Lymphoepithelial Cysts

 Usually stratified squamous epithelium but cuboidal or transitional-like epithelium may be present

image Dense distinct band of lymphoid tissue

• Other elements variably present

• Adjacent pancreas is often unremarkable

Top Differential Diagnoses

• Cystic entities lined by squamous epithelium
image Epidermoid cyst in intrapancreatic spleen is surrounded by splenic tissue

image Dermoid cyst has dermal appendages

image Squamoid cyst is small without associated lymphoid tissue

• Lymphangioma has endothelial lining
image Aggregates of lymphoid tissue rather than thick band of lymphoid tissue

• Multilocular cyst with endothelial lining

• Pseudocyst lacks epithelial lining

Squamous Lining and Keratinaceous Debris
Abundant keratinaceous debris image is seen within this cyst locule. The cyst wall is composed of lymphoid tissue image with a thin squamous epithelial lining image .

Band-Like Lymphocytic Component
This pancreatic lymphoepithelial cyst shows the prominent band of lymphocytes image and overlying keratinizing squamous epithelium image. Lymphocytes may extend into the underlying pancreatic parenchyma.

Squamous Epithelium Overlying Lymphocytes
High-power view of this lymphoepithelial cyst shows the benign stratified squamous epithelial lining image above the prominent lymphoid stroma image .

Germinal Centers and Pancreatic Ducts
Benign pancreatic ducts image are seen within the lymphoid component in the wall of a lymphoepithelial cyst. Germinal centers may be present image .



• Nonneoplastic cyst with lymphoid and squamous epithelial components



• Not associated with conditions related to lymphoepithelial cysts of salivary gland



• Incidence
image Rare, accounting for 0.5% of pancreatic cystic lesions

• Age
image Mean: 56 years

image Range: 38-82 years

Apr 20, 2017 | Posted by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Lymphoepithelial Cysts

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