distal tip of the particulate comes in contact with a cell or mucus layer, deposition is facilitated. Particles less than 0.2 μm are deposited by diffusion via brownian motion in the smaller airways and alveoli. The particle’s diffusion coefficient is a major influence on the deposition of small particles. Unlike the deposition of larger particles in the upper airways, particle density does not influence diffusion. Diffusion deposition is enhanced with decreased particle size. These small particles come in contact with the alveolar epithelium in the terminal respiratory units where cilia and the mucociliary transport system do not exist. Thus, small particles can be cleared only by lymphatic drainage or phagocytosis by alveolar macrophages. Macrophages migrate through the alveoli and engulf foreign or effete autologous materials in the airway lumen. Clearance of material by alveolar macrophages is usually rapid (<24 hours).

In the conducting airways, the mucociliary clearance system transports deposited particles from the terminal bronchioles to the major airways, where they are coughed up and either expectorated or swallowed. Deposited particles can be removed in a matter of minutes to hours. In the trachea and main bronchi, the rate of particle clearance is 5 to 20 μm/min, but it is slower in the bronchioles (0.5 to 1 μm/min). In general, the longer inhaled material remains in the airways, the greater the probability that the material will cause lung damage because of slow clearance. The region from the terminal bronchioles to the alveoli is devoid of ciliated cells and is considered the “Achilles heel” in what is otherwise a highly effective system. In individuals with the occupational lung disease pneumoconiosis, the “black lung” disease of coal miners, the highest concentration of coal dust particles is usually seen just beyond the terminal bronchioles. The relatively slow rate of particle clearance in this area renders the terminal respiratory unit the most common location of airway damage for all types of occupational lung disease.

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