Gross Appearance The cut surface shows numerous variably sized cystic spaces admixed with solid areas. Minimal uninvolved liver tissue is present at the resection margin .
Loose Myxoid Stroma Low-power view shows numerous bile ducts in a loose, myxoid mesenchymal stroma. Note the presence of a large island of normal-appearing hepatocytes in the tumor.
Branching Bile Ducts Compressed and branching bile ducts within collagenous stroma have a ductal plate malformation-like pattern .
Stellate Stromal Cells High-power view shows scattered stellate mesenchymal cells loosely embedded in an edematous stroma. Note the presence of blood vessels .
• Benign tumor primarily occurring in young children
• Presumed developmental malformation of primitive hepatic mesenchyme
Occurs late in embryogenesis
Postnatal growth largely due to cystic degeneration
• Evidence for neoplastic nature
Balanced translocation involving same breakpoint at chromosome band 19q13.4 or 19q13.3
• Association with androgenetic-biparental mosaicism (ABM)
ABM implies diploid chromosomal complement derived entirely from father in subset of cells
ABM also predisposes to placental mesenchymal dysplasia, which has been associated with MH
• Both abnormalities are thought to lead to activation of chromosome 19 microRNA cluster in hepatic stroma
• Incidence
∼ 5% of pediatric liver tumors
• Age
Usually in 1st 2 years of life, < 5% after age of 5
Rarely seen in adults
• Sex
Male predominance in pediatric cases
Female predominance in adult cases
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