Moraxella and Related Organisms

Moraxella and Related Organisms

General Characteristics

The organisms discussed in this chapter are either coccobacilli or short to medium-sized, gram-negative rods. This group of bacteria consists of several species within the genera Moraxella and Neisseria, other than the three frequently isolated pathogens, Moraxella catarrhalis, Neisseria. gonorrhoeae, and Neisseria meningitidis. Most of these organisms rarely cause infection and should be considered as potential contaminants. Many Moraxella spp. are considered to be normal mucosal flora with low virulence. Two of these species, N. weaverii and M. canis, are oropharyngeal flora in dogs and cats and are sometimes seen in humans as a result of a bite wound. Subinhibitory concentrations of penicillin, such as occurs in the presence of a 10-unit penicillin disk, cause the coccoid forms of these bacteria to elongate to bacilli morphology. In contrast, true cocci, such as most Neisseria spp. and Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis, with which these organisms may be confused, maintain their original cocci shape in the presence of penicillin. In addition, the organisms discussed in this chapter do not use glucose and most do not grow on MacConkey agar but will grow well on blood and chocolate agar, as well as in commercial blood culture systems. Specific morphologic and physiologic features are presented later in this chapter in the discussion of laboratory diagnosis.

Epidemiology, Spectrum of Disease, and Antimicrobial Therapy

Infections caused by Moraxella spp. and Neisseria elongata most likely result when a breakdown of the patient’s mucosal or epidermal defensive barriers allows subsequent invasion of sterile sites by an organism that is part of the patient’s normal flora (i.e., an endogenous strain; Table 28-1). The fact that these organisms rarely cause infection indicates that they have low virulence. Whenever these organisms are encountered in clinical specimens, the possibility that they are contaminants should be seriously considered. This is especially the case when the specimen source may have come in contact with a mucosal surface.

Moraxella catarrhalis is the species most commonly associated with human infections, primarily of the respiratory tract. However, because the cellular morphology of this species is more similar to that of Neisseria spp. than that of the other Moraxella spp., details of this organism’s characteristics are discussed in Chapter 40.

Data collected from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that these rare isolates may also be a cause of infection. In a study of the bacteria, Neisseria elongate subsp. nitroreducens, one fourth of the isolates received at the CDC for analysis were from cases of bacterial endocarditis. Data collected during a 16-year period found that most of these isolates were from blood, but they were also recovered from wounds, respiratory secretions, and peritoneal fluid. Individuals at risk had preexisting heart damage or had undergone dental manipulations.

The rarity with which these organisms are encountered as the cause of infection and the lack of validated in vitro susceptibility testing methods does not allow definitive treatment guidelines to be given (Table 28-2). Although many of these organisms may grow on the media and under the conditions recommended for testing other bacteria, this does not necessarily mean that interpretable and reliable results will be produced. Chapter 12 should be reviewed for preferable strategies that can be used to provide susceptibility information when validated testing methods do not exist for a clinically important bacterial isolate.

In general, β-lactam antibiotics are thought to be effective against these species. However, some evidence suggests that β-lactamase–mediated resistance may be capable of spreading among Moraxella spp.

Specimen Processing

No special considerations are required for processing of the organisms discussed in this chapter. Refer to Table 5-1 for general information on specimen processing.

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Aug 25, 2016 | Posted by in MICROBIOLOGY | Comments Off on Moraxella and Related Organisms

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