Glandular differentiation is often present; not as common as in benign mixed tumor of skin
Irregular nests, cords, and sheets of cuboidal or polygonal cells
Foci of highly atypical cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and numerous mitotic figures
• Some cases may show frankly malignant stromal cells (i.e., true carcinosarcoma)
• Infiltration of surrounding tissue, vascular invasion, and necrosis are helpful diagnostic features
• Rarely, features of associated benign mixed tumor can be seen
Top Differential Diagnoses
• Cutaneous mixed tumor
• Biphasic synovial sarcoma
MMT at Low Magnification Malignant mixed tumor (MMT) arising in a longstanding benign mixed tumor (well-circumscribed nodule on the left ) shows a large, asymmetrical, lobular, and infiltrative tumor invading from the dermis into the subcutaneous tissue.
MMT With Perineural Invasion Marked infiltrative features with deep dermal and perineural invasion is observed.
MMT at High Magnification High magnification of an epithelial area shows infiltrative cords of cells, which demonstrate marked cytologic atypia with enlarged, hyperchromatic-staining nuclei surrounding small ductal lumina .
HMWCK (CK5-CK6) Immunohistochemistry in MMT The epithelial component of the tumor is strongly highlighted by a HMWCK (CK5-CK6) stain.
• Malignant mixed tumor (MMT)
• Malignant chondroid syringoma
• Malignant apocrine mixed tumor
• Rare variant of malignant tumor derived from adnexal ductal/gland and myoepithelial cells
• Most often on extremities and trunk
• More common in women
F:M ratio ~ 2:1
• Average age at time of diagnosis is 5th decade
• Slow-growing, skin-colored tumor
• Slow protracted growth phase followed by rapid growth
• Rarely, malignant transformation from mixed tumor of skin
Most tumors begin with anaplastic changes
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